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Everything posted by carll2

  1. well im in the gouin area but with the lake beeing so good im completely at the eastern side which is a good 5 hours boat ride from you lol but still what works in the east works in the west. to be honest on opening youll realllly have to work hard for your eyes since they will have just finished spawning and the water will still be cold but they are still there dont be worried, from my expirience i would check back bays with sand (since sand always warms faster) or bays that have creeks or rivers flowing in since thats what they will use to spawn but be aware that on gouin theres certain spawning areas that are closed till the end of may(if they are closed you will see white signs on shore stating this). water temp will be anywhere from 35-50...try and find the warmest possible at that time of the year, and drift slowwwwwwwly when fishing...since the fish are still sluggish. so a little recap lol shallow sandy bays where spawn occured,5-10 feet of water,and drift slowly with leeches and you should do amazing.. if ya have any other questions feel free to ask cant wait to see the pics p:s if i can get my camera working il take a picture of my map and put potential areas maybe worth exploring and send it to you
  2. ice is still white but they barely got any snow this winter compared to us in montreal..maybe 2 feet max, its been quite warm up there for the last 2 weeks so i predict ice out should be around may 10th which is quite early for the area! if you want numerous walleye i would consider briging leeches atleast a pound or 2..you just rig it up with a jig head or jig head/plastic/leach or buy lindy rigs
  3. im on the reservoir gouin in the same area as caesars place. im a guide so i have to go up and help open the camps
  4. amazing boat mike!! my dream.. good luck for opener looks like masawipi will be your best bet...mempremagog is still looking white
  5. whatever you do dont pack the vehicule with too much stuff the cloava and parent roads can be very un forgiving..other than that youll have a blast.. i should be heading up in about 10-15 days
  6. p:s use 6-8lb mono i use stren gold color 8lb test
  7. opps i just noticed the date.. did a little research and the lake your going to isnt quite on gouin but all lakes surrounding this big reservoir are quite the same. from my expirience mid june you have to stick to where the spawned but a little deeper(5-15 feet), you want to be looking for water in the 50-58 range. if for some reason you cant find them in those water depths check shallower in sandy bays or sandy points, its happened to me last year end of june i was catching eyes in no more than 3-4 feet of water during the day in the sun. as for lures give this a try - thin fin (blue silver)(black silver) - hot and tot (same colors as above) -rapala husky jerk blue/orange -1/4 jig head (orange) -3 inch white curly tail jig plastic - lindy rigs -worm harneses - also if you really want to do good when the walleye are on a tough bite bring a pound of leeches, thats what i use almost allllll summer long for jigging and often i outfish anyone using other baits. for the leeches just hook one onto the 1/4 jig head or the lindy rig and your in buisness..if you dont have a fishfinder i suggest you get one , not to tell where the fish are ( the walleye in this area stick to the bottom so even with a fishfinder you wont see them its really a question of finding what depth your in) well hopes this helps if you have any more questions feel free to ask
  8. hahaha little gouin..gouin is almost 160 miles long with all the shoreline and islands.. i guide on gouin in the magnan and brochu sector which is the eastern section. what time of the year will you be going? 50-60 walleye days are possible when finding the right spot and the time of the season as i can see from my map he has cabins in lac du male,bay plamondon,baie mattawa and lac simard...ones you find out exactly which one your staying at i could help you out and maybe send you a pic of my map with some spots
  9. for the bruins to win theyd have to win 3 games in a row..i highly doubt that will happen with 2 of 3 next games beeing in montreal(if needed)...GO HABS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!! nah nah nah ...nah nah nah heyyyy goooodbyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  10. to have met brisebois and hung out with him hes not an amazing player but has some expirience to help the team.. this is why i love playoff hockey!!! its a whole different game, the teams that once sucked during regular season(boston( know that its thier last chance so of course thier gunna give it all they got.
  11. hey guys thanks for the ideas i already have an eagle cuda and wanted something a bit better that gives me great details. ive also seen some models that seem to have a flasher built into the side of the sonar and you can see the fish swim up for your bait..is it most fish finders that have this option? btw im looking to spend between 300-500$ mike the fishfinder is mostly for down here..before and when i get back from gouin for outings
  12. hey guys time has come to change my old eagle fishfinder... i did a search on here but didnt find too much info, basically im looking for a portable color fishfinder. i dont know much about them but i hear its good to get a dual beam so the picture of the botom is clearer? i basically fish for walleye anywhere from 3-50 feet deep and lake trout too so something that will show me all the details like baitfish hooks and all the rest, and i guess il be using the unit for winter also. oh yeah and il be looking to spend between 300-400$..thanks again folks
  13. we also have a 16 ft misty river with a 25hp yamaha tiller..goes well, me alone in the boat with some gas and i can do 28mph on gps..good motor
  14. personally i rather yamaha..where i work during the summer we have yamahas on our transport boat 2 x 115hps 4 stroke with 1800hrs on it and still running strong, we also have a 150 yam 4 stroke with 500 problem free hours, now for our smaller engines we are slowly changing to mercury since they came back with the gear engagement right on the throttle....seen a blown verado this summer had something to do with the electronics..really nice machine but im a yamaha guy
  15. excellent i pretty much have all those lures for trout over here.. il bring my planner boards that i use for bay of quinty..
  16. awesome will do..could you share with me a couple lure for lakers and salmon and the colors? and general depths they hold at...i really should buy the precision trolling book
  17. excellent..do you think on a simple gps without marine charts the border is displayed with a line?
  18. would it be possible to leave st catharines or port weller and head to the bar? so im guessing id need my american license also
  19. well guys its time for my first fishing trip of the year. il be coming down from quebec with a client i guide during the summer and his boat. ive been told by some people that the laker fishing near st catharines can be amazing so i figured id try that out, but where exactly should i look for the lakers?il be putting the boat down at port weller.. is there a map of the area i could get somewhere? also what lures and techniques work? now of the main lake gets windy id love to try the niagra river for steelhead, where could i launch? and what lures of techiniques should be used? i know i have alot of questions ...and thanks for any help of tips
  20. mike my boss a little north of quebec city has no more place to put the snow...he can touch the powerlines the snow is so high..the snowblower is basically useless..in my area we have about 4 feet of snow with drifts that can be 8 feet deep..now thats snow..my ski doo season will stretch into may then off to gouin lol
  21. if you havent done a tune up thid yeasr i would recomment having one done...sometimes a dirty or plugged up jet or needle in the carb will do it
  22. my non efi yamaha srx takes 6-7 pulls on a cold morning..its perfectly normal
  23. awesome report and amazing lakers..i cant wait for the next report...keep it up
  24. tucker never did anything good for the habs why would we want him back now? dont send him here please
  25. i use f150 and f115s 4 stroke yams and normally i change the oil every 80 hours, but then again the boat is used between 5-8hrs daily so between 80-100 hrs per oil change is good
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