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Everything posted by carll2

  1. awesome work! them crankbaits look like deep tail dancers
  2. fishmaster im not sure if this is any help to you but,, i know theres a guy in southern quebec that sells them by pound i think its 30$ a pound and hes willing to ship or maybe he knows a wholesaler, if you want i can try and get ya the number carl
  3. marc i guess you go out to st pierre or st louis? ive seen people near my place catching the accidental walleye while perch fishing and some of them still have eggs/sperm, damn late spring
  4. usually when i go fishing were 6 guys and we give each 30$ so thats 180$ annd the owner splits it with whoever served us(guide,waitress)
  5. good luck and have fun!
  6. i think that only memebers should be able to see pictures posted on this board, it works the same way on some other car and snowmobile website i frequent and works great!
  7. awesome pics, the 3rd is is to the right of the big walleyes tail
  8. probably to compete with the s.a..i.l opening here in montreal on the 3rd.4.5.6
  9. hmm hes always here pm roy and ask him, he should know...weird if i have to il go on the french fishing board i frequent and get his email take care
  10. i order from them quite often all i have to say is number 1 service, and its weird sometimes i get charged duty and other times i dont get charged ...weird..
  11. bill contact fern of this board he is local to chicoutimi and ccould give you some real good advice and maybe show you a spot or 2 good luck and let us know how it works out
  12. i know someone that has one, they have the 5.9 rt cheaper on has than the 4.7l. very good truck they never had a problem with it yet and it has 70 000kms, only thing the owner that had it befor had a problem with the 4x4 when towing very heavy loads. chrystler replaced it and it now runs good as new. any car or truck has its good and bad points.
  13. awesome report mike wow that laker was caught in some deep water, in early season plain old flatnining seem to work. i only got into one little speck this weekend. now i cant wait to see the next walleye report
  14. a fish finder will be your very good friend and great tool, also try deep diving lures. maybe using leadcore could be an option
  15. awesome pics
  16. got stung by a bee the other day and i swelled up everywhere, its sure not fun it hadnt gone down by much today so i went to the doctor and he gave me some anti-inflamitory pills to take its working a little bit gotta be carefull now that its bug season
  17. awesome pics gbay giant went down to my local spot and the perch are spawning also, i wouldnt be suprised if there were thousands of perch running side to side, il try and get down there this week and take some pictures. i guess after the eyes spawn in that river theres nothing else worth fishing for in that river all summe long?
  18. does running a dipsy take a special rod or can i just use my normal 6"6 walleye trolling rod? id like to give it a try this summer on some northere back lakes for walleye. also from dipsy/lure how many feet should i run?
  19. if you come get me up in montreal il come lol
  20. solopaddler if im not mistaken the zone where he will be fishing walleye and pike open the friday before the long weekend (18 may) and i also checked for the zone around rouyn noranda and it also opens the 18th of may
  21. yeah what mikethepike said its not unusuall to be in shorts oneday and wake up with 3 inches of snoe the next morning
  22. i guess thats a good deal. here in my area of quebec its 100$ a chord of maple/birch used to be 50$ but it goes up every year.
  23. ive seen ice sink before.. once on trout opener we arrived at a lake that was pretty well iced over solid the next morning it had dissapeared, so i think ice can sink in placess that have no current
  24. mike not to burst your bubble but i was talking with somebody that lives in magog and thats not looking any better still about 20 inches of ice but the shores are breaking up,,yess..its supposed tom warm up by the end of the week. think positive lol what about me thats supposed to leave in exactly 4 weeks?????? i may have to end up skating into the lodge
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