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Everything posted by carll2

  1. awesome pics...when you write a book il be the first to buy it!! i definately need some improoving on my walleye guiding fishing skills ...good luck
  2. while im working up north guiding probably 130 days x 7-10hrs a day from may till october ,,then maybe 10 days ice fishing ..so about 140 days a year,,,the rest of my days are spent snowmobiling
  3. we have one of those lake x in quebec too with specks and bows...awesome pics
  4. you mean they didnt call in the army this time?????lolll
  5. that had to be the worst check ive ever seen but shame on habs fans for booing him tskk tskk
  6. so whens the parade lol
  7. haha im sure he will if not id be glad to show you there..maybe an OFC gathering??
  8. wow awesome suit doug...im still waiting for the specials then il pick up the guide wear or 100mph whcih ever one is cheaper
  9. i live about a 5 min drive from the cabelas site and they are practically done cutting trees and just cleaning the land, this is going to be one crazt shopping center with a lake outside.wohoo i cant wait, atleast everybody will know where to find me
  10. thanks for all the info guys..seems like i have alot of options here..seems that i can get the shimano goretex suit aT cost price...hmm still debating shimano or 100mph suit
  11. im not sure yet but i thinkk il go with the 100mph suit...but one question when you order from bps does the order go to the ontario store or to the states? if it goes to the states il get nailed for duty and shipping thats what sucks...if thats the case il look for something around here
  12. hey zib whats the cheaper knock-off from cabelas? damn shimanos stuff is hard to find..their website has nothing
  13. wow cabelas has some nice stuff..i like the guide series but wow 250$ for just the bibs then again i payed over 800$ for my gore tex snowmobile suit and its well worth it...still shopping around...if anyone has any other suggestions or expiiriences keep em coming
  14. if you dont mind me asking where did you guys get yours?
  15. hey everyone..im starting to get ready for yet another season of guiding, which brought me to think of a new rain suit. now last season i had bought some crappy one from canadian tire and after 2 hours of beeing in intense rain id start feeling water getting in, keep in mind ican spend anywhere from 3-9 hours in the rain so i need something good....shoot away any suggestions ya have..thanks
  16. awesome ride....only about 8 weeks left till you can fish champlain for lakers
  17. il have to agree with you, personally i think quality makes a difference and usually for quality = more expensive.. as an example while guiding i run a 6 foot st croix and my client is using an ugly stick..why is it that only i feel the lightest bites? quality so we exchange rods and he too now feels the light bites..so for great performance like that i dont mind paying out
  18. i own 3 g loomis and 3 st croix and never had any trouble returning them at my local tackle shop even if it was me that stepped on em all the guy would charge me was the shipping
  19. orange round jig head with 3 inch twister white grub or orange round jig head tipped with leech always does it for me
  20. thanks for all the good words guys and gals.. i miss it so much, i should be heading up in the next 4 weeks to check up on things and do some fishing since they have a 8 week winter season.. it should tie me over until may
  21. if you dump them guts during the summer in a shallow area well less than 10 feet after a couple days if nothing eats it..starts to smell weird
  22. during the summer we built ourselves a new cottage with all the wood coming from the land. it was quite interesting and i learnt many news things, i cant wait for next year so i can have my new room lol everyman needs a garage even when your deep in the woods ahh and here was my best bud all summer long. some nights when id go fish alone hed hop into the boat with me and join in. thats about it for my summer pics. while i was there i got to meet alot of interesting people and pro fisherman like patrick campeau and president of shimano canada , i also got to be in a fishing show which im not sure when it will air but as soon as i get the video il be sure to post it up here. so i figure il try one last year at this place and since i got a job offered to guide in the nwt at plummers lodge il try that after i gain a little more expirience. well thats about it let the preperations begin for this summer and i get to work the fishing shows wohooo. carll2
  23. well as i promised you guys another part here it is! only thing that sucks is during the week my computer crashed so i lost all my construction pics except the few i had on my camera. i would have had many more pictures but around july i was docking the big 26ft boat on a windy day,when i lost my balance and into the water i went with my new camera. lucky enough i was able to borrow my bosses camera and take pics and also when i would guide clients would take pictures for me and send them to me by email. thank god for internet in remote areas all in all i had quite the summer fishing wise,from oneday to the next the fish would be on the move,4 feet of water in july then the next day they were gone and could be found in 20 fow, very weird. i still have alot to learn as there were many days where i found fishing really tough especially on cold front days with a north west wind blowing...does anyone have tricks for these kinds of days???? now for the pics, keep in mind the walleye arent huge on this reservoir like the boq. growing days are very short and water temps barely passes 55-60 all summer long. most walleyes average 1.5-3lbs, so far there is no slot size but at most outfitters on this lake and on my boat i encourage anglers to release walleyes between 17-22 inches long since these are the spawners. limits are 8 walleye per permit. again heres a pic of the reservoir gouin, for those who missed my last report i have the history there here my biggest of the season 4.5lbs which is quite nice up there,quick pic and back into the drink nice little eye nice and sunny oneday and.... tuque and winter jacket the next!!! heres a client i guided from france, her and her father have never fished in thier lives, it felt good to put them on the fish, she was scared to hold her fish double header!!! my favorite..i love the colors an augusts morning efforts.. thats about it for my summer pics. while i was there i got to meet alot of interesting people and pro fisherman like patrick campeau and president of shimano canada , i also got to be in a fishing show which im not sure when it will air but as soon as i get the video il be sure to post it up here.
  24. i really like this place...and you should see the meals the cook makes haha..anyways if ever you want to make a OFC gathering im sure theres place and yes il give you guys a few spots
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