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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. I don't know what the name of the beans are. I have to go and buy another bag so I'll let you know Cliff. I transfer my beans into a coffee can when I open the bag to keep them fresher. That would be grate if you guys carried the machines. It would be nice to save something off the nearly $1,200 pricetag on the combo. Just need to auction off my first born to pay for it!!!!!
  2. Unless you live in the North where it's common place. Even when I lived near Orangeville I would walk down my road with my gun slung over my shoulder (unloaded) while walking to my hunting grounds. In Yellowknife it is the rule rather than the exception to see someone driving through town on their quad or snowmobile toting a firearm.
  3. Cliff Not only the quality of the beans but the quality of the roast are important. I have seen too many places serve expresso made with inferior quality beans (bad roasting job) that I am very picky about my beans. I have been buying imported beans (from Italy) recently as our only local bean roaster has changed and the beans are no longer up to my standards. Can't remember the name of the beans I've been getting but I don't have a clue what the packaging says as it's all in Italian. They are packaged in a good thick foil package and make a pretty decent cup of expresso. I am looking forward to the day when I can upgrade my grinder and machine. I want a Rancilio Silva expresso machine and Rancilio Rocky grinder. I'll gladly take one at wholesale if you gots.
  4. Looks like your typical sailboater. I like the ones that run on sail in Toronto's inner harbour where they're supposed to be under power. Or the ones in Port Credit that set up their race course right off the river mouth in August!!! We used to run my buddies 36 foot Hateras out into the middle of their course and drift when they did that. Could'nt understand why they got so ticked off.
  5. And people wonder why the states is in trouble..............she's probably one of your elected officials
  6. Ok this is too funny. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTGh0EMmMC8&feature=player_embedded
  7. They still are stupidly busy. If the owner had 1/2 a brain he would open another downtown and it would be just as busy. Personally I don't go in there because I don't drink regular coffee and am staying away from all those carb filled treats in there. Might have to pick up a pack of timbits for the road when I leave for Alaska in 3 weeks though. There are always long lines at the counter and drive through but they are no slower than most of the Timmies in Ontario that I have been too. They may have stepped up their service a notch or two since you were here though. Now the McDonalds in town may as well be a sit down restaurant as they have got to be the slowest on the planet. (I don't go there much either)
  8. I would buy four of these vents and mount 2 in the flip down door and two in the top of the compartment. I would use the 5X9 inch versions to let as much air through as possible. You can just rivet them in place once you make the cut out for them.
  9. Did you remember to open the lock on the other side of the window casing? I did that once, felt like a dunce too.
  10. This is my solution to the expensive cost of good coffee. Sure the equipment was a little spendy and it took a while to get the grinding/brewing process down but now I make as good an espresso or moccha as any coffee house and it doesn't cost $5 a cup!!!
  11. Seems every takeout joint in the states has bigger drinks (hence the growing population ). Take BK for instance a small drink there is the size of a medium in Canada, a medium in the US is a Canadian large and a Yankee large drink is a 45 gallon drum with a length of 5/8" garden hose for a straw and doesn't exist in Canada.
  12. With only $175 you ain't gonna get a good hooker an ok one but not one of them high $$$$ jobs. That's why you need the good tequila!!!!
  13. For a hundred and seventy five bucks I'd rather get a cheap hooker and a nice bottle of Tequila!!!
  14. It depends. Does the tank have an externally plumbed vent? If it does then there is no issue. If it doesn't there is a problem.
  15. Yes, there should have been a small bag attached to the handle with two wing nuts in it. If you didn't get them just go back to CT and tell them.
  16. Completely different if you ask me as the lawn tractor and golf cart are powered by motors while the peddle boat is human powered. Next thing you will see is somebody charged for being drunk while riding an innertube down the credit.
  17. Just checked, looks like they left the lens cap on.
  18. Frankie and the boys were a staple at Sheridan back in those days too. Nice day for a party, isn't it? RIP Frankie V.
  19. You can leave them in parallel the charger is smart enough to know what is what when you hook the leads up. There will be one set of leads for each battery (my 3 bank charger has them marked 1,2 and 3 (pos and neg for each)).
  20. HMMMMMMM...................How about Nubian Princess? Actually, you gotta picture? Might help with the naming thing.
  21. Not expensive when it's on sale. I paid $125 for mine. While I do have it hooked to all 3 batteries in my rig it is generally only charging the 2 that run my TM. It fully charges in short order and keeps the starting battery fully topped up as a bonus, plus I can leave it plugged in all the time and not have to worry about pulling the batteries in the winter now.
  22. I also have this same charger and it works fine. On my boat I have the Nautilus 3 bank onboard charger and it also works extremely well. +2 on the new battery.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDZy6-fMCw4&safety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1
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