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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. McJesus mad the Senaturds look like a pond hockey team a couple of times. That rush through all 5 players was gold!!!! 😂
  2. Says the guy whose team has lost the last 5 straight. 😜 😜 😜 That will be 6 after tonight's game in Edmonton.
  3. On a positive note the Senaturds are down 2 -0 4 1/2 minutes into the game!!! 😜
  4. LOL, thanks for the offer. Won't be bringing any gear with me. This is about my dad as it could very well be the last time I see him. He'll be 91 in the new year. Don't know how exciting it's going to be at the old geezers home but the grey hairs may surprise me and be party animals!!!
  5. Ours don't expire until the end of March here in the NWT.
  6. Way better than wrapping your food in tinfoil and strapping it to the engine to heat up while cruising down the road EH? 😁
  7. I've got three I'm testing. I'll let you know the best one after trying them.
  8. Yeah, it was way too quiet. The fans in Toronto need to take lessons from fans in places like Nashville!!! 😕
  9. Hi Doug Probably won't make it that far East as the old boy lives in London now. Here's the oven dealy. Heats @ 350 degrees. Have used it in the past to cook up hot dogs so far. It's on sale too. https://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/auto-trends-12v-car-food-warmer-0371099p.html This is the slow cooker. https://www.amazon.ca/RoadPro-RPSL-350-Quart-Slow-Cooker/dp/B0013IR88A Haven't used it yet as I picked it up this summer. Got a good deal at $25 off a lady in town that bought it but never used it . Test recipe #2 is out of the oven.
  10. Testing out cornbread recipes I can cook in my 12 volt oven on my road trip to Ontario coming up next weekend. This is my first try. Haven't tasted it yet but it looks and smells awesome. 😁 Got a 12 volt crock pot as well. Should be able to cook up a decent meal while cruising down the road. 😎
  11. I took mine apart before I ever fired it up. I did the thermocouple hack and the wind screen hack.
  12. They harvest a crap load of ice for the Snow Kings Castle every year here. These are for windows in the castle. They fence off the hole when they are done harvesting. These are for the big ice carving contest during the winter/spring carnival.
  13. I've had to be towed in twice now. It really sucks but both times it was not the engines fault. First time was water in the fuel after the unfortunate sinking incident and the second time it was a damaged seal on the connector for my auxillary tank that I have been running off while waiting for the last of the water to evaporate out of my main tank. 😒
  14. Haven't had any issues with mine, but I don't use it ice fishing as it's not big enough. I use a sunflower heater when ice fishing. The Buddy I bought to use in my popup camper in the fall in Alaska. A lot better than the forced air one my camper came with. I also run it on a 5# or 20# tank.
  15. My neighbour at the cabin bought a new Kingfisher 2025HT with a 200 Evinrude on it this summer. Nice boat and engine. Seems to run real nice and is quiet. Kind of smells like a diesel when it's idling along.
  16. I think it was the oil injection on their V4 models back in the day.
  17. The Habs have had a couple of bad outings lately. They were doing pretty well before that after getting off to a rocky start this year.
  18. Pellet stove is good. Just need to finish the insulation so the heat doesn't leave straight through the ridge vent. 😜
  19. Flames coach got the boot today. I guess he really did use racial slurs against a player. 😒
  20. HMMMMMMMMMMMM.......................................... https://www.letsgoleafs.com/articles/trade-brewing-between-leafs-and-blues/?fbclid=IwAR2K-bQfZedXMGA2LM9gL5zQ7x3iS1DebrbcNcrIIsDKQX4x5Ug3OB8C6Ww
  21. This is why I'm still running my 29 year old Fisher!!!! Can't afford to replace it with a newer boat.
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