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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Whoda thunk? https://www.hockeyfeed.com/nhl-news/two-former-nhlers-slam-mike-babcock-over-treatment-of-his-players?fbclid=IwAR0q4fXMxv5Nvn-JzlX2vHGE9u_A3-4bXl65zrkeHZBfdm1sRFLaehkNrFc
  2. Last time I was in Ontario the cheapest ticket I found for a Thursday game was $90 for standing room, obstructed view with your back against the back wall. I passed on it.
  3. No surprise here. You could see the team was no longer playing for Bab's. https://www.hockeyfeed.com/nhl-news/report-90-of-leafs-players-wanted-babcock-fired?ref=trevor&fbclid=IwAR16Wric2WSfLgoHI5U0p6SoThY8ovmDVPKN2U3VFYFdN2Gfa1ZgsFDlObs
  4. I actually checked into cost of seats for the game yesterday just to see how much they were. Could have had a 3rd row Leafs end seat for $133 US. There were not that many seats available for the game for sale. It wasn't sold out but it was close. I find it hard to judge the crowd there due to their dark jerseys. Lots of them in the crowd but dang there were a ton of Leafs jerseys too.
  5. Dubas is going nowhere. Keefe is his boy.
  6. 8 WAYS TO PROTECT YOUR KIDS FROM THE TORONTO MAPLE LEAFS LOL 😜 A growing number of GTA parents are conflicted about how to broach the subject of the Toronto Maple Leafs with their children. The Leafs got off to their worst start in 25 years, winning just two of their first 14 games. Now, having only lost one of their last eight games in regular time, the Leafs are giving fans that slither of hope that they will so cruely rip from your grasp later in the season. Toronto's long-term exposure to what experts are calling "just real bad hockey" is taking its toll. Children who watch the Leafs regularly experience an overall drop in their happiness levels, with many exhibiting symptoms of nihilism and the "all-the-time-sad". And when parents confront their kids about their poor grades, many are met with, "I'm not failing, I'm just losing the right way," a quote they attribute to coach Mike Babcock. A recent report out of Ryerson confirmed that watching the Leafs for an hour a week had detrimental effects on a child’s overall wellbeing. The report explains, “Research has shown that when a child is shown footage of the Toronto Maple Leafs the same areas of the child's brain light up as when we showed them a dramatization of a puppy being sucked up into a propeller engine.” Child psychologist Dr. Jack Storey offers these pointers to parents: 1. Emphasize it’s not their fault Kids who turn on a Leafs game without supervision will often become confused when they see the puck fly so relentlessly into the Leafs’ net over and over and over again. They will internalize the negative feelings this conjures. It is important to hug them and calmly explain, “No sweetheart. This isn’t your fault. It’s Burke and Ferguson and Nonis and Shanahan’s fault. And Phaneuf’s a little bit, too.” 2. Help build your child's self-esteem Watching the Leafs on a regular basis can erode your child's self-confidence and even cause depression. Try to encourage them to make healthier decisions with their free time, such as reading, playing outside, or watching the Montreal Canadiens. 3. Look for “teachable moments” When the Leafs falter, take a moment to explain what went wrong and what the Leafs could’ve done to avoid the mistake. Take a moment to get down to their eye level and firmly tell them, “Phaneuf is too slow to have pinched there,” or “Jon Bernier doesn’t know who Nelson Mandela is because he’s a big dumb idiot.” 4. Monitor their social networking Tell them that punctuating their tweets with #LeafsNation or #Phaneuf4Prez is something that has the potential to negatively impact future employment opportunities or their ability to run for public office one day. 5. Talk to your child about the joys of living without the Leafs Emphasize how good she feels when she isn’t choosing Leafs players for her hockey pool. Point out to her how existentially nourished she feels when she’s not looking at the Leafs organizational depth chart. Help her to be responsible for her own well being. 6. Be specific about the science Help your kids understand what is happening in their bodies chemically when they watch the Leafs. Explain to them that their dopamine levels are directly affected by each failed power play breakout, or each time Glenn Healey says, “See, Reimer just has to make that save”. 7. Walk them through their hockey dysmorphia Being constantly inundated by bad hockey can cause hockey dysmorphia. Kids will become completely unhinged and lose their grasp of what hockey is supposed to look like. Be patient with them, but firm when explaining, “No sweetheart, these ducks couldn’t sweep the Leafs in four. They’re just eating the bread we’re feeding them.” 8. Discourage them from spending too much time in the basement Studies have shown that kids who identify as part of “Leafs Nation” are 20 times more likely to be afflicted with a vitamin D deficiency and a fear of direct sunlight. Try to keep them above ground as much as possible.
  7. Regulations also state you must not fly within 75m of people, vehicles etc.
  8. Mount a .22 gatling gun on your plane.
  9. If we traded him we would likely get a couple of good pieces in return. I think it would be worthwhile as there is interest in him from other teams.
  10. I have a DJI Spark but it has been discontinued. Works great and gets great pics and video. It's replacement is the brand new Mavic Mini which is even better and priced right @ $460 CAD. It's also under the 250gm limit so you don't need to license it. https://www.bestbuy.ca/en-ca/collection/dji-mavic-mini/262138
  11. Beauty EH!!! https://www.hockeyfeed.com/nhl-news/darcy-kuemper-goes-after-matthew-tkachuk-and-all-hell-breaks-loose-in-arizona?fbclid=IwAR0V40hF-7zsYIKwCoHQBzaxK_qkaXRtVaNqHd_B4Nmo7yrGLTLsQ9cdJSc
  12. https://www.thepostmillennial.com/the-don-cherry-jess-allen-double-standard-is-awakening-canadas-silent-majority/?fbclid=IwAR1GQfFTcG9MxlwFrA1Kt13fiO7GkBBXRuuhyF0cKjY2053aHIbsJZqXuqo
  13. We're at stage 4 (car or small pickup) already.
  14. Has happened more than once. Had a full growed moose run right past my tent one night too!!!!
  15. Maybe they were speaking Ukrainian, Polish, Hebrew, Punjab, Arabic, Chinese or any of a host of other languages.
  16. I grew up in Southern Ontario and only moved in 2006. Don't presume to know me or my beliefs. Might be time to shut this thread down before it goes further down the rabbit hole.
  17. Please show me where in his words he stated black or brown people. You can't because he never said it, you inferred it.
  18. He's talking about me as well. I'm not offended in the least and I always get me a poppy!!!
  19. No but I've heard a large grizzly bear sniffing at the side of my tent!!! 😮 That's a real sphincter tightener!!!!
  20. Fish the triangle!!! You never know what yer gonna get!!! 😁
  21. Automatic line threader/hook tier!!! I hate squinting!!!
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