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Everything posted by DRIFTER_016

  1. Yeah, was a fun game to watch. Bodies flying everywhere!!!
  2. HMMMMMMMMMMMMM................................ https://www.hockeyfeed.com/nhl-news/mike-babcock-calls-out-his-own-roster-when-asked-about-the-hit-on-auston-matthews?fbclid=IwAR3oRR44LiF9kUUjqN_v975eCxjYCXal6jDYzGNhWX5zADT5G7sJD1vw42g
  3. I've got a Simms jacket and have never worn a drier jacket than it. Yes they cost a few bucks but they are worth the $$$ IMHO.
  4. I use a homemade 12# pyramid anchor. It's like this one only it was free because I had the lead and made my own mold. FYI, you should pick up the proper anchor system from the manufacturer for raising and lowering the anchor. It makes life much easier. https://www.oregonfishing.com/Pyramid-Lead-Anchors----8lb/10lb--PLA7
  5. Look again!!! See that guy in the black and white striped jersey with the orange armband? That was the sole cause of the penalty shot!!!
  6. I just check mine as well. As long as it's not cloudy you're good.
  7. Decent game though I thought the reffing sucked. I thought there was several times the lads should have had a PP but didn't get the call. Including the neutral zone interference just before Boston's tying goal. 😡 Oh well at least we won and the boys had several good hits and stuck up for the goalie.
  8. My buddy is a Habs fan and he's already given up on them this year!!!! 😂
  9. After the 1996 tornado in Grand Valley we had a 3# smallie end up in the backyard about 20' from our pond. It did not come from our pond. It most likely came from either Luther Marsh or Damascus Reservoir to the West of us. If it had dropped a couple of seconds earlier it may have lived in the pond. 😁
  10. Unsure why some can't see it. Wierd. For me it runs right in the post. And yeah, there's some skill involved by that captain.
  11. My guess would be someone's bait bucket.
  12. Yeah, wasn't his fault. The team crapped the bed for a minute and eighteen seconds and the game was lost because of it.
  13. WOOHOO!!!! Buy that man a bowl of borscht!!!! 😁
  14. Another thing to remember is let some of the air out when it's not in the water. Heat from the sun can actually over inflate the bladder and burst it along the seam. I always carry my pump along with me. I have inflated the bladders properly on land only to have them get soft in short order due to the cold water. This happened to me once. It sucked. Aquaseal worked mint to fix the issue though. Watched a guy in Alaska have an issue with his toon once. He was pulled out on the island across from the launch when Yogi came along and had a taste of one of his pontoons. He had his pump with him and managed to make it back to the launch before deflation.
  15. Can't remember the make of my other toon but it is not a Colorado. Cheaper quality than the Colorado. I have a couple of friends in Alaska with the Colorado's and they are nice boats.
  16. This one look familiar? https://www.wholesalemarine.com/tfxtreme-control-cable-for-johnson-evinrude-omc-1979-newer/ And on Amazon: https://www.amazon.ca/Teleflex-CC20512-12-Feet-Marine-Control/dp/B0000AXTAC/ref=sr_1_2?dchild=1&keywords=CC20512&psc=1&qid=1571168813&sr=8-2
  17. Cables are most likely not generic. You will need to see an OMC dealer in order to get a replacement most likely.
  18. Yeah, I don't have that problem. Maybe a bit of algae.
  19. http://https://www.hockeyfeed.com/nhl-news/senators-set-embarrassing-new-low-in-attendance-for-game-against-blues?fbclid=IwAR38lu-fWvsLGchRmmlhLU1m-VEf3DKC1jrbj7tK3PkpUiF2mIRxdYbWxAw https://www.hockeyfeed.com/nhl-news/sens-owner-eugene-melnyk-named-the-worst-owner-in-pro-sports?ref=trevor&fbclid=IwAR2w9zOwyV0NVqyA-qFb3Egp5w3sFjsw-fKgUk15q7RS3mQ3-9mplpqKO-Y
  20. It's true!!! Actually I have 2 toons. My good one is a Fishcat Cougar with quad tubes. I have run some pretty big rivers with it and never felt unsafe even with my best friend sitting on the platform behind me.
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