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Everything posted by Terry

  1. and with no OFC....what a long day
  2. glad to hear the problem is solved started going stir crazy ..<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid25.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fc52%2FMrbeee1954%2Fofnfever.mp4">
  3. great
  4. great report
  5. well if the want it they will get it but ball lock and tongue lock, bar or uncutable cable through the wheel rims and locked had the same on my trailer that held my ATV and they just hooked in and dragged it through a fence and up onto a tilt truck and drove away , but it's better then nothing
  6. oh yeah I always start these threads but I thought I would see if anyone else would nut up yup
  7. didn't Mark Kulik win the 2010 best hand poured bait award at ICAST,,,you might want to check his baits out
  8. you get any whitefish or bass......
  9. misleading check out buying a new jeep patriot...with a tow package........... I was looking into buying...with a tow package I noticed and said it doesn't include a trailer hitch , is that right right but it's a tow package.... .yeah but we don't recommend you putting one on a patriot...... but it's a tow package...yes it has the electrical plug and an oil cooler, that's the tow package..... can I tow with that... yes... how do I hook up the trailer to the patriot .. well you need a trailer hitch but why, I added the tow package to the vehicle......it is not a tow package without a hitch..... the conversation went down hill from there.....
  10. well you will want the transducer on the trolling motor hooked up to the fishfinder at the front of the boat , and if it's compatible with the hds at the helm you can network them but my understanding is, nothing but transducer info will go to the front fishfinder from the ipilot..I didn't see any networking from the ipilot unless they have upgraded from when they first came out
  11. good luck with those tourneys is it a 1775 Impact
  12. nice boat exactly what I want to buy only a 90 on her ....I would have thought 115 but if you are doing 40 in big winds, thats all you need and it will be good on gas too
  13. good video looks like lots of good ice for a few more trios to me
  14. and when you ship it with USPS to your home..you have it legal unless it's refilled tanks you're shippin
  15. I replied in general to what you said..you didn't call me a moron...yet Propane is a great, efficient refrigerant...yup propane in a house is a lot different then propane outside..cause the tanks don't very often explode..except extreme heat. but in a house, the house and things in it make great projectiles... when propane is ignited in a confined space
  16. sorry but you are full of crap you have no idea what you are talking about.....I have taken the course..years ago...I have played with and test propane in many ways and I am telling you it is a lot harder to ignite then people think...and everything in the world is/can be dangerous. all you can do is weigh it against other things in your life...... and if you do the math you personally will kill 100 people with second hand smoke for every 1 person that I kill with propane in a tire..that's it you do the math..play the odds.. so who is the moron...... you can't smoke ...then get all high and mighty about less dangerous things..it makes you a moron
  17. see you don't have any idea what you are talking about...you are making up a problem that just isn't there it is less dangerous then the gas in your gas tank...and if it did burn it would burn for about 2.5 seconds and would do very little if any damage there would not be enough force from the ignition of the propane to cause more damage to things around the crash site.....you are not talking about a bomb.. if a tire some how went off it might singe your hair but not much more and if the tire blew it would likely not catch fire and would do no more the a tire filled equally with air....... you are inventing a problem that just isn't there and you have killed far more people with second hand smoke then everyone in canada with refilled propane has killed... oh and people are not driving around with propane tires......one time in the middle of no where I got a flat and I filled it to get to a garage to get the tire repaired.........you are trying hard to make a big deal out of something you know nothing about ...the way you are talking about nothing about it at all you are making things up that just are not true
  18. see this is the problem..people write with no knowledge or experience in what they are talking about a tire filled with propane is not a fire hazard, I know you want it to be and I am sure you are one of the people who ran around saying the world would end when they heard people would try to use microwave ovens in their homes.. but the fact is a tire filled with propane has less chance of exploding then the cars gas tank or the propane tanks being carried in the truck....you can cry the sky is falling the sky is falling but if you had looked at the links I posted you would see they could get a tank to blowup shooting it,,the used tracer bullets to try to ignite it ...no luck....... I take it you don't smoke..cause about 2000 times more dangerous then propane...but run forest run...you will get there is that a piece of the sky on the ground over there......
  19. No my argument is as stated in some of my post is when asked some years ago I was told they are/were legal to refill but may not be legal to transport within canada.....so I have been filling them with no problem believing it was legal and knowing it is safe I am not sure if they have their fact correct that it is illegal..we will see.....but my argument is/was and will be there is no proof/facts that it is unsafe and with 30 years of experience refilling them I know/feel they are safe....... "is it wise", that would be a decision each person would have to make on their own ...was that my argument?...not even once did I say that...safe...yeah I said that and stand by it your argument seems to be "I know you are but what am I"
  20. well I am sure it does but it doesn't prove anything and it's a poor argument IMO if one ford pickup has it's brakes fail, should they warn and recall all fords for brake failure......no you feel bad for the guy, but the math say there is no known problem
  21. and how many tank explosions have you seen where the tank wasn't already in an intense fire/heat.... and I say again, a refilled tanks is no more dangerous then store bought tanks...... and without heat to expand it..a 1lb tank will not explode form being filled more then 80% it just means there is no room for the liquid to turn to gas before it gets to the appliance.. in the greater scheme of things they are pretty safe but again I say..and my point was a refilled 1lb tank isn't more dangerous then a store bought tank..each person can decide for themselves how dangerous a store bought tank or any propane tank is.............. everyone should have a healthy respect for propane check out myth buster shooting tanks myth busters
  22. one case in texas doesn't really mean much now if you did a search and 50 cases popped up one might worry but that just isn't the case...could you find one in canada...LOL and as for explosive gas....try lighting a tank on fire ...... put a pin in the valve and get it releasing gas and light it.....outside please it will just burn............ about the only way they explode is if they are in a very hot fire and not releasing gas themselves they explode.. there is little danger from propane tanks or there is no more danger from 1 lb refilled tanks then there is from a brand new one..........
  23. was it strait shipping fees or was there broker fees like UPS sucks out of us each time they are the courier from the USA
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