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Everything posted by Terry

  1. note to self......make a winter trip to Lake Winnipeg........ oh and nice fish
  2. and of course it was not caused by refilling 1 lb tanks.. but lets see how many cars explode from gasoline compared to how many houses explode due to natural gas ....still one of the safest ways to heat a house.. and filling tires work and will not explode..I know lots of people who carried propane tanks for just that purpose, year ago.. ..now if you showed me a case where a propane tire exploded or for that matter even one link to a news story that claims a (refilled)1 lb tank exploded then you have an argument.....so far lots of talk no facts
  3. but that happens to as many store bought ones as refilled ones that goes for any stored in a house but that makes them no more unsafe then any other propane tan, which was my point in that.............
  4. that is what I was told by every agency I contacted about 12 years ago when I tried to find out if it was legal......
  5. there is no more risk then hooking up any propane tank to a heater/BBQ.....it's all hype.... there isn't enough pressure to cause any type of problem and propane is a fairly stable gas..just like natural gas..do you think you could run it into all those home if it wasn't there would be a gas explosion every day if it wasn't hell I got a flat tire once, dragged out the spare only to find it flat I had a couple of tanks of propane and a valve adapter so I filled the tire up with propane...worked great...... oh and I save close to 100 bucks a year on those little suckers
  6. what accidents have happened
  7. 30+ years of doing it and now they say it's bad and I think they are wrong about it being illegal ..............maybe for a commercial use but not for private uses
  8. good interview
  9. you are about to enter into the biggest financial obligation of your life not the house but the women a house you can pay off and still own it and use it once you pay the women off..it means they can't take you any more. and they move on....... just kidding
  10. Terry

    Free Dog

    looks real to me but just seems bigger every time I look at it
  11. well dead battery bad connection/cable dead solenoid dead starter
  12. my god they are breeding like rabbits I mean Congrats to you and the family
  13. funny I heard it today with him smacking Michael Ignatieff....
  14. sure Fonzie..........
  15. and you didn't call??????????...LOL:whistling:
  16. yeah, real fish have teeth........ everything else is bait.............................LOL......
  17. well my mom doesn't carry a gun but she would have turned them over her knee and gave them a good spanking
  18. IMHO, the only thing they could screw up badly would be the transducers and until you know the boat. knowing the best spot to put them is a crap shoot to some degree. I would have them install nylon boards on the transom to mount the transducers , then there are only a few holes in your boat and you can add subtract or move the transducers and what not without any problems... and you get them installed for free.... the networking wire, as long as they can be accessed they are easy to move, if are hooked up wrong...and who knows maybe they have installed lots of them and know your boat so will do it right the first time but that's just me
  19. <iframe title="YouTube video player" width="480" height="390" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Mb3iPP-tHdA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> always loved that song
  20. well the river people seem to have by far the most concern for the fishery they seem to know the need to restrict the number of fish being caught at this time and if numbers are way down I am sure they would be happy to have the rivers closed to fishing for 5 years to help get the numbers back up that would reduce their limit by two while they can reduce the lake by 3................. then everyone is doing their part just kidding so relax..........
  21. his first line was I have no problem with a 2 fish limit may people should read before replying oh wayne beat me to it
  22. I heard they ended all planed overtime
  23. you know it was meant as humor ..right
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