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Everything posted by Terry

  1. yup it should do the job but as stated before often you need to convert the video to a format that the program can handle lots of free and trial programs out there to convert them
  2. nice I will be buying the flat lens too
  3. yeah they should do a little research just a little before they go live at 5 oh I mean 6
  4. the price we pay to do a little fishing good think you didn't need to be rescued slippery rocks/thin ice..same thing isn't it...LOL
  5. you have to convert to edit with most video editing programs
  6. you can buy from the US and get it for 300 bucks but then shipping and what not 350.00 seems to be the going price futureshop bestbuy henerys if it goes on sale anywhere I wil be all over it
  7. well I would buy new for 3,100.00 and something more, taxes in for a 5 or 6 years newer boat I would buy new
  8. I will be buying the gopro 2 shortly I am waiting for the Wi-Fi BacPac and Wi-Fi Remote. to be available after seeing the great videos irishfield made with his, I had to have one I have been trying to buy one on ebay o save some money but for some reason they have been bid up to more then I can walk into a store and buy one. plus they charge for shipping..why would anyone buy one for more money..don' get it
  9. maybe you didn't read some of the guys drive by there all the time and know when it opened up and when the snow left
  10. but we had a vote 8 years ago and I won the position judge and jury is a lifetime appointment here but no pension plan or benefits
  11. wow now I am afraid to post my pike spearing trip last night week month....in a different county country yeah that's what it was, but I think I will pass on posting about it
  12. I dont know it. Looks like fun
  13. sounds like you had a good time but you really didn't take a rod? wow
  14. If you have a boat that is true. But finding shoreline where fish hang out is hard
  15. Great reports as always
  16. both lots of boats by the trees and under the bridge people along the shore line on both sides of the road
  17. The holland was crowded today at the bridge in Bradford
  18. have you guys been told today well, consider yourself told and grammar this.......
  19. know lots of guys that were out this week most in boats getting trout and whitefish, but some perch fisherman and a few guys that were out from Beaverton getting walleye on the ice, lots of ice in the right spots, for the right people I am not one of the right people
  20. yeah, I was really surprised and happy that they were so quick to reply and to get the retraction on the air
  21. in their news at 6 today, they stated the fishing season is officially over today. I sent an email correcting them that permanent ice huts have to be off simcoe today, some fish close today but you can still ice with a portable hut, can fish from shore or fish from a boat if you want, they sent me a reply\thanks we are correcting that report and sure enough they corrected it at the end of the news well my job is done..LOL they do that every year, but this is the first time that I did something about it.
  22. pot lights? lights to grow pot
  23. I think you can only have 120 ,so after a fishing trip or 2 there wouldn't be much to raise
  24. another fly-out fishing trip they do seem to be all the rage this year oh it was an air boat return trip
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