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Everything posted by Jigger

  1. Just saw this. Looks like Daplumma has you covered...
  2. Looks good, Gerritt. Smart move using the aluminum bracing. I did the same thing to my ride last year. Its expensive, sure. But you'll never have to touch it again. Keep up the good work!
  3. Thanks for that man. A job's a job, don't know why anyone would pass one up. Glad to be of service. We'll have to get out soon Rob. Cheers.
  4. going with Mepps on this one. Looks like a Snakehead at first glance. They can live out of the water and actually travel over land. That would explain the run over on the road look.
  5. Did anyone else read through this thread and find themselves getting REAL hungry? Its like I haven't eaten in a monthLOL
  6. 1 Aaron Martens 5fish 42- 0 5fish 37-13 10fish 79-13 10 Scott Campbell 5fish 33-15 5fish 25- 6 10fish 59- 5 20LBS difference between 1st and 10th, !!! Those weights are stoopid!!!
  7. Water, 2 pack of mars bars and if I'm going out all day and don't want to spend too much I'll boil some water and dunk some Juicy Jumbos in a thermos. Come lunchtime, they're good to go! I'll go fishing with jdmls and lakeshore anytime! Good eats, I'll prepare some good Sangwitches too if I have the time. Under no circumstance is banana bread or any banana-type product allowed on my boat.
  8. Have to agree with the thick wire theory. Custom baits are the way to go, generic lurres just aren't looked at as closely during manufacturing. One type of in-line I started using last year was built around a cable as opposed to a bent wire shaft. The major benefit with the cable is that you don't have to re-tune it after a fish. Just keep going, the lure operates without a hitch.
  9. I LOLed
  10. I'm sure there are people that have heard of this mystery. Turns out he may have made it after all. For those that have never heard of DB Cooper...Google his name, its a very interesting story. At least I think so. Heres the link to the parachute story... DB Coopers Parachute?
  11. Last time I was there we were pulling out big buckets. Mind you that was before they built the residences around the "lake". They stopped allowing people to fish there, the residents complained to the right people, I guess. Check it out, but be prepared to get turned away. Things change and that was 15 or so years ago, so you might just be in luck. The only way to know for sure is to see for yourself. Good Luck!
  12. Anglers Atlas
  13. I think its a good idea to keep and eye out for moon phase if only to try and predict when the bigger fish are going to be active and might just throw something a little larger during these times. Solunar phases are equally as important. I used to believe more strongly thaan I do now about barometric pressure changes, but it doesn't dictate whether I'm going fishing or not. Of all the possibilities you've given, I'd say wind speed and direction will sway my presentation over all three, with light and moon/sun phases coming in a close second. That being said, you've got to listen to the fish. FLP=S theres no better formula IMO.
  14. Have to agree with garry2rs, the one thing I might add is to check the screws on the C3s side plate before you go out or after battling a few fish. They tend to come loose after awhile.
  15. Boy what I would give to have one of those beauties on the line right now! Beauty 'ski! Man, you must be huge. I guess we'll never go fishing, I only have a 14'er... Even if it is a LUND!
  16. Bulldawgs hang up too much in the snow, Hook. It just digs too much. Maybe a Jig and creature would be best for your application. You could probably put a hook through one of those flip-flops too. If you haven't washed them since being in the Oshawa creek, they'll have plenty of scent!
  17. Solid. Nothing breeds success more than time on the water. Congrats.
  18. Plumbing apprentice looking for side work while in trade school. Been in the trade for 6yrs doing residential rough-in and service. Rough/in, fixture installations, leaks, no job too small! email: [email protected]
  19. Nice fish man! A fatty for sure. I plan on picking up a Stradic soon as well. Was it all its cracked up to be?
  20. Its going to be here before you know it guys! If you're worried about snagging your rig, set-up with a lighter line on the sinker side. Maybe 6lb test. use a 1-3oz sinker and you're golden.
  21. with the water being as cold as it is, I would use bodybaits like the Husky Jerk or X-Rap. I've only fished that area a few times, so the local guys can correct me if I'm wrong. But I stay away from blade baits(spinners/spinnerbaits) until the ice is long gone from the bays. you're better off finding potentially good spots and working them real slow. Take your time and don't give up. Good luck.
  22. Think this thing would get some walleye? More likely a Muskie/Pike bait...I know I wouldn't want to have a "Stand by Me" episode with this thing!! Worlds biggest leech
  23. 14ft Lund Laker w/30hp Mariner. Muskie, Bass, Pike. Beauty shot discophish!
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