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Everything posted by Jigger

  1. Theres guys here that know a heck of alot more about musky than me here. But during the summer, if theres been a few days of stable weather, I'd want to be on the water the day the weather breaks. Try and be on a spot maybe I'd raised a fish recently, but not been able to convert. Sometimes the weather change gets the big girls going.
  2. Great Bear/Great Slave for lakers and pike Euro pike Beyond that, I think most places in Ontario are dream destinations and every year I make a point of checking a new place out. We want to go to all these far away places.But really, Ontario has all the beauty you need. No mountains, mind you. But we have the worlds biggest Musky ! My dream for the forseeable future is to join the 50" club.
  3. Thats one heck of a pike to tie into after dark! I'll be up your way next full moon in Nov. We'll have to hook up for some lure washing!
  4. 14ft Lund Laker w/30hp Mariner. She'll be going until the ice is too thick to break.
  5. Great shots! Reminds me of some of the runs in BC. Looks like you could walk bank to bank across their backs! A thing of beauty, thanks for sharing.
  6. Reports like these get my blood pressure up. I can only imagine how you felt, Irishfield! You'll get her next time.
  7. Congratulations, Jaques! Thats a beauty!
  8. I understand the reproductive side of how a tiger is made. What I was asking was...If theres a low density, say theres 5 pike in Balsam lake to 100 musky, sure the pike MIGHT end up in the same spawning bay. But if they're scattered, they might end up in 3 or 4 different areas that are good spawning sites.Of coure, in these bays you'd see the resident musky getting busy and the pike, looking for love, would get in on the action. If this happens, wouldn't you see a greater number of tigers before the pike start going? In subsequent years, you might see more and more pike as the density gets higher and pike spawning is more successful as a result of the higher density. I'm no expert, I'm just trying to think in a linear fashion. Good conversation at any rate. Cheers.
  9. Nice looking tigers, guys! Would it be out of the question to think that Tiger Musky would show up in numbers before pike if there is a lower density of pike and higher density of musky on any given bod of water?
  10. Nice looking fish, I wish I went out too...
  11. I think Franklin felt a lot like members of Leaf Nation did last night...
  12. Got it up in Haliburton Sinker. She was a beauty, for sure.
  13. Well, it seems the gods have smiled on me and I was able to free myself of children for the day!!! Now I just have to figure out if it's going to be trout or 'skis....Either way
  14. My wife has gone for a girls weekend to some spa. I've got three kids here and two of them aren't mine. This gives me leverage for the next while, though.
  15. Finally got the pic of what I suspect is a tiger musky. Not the best, but it shows pretty distinct markings. I'll let you guys be the judge. Fish was a good size, close to 40in. Just had the spinnerbait in the side of the mouth, one hook so I released at boatside...
  16. Good thinking Irishfield. Guess that gives me something to do today.
  17. You didn't do a good enough job on the photoshop,007. All someone has to do is find that willow in the backround and line it up just right with the CN Tower. Bonanza!!! Congats on the fish! Its a real beauty.
  18. nice looking pike, man! WTG!
  19. Stubby heads on the steelies up there, eh? Real clean looking fish. Congrats, the bites tough with all the low water.
  20. Whatever your choice, don't get a high speed reel if you're looking for an all-around reel. 5.1:1 is a good middle of the road gear ratio to start with. There are also bass reels you can get with a wide spool that will help if you need extra line capacity. Reels are reels IMO, go to the counter and find one that feels nice. Until you reel-y feel you need a different outfit for each situation, most brands have a reel that would suit your needs just fine. Just something to think about...
  21. WOW 98in length x 44in girth!!! What a HUGE fish. I just looked at the schedule for the show, it'll be on again Fri. at 330 and 8pm.
  22. In-fisherman critical concepts on Wild TV Ch 389 on Bell Expressview... BIG fish!!!
  23. Check your PM snagmasteral.
  24. You ceratainly handled that incident with a cool head. Hope tose guys get what they deserve. Good on you for doing the right thing.
  25. Nice shots Aaron! Sounds like you guys covered some water looking for those smallies. Were you guys on one lake the whole weekend? Thanks for the report. BTW, what was the water temp?
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