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Everything posted by FishTracker

  1. I still have my old Garmin e-trex Legend I received back in 2005. I used to use it all the time for Geocaching, however with built-in google maps and GPS in most smartphones these days, it's no longer needed for geocaching. Now ol' blue it makes its way out only when I go camping/canoeing where there is no cell coverage. It is waterproof and quite accurate so I still love it despite it's limited use/functionality!
  2. X2. I started out with the Sheffield, had it for a couple of years, and was quite happy with the quality overall.
  3. x2. Good luck!
  4. Thanks for the offer, Ryan! Those would make for some fantastic flies (provided they're tied properly)! I'm well stocked at the moment, though! I doubt it will take long for them to be picked up.
  5. I'll always bring a lighter, which is the primary method for speed and efficiency. I also bring a flint striker to throw a spark as well. You don't have to worry about fuel or about it getting wet. To go along with those two methods, I also bring a small sealed container with a few cotton balls. Just need a small amount (< 1/10th of one) and the spark from the flint or flame from the lighter catches quickly. Some people prefer to soak the cotton in vaseline first, which keeps the flame a bit longer. Sock lint works well too! Just be sure to have lots of dry tinder to keep it going!
  6. It really depends on the leader you buy. They come in all lengths and strengths, depending on their purpose. For knotless tapered leaders you'll see things like "9ft. 4x" on the label, meaning that it's 9 feet in length going down to (ending) with a 4x tippet with perhaps a 6lb. test rating for the tippet, which should be the weakest part of the entire line.
  7. My leaders start at about 20lb on the thick end down to about 4-6lb. for the tippet. It really depends on the conditions though. More important when tying a knotted tapered leader is to pay attention to and ensure that the line diametres are decreasing for each segment as you get closer to your tippet. This will ensure better energy transfer from the fly line through to the fly. Again, a personal preference.
  8. Like everyone is saying, it totally depends on your style. When fly fishing, I personally always use a tapered leader, which varies in length (6-12ft.) depending on if I'm tossing heavier streamers (shorter leader) or the tiniest of dry flies or nymphs (longer leader for finicky fish). A tapered leader essentially helps to transfer the energy from the heavy fly line down through to the tippet and ultimately helps to turn over the fly when casting. That being said, my go-to leader/tippet length is 9ft for most occasions. I use an albright knot tied to the end of the fly line that connects a heavy piece of mono of about 3 inches. At the end of that thick mono is a perfection loop. This perfection loop is used to connect the leader (also ending in a perfection loop) using a loop to loop connection. For the leader itself, I personally use knotted leaders that step down from a heavier diameter mono, in varing lengths and diameters down to possibly a 0x, to which I tie on tippet material. I connect the segments of mono using blood knots. This takes some time to get used to but as you do it more and more, it gets faster and faster and I'd like to think it saves some cash. The small spools of varying diameter mono are quite cheap and last a long time, since you're only taking small pieces out at a time. As I change my flies and the tippet gets shorter and shorter, I simply just tie on a new piece of tippet and I'm good to go! Works for me! Hope this helps!
  9. Lol. Very nice! Signed, Bubbles
  10. Sorry for the loss, Mike. We've all had those experiences. It's what makes fishing so addictive and heart-breaking all at the same time, right? I hope you get (and land) it's grandfather next time
  11. Must have been nice to wear in your new gear with those fish, Aaron! Great fish! Good work experimenting with the seemingly endless number of bait combinations too. Glad you found something that really worked for you! How many other combinations did you try before hitting the jackpot?
  12. What a fish! That steelie must have smashed that hardware like a freight train! Great pic too! Thanks for sharing.
  13. x2. Great comments, Kemper!
  14. I recently had to deal with Islander customer support (Heather as well) and I can honestly say Islander has some of the best customer support I've ever experienced. They go above and beyond. She was very nice and worked with me to get everything taken care of very quickly, which is important - especially at this time of year! I'm glad it's all getting worked out for you as well, Ice Fisherman!
  15. Thanks for the tip! I'll check out the Sail in Burlington to see what they have.
  16. Thanks for sharing! That would mean I could have two opening day weekends in June! I'm OK with that!
  17. Great story, Mike! I think it should have travelled around with you on all your adventures, similar to the Travelocity gnome. Lol. Those would be some great shots and even better stories I'm sure! Thanks for sharing.
  18. Almost makes you think twice before reaching down to grab the intentionally caught fish...
  19. Great browns! Well done!
  20. I like the weather network. Models change and so will what each source is saying. I know it's just a probability. I've accepted that
  21. The big white lenses, with big focal lengths too! That would make a FF transition so much easier
  22. The new Canon 6D could be a good FF option! What's best is that it will likely pave the way for much cheaper FF cameras to make it into the hands of amateurs, instead of them only being reachable (and justifiable) by pros. That effect (additional models) will likely take a couple of years though. Back to the original question...I would definitely second the Panasonic TS line. I have a TS2 from a few years ago and it works great. New TS cameras offer even more functionality for a fairly decent price. Leica lens is a real bonus too! Hope that helps!
  23. Agreed! Photos and memories would better suffice.
  24. Lol. Those are all hilarious! I think my favourite is the hippo!
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