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Everything posted by FishTracker

  1. Well done! They are awesome birds! I'm sure the catch would've been tricky!
  2. Indeed it is! Again, great fish. I'll likely see you again soon!
  3. Very neat catch, indeed! What a perfect hybrid!
  4. Beautiful fish - both the pink and the brown! I've never caught a pink salmon before nor did I know they were in the Erie tribs... I grew up in the area but I guess I'm going to have to revisit the local tribs to see what else they have to offer . Again, great fish!
  5. Beautiful fish! Congrats on the PB!
  6. Definitely still in bed...at least for another hour or so...
  7. Congrats on the PB and even newer PB! I think I saw you (and a pic of the fish directly on your camera) the night you got the first PB! I bet it gave your gear (including your arms) a great workout!
  8. I'm another fan of Power Pro braid. I like the 30lb. green, which has a 8lb. mono diameter. Fantastic stuff! Regardless of what line you decide, you'll be OK. There is definitely no shortage of line types or opinions of them either! Have fun!
  9. Between Long Point and Booth's Harbor on the Lakeshore Road is a place called Aker's, which has worked well for me in the past! I think it's $10 to launch...at least a couple of years ago it was...
  10. I agree 100%. And to add a little to that: a couple years back I forgot my thermacell and was annihilated by blackflies...bites all over. The next day, I come back with the thermacell (off, to begin with) and the blackflies are ravenous once again. Turned on the thermacell and didn't get one more bite. From then on it's pretty much the first thing I pack for fishing. It works really well! I just wish it kept spiders away as well ;-)
  11. Fantastic shot, Bill! Sharpness, colour....really great! The way it's framed - using the eagle's wings - naturally force your eye to look at that sweet brookie in the claws! Great work!
  12. I personally don't think that the screen size (only if you already have a 4.3") is worth the upgrade. That being said, if you were purchasing your first unit and you have a choice between the 4.3" and 5", bigger is better. Another thing to keep in mind are the features of the unit. The lifetime traffic and map updates are a very good feature (and well worth the difference in price) as the unit is only as good as the underlying data (roads, etc.), right? You will also notice a significant difference between the manufacturers re. update frequency. I find that companies such as TomTom update their data more often than other companies. I have a TomTom unit and am very happy with it. After bringing it home from the store, I plugged it in and there were already multiple updates for it! Best of luck!
  13. I think I was there!
  14. Sorry you had to deal with that R, but it's so typical! I used the online renewal (where it confirmed my address information, etc.) this year and I [surprisingly] received the card and 3 yr license within a month!
  15. It really depends on what you are looking to fish for. There are lots of places in the Durham area...I would suggest Scugog if you want to get into some Bass...
  16. Glad you made it back safely! You say it nicely in your original post....accidents happen. But they happen way too often than they need to! Seeing what's happening above the ice is one thing but underneath the ice surface, it's a whole other story! Water currents are difficult to predict - especially their effect on the ice. This time of year it's always a gamble...with your life! Stay safe
  17. The rotation ability is definitely a nice addition. I'm currently using a kit vise without that functionality to tie all my flies. I hope to upgrade the least amount of times as possible so I'm looking for something that will suit me for many years to come. What I like about the Squire is the pedestal base (although optional on many vises), and legendary grip. The owner of a local shop told me he has had his Squire for nearing 20 years and still loves it! It just seems hard to justify the price for a piece of steel
  18. I'm looking to upgrade my fly tying vise and was considering the Dyna-King Squire. I've read some good reviews. Is anyone using it? If not, any other suggestions? Keep in mind the cost:value ratio. Thanks!
  19. If you go a little further West, try Grindstone Angling in Waterdown (24 Mill Street North). The website is a little out of date (www.grindstoneangling.com) but the staff are very knowledgeable and they carry a lot of really good quality gear at a good price. It's worth the drive even to go in and talk to the staff!
  20. Big Canon fan - using an old Rebel XT dSLR - be sure to invest in some quality lenses though. For P & S, currently using a Panasonic TS2 - waterproof (for those nice underwater shots - and HD video), freezeproof, and shockproof (lots of rocks along the river) - a great camera when it comes to durability. Low light (noise reduction) is not the greatest and would suggest a Canon product like the D10.
  21. Nice fish man! I should have talked pinning tips with you while we were in the fish ladder together on Sunday ;-). I'm still waiting for my first steel on the pin!
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