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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. I remember you had mentioned your condition, just not how long you had been dealing with it. You have my whole hearted sympathy. Amazing how our visions of retirement can be drastically altered by circumstance
  2. Sadly, one can linger for decades with MS. Do good for months in remission, and then get slammed down hard again. Been watching friends of ours struggle through it for 15 and 30 years
  3. I fish shoreline where a long rod will only get broken. 5' ultralite with 4lb mono
  4. There goes another piece of my childhood. Always wanted to be a member of the mouseketeers, but in the 60's membership in the Mickey Mouse club was only available in the USA.
  5. Almost all blacks. There is a white in the sink pic. Yes that is a white perch. We often find a few in the 10-12" range.
  6. I'm still waiting for the Leafs to play a consistent 3 periods of hockey, else they can't last long in the playoffs. Reimer can only do so much.
  7. Generally, you don't see them north of the Great Lakes watershed, and a couple of pockets on the Ottawa R.
  8. I hope you got deep pockets lol
  9. Team #4 on top again!! WooHoooo

  10. Despite the high winds we still had an OK day. Spot #1 is slowing down now as the bullheads and gills start moving in, but other spots are just starting to warm up. The boys' collection for a feed tonight This young girl insists in calling me Santa. Could be..... She has this one goose trained. It follows her around every time she visits the hole. http://i1161.photobucket.com/albums/q515/uglifinn/DSCN3972_zps52a4cd73.jpg
  11. ALthough you folks to the north are still waiting for ice out, we've had 3 weeks of good crappie fishing, with the best yet to come. Those who expect 100 fish per hour, aren't usually willing to put in the time, and leave frustrated. The son and I on the other hand.... A lot of success is coming on a new line of jigs we started producing, and experimenting with, this spring. The son even started making his own floats. Gotta admit I'm having way too much fun.
  12. Just got the van back from a recall, now I'm towing it back. GRRRRRRR

    1. JamesG


      what van, what recall?


    2. bigugli


      Freestar for a torque convertor

  13. We did even better with the 65cent dollar. Some industries have declined by over 2/3's
  14. My Mrs can't understand why I'm roaring with laughter
  15. I like leaving the layers of scale and slime on the handle. Rod sticks to the hand better, and it gives it character. I've already respooled 2 ultralites and they are getting a workout.
  16. I discontnued WFN over a year back. Kept falling asleep in the middle of shows. No appeal to me at all any more. My toe jam and ear wax collection is more interesting.
  17. Played goal before masks were mandatory. Used to think Plante was a pussy for wearing a mask. Got me a concussion and a few stitches for my efforts. Butt end of a stick in the teeth. You shook it off and were back on the ice next week, albeit the parents made sure I had a mask after those mishaps. A broken jaw is going to take more than a week to get over, even if it wasn't wired
  18. When the turtles come out en masse to suntan themselves. Must have been 60 or more perched on a few logs. Mostly painteds and maps.
  19. Golden shiner and spottails by the thousand running in Niagara creeks.
  20. Got another free day without clinics, appts and errands. Straight out the door first thing to hit a fishin hole. All sorts of pannies getting active. Even a carp paid me a surprise visit. Silly me, forgot to take a pic with all the excitement of landing the thing on an ultralite. A nice mix of crappie. White and Black and enough for a feed when the kids come home tomorrow.
  21. I don't know Cliff?. Some people just don't know how to put down the shovel and stop digging. I do know you enjoy everything you turn your hand to
  22. Twocoda, if you have the opportunity to try your hand at it, don't let it slip by. I experienced the sugar bush as a kid, and was ever so glad to take the time to make that experience possible for my kids and many of their friends for a few years.
  23. Galvanized have been fine for decades, but the bureaucrats are pushing for stainless only in food processing
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