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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. The Severn Sound area is a real hazard to lower end units. More so with the low water levels.
  2. Time is now at mouths of tribs, or even upstream.
  3. Looks great. You did a lot better than me this long weekend.
  4. Level "and " shaded might be tough. The Rec canal in Welland has handicap access platforms in various parts of town. Niagara R in Ft Erie by the train trestle has a good level area for perchin. East and west piers at Pt Dalhousie provide good access.
  5. Brings me back to Muskoka summers, hanging out at the Kee, The Bear/ lateTerry Steele and his antics up on 6 Mile and Friday nights at the Bayview or Algoon. Our fave roadtrip tape??? Jethro Tulls greatest hits part 1
  6. Heard the radio announcer freaking out when it happened. Noticed nada in West Niagara.
  7. I'm liking oldphart's choice of wallpaper. The loyalist friends I'll ever know.
  8. We have a winner. They were schooled up as 10-13" fish. Largest weighing just over a lb.
  9. Looks like you have yourselves a piece of paradise
  10. When opportunity knocks...... and the fish were calling my name. Gave the micro bucktails another workout, but not on crappie. The trib mouth I hit had a little of everything, and they all seemed to like the jigs whether sunfish or catfish.
  11. As I've said before, the Leafs are a two period team. They've done well this season, but they have lots of room to improve for next year.
  12. Nuthins gonna stop that girl. :worthy: :worthy:
  13. In the great wilderness that is Canada, the men, dey be men, and the women..well... dey be men too!
  14. Wouldn't be surprised if walleye are close to recreational anglers in 5 years, and the fishery still collapses. or.... The fishery may recover. After all there will be fewer tourists at the fishing lodges buying walleye at the roadside.
  15. The second link is a GOC link for the federal justice dept, pertaining to the Fisheries Act. Act being assented by the Governor General , not Lieutenent Governor, under the advice of the Minister for DFO. If you look at some of the season dates (ie Pike and walleye cosing Apr 15th), they don't jive with provincial dates. One date for all zones.The link is also for a document dated in 2007. Even the MNR made numerous changes to the Regs in 2008. You would be amazed at just how much duplication and contradiction there is between the Feds and the province. Even between different govt agencies at the same level of govt..
  16. You are reading 2 totally separate sets of regulation. One is federal, the other provincial. Federal regs only apply on federal jurisidiction lands and waterways.
  17. Rose coloured glasses are strictly for Ottawa fans. I have no illusions about the Leafs, but you Ottawa types....
  18. Thank you for sharing that Paul. Many will never come to grips with their alcoholism. Some will forever deny it.. YOur story is a positive testament to life's second chances.
  19. You have Jordan Hrbr beside the QEW at the new conservation area. You can drive up the mountain and run to Wellandport on the river. There is also Charles Daley park.
  20. The fluctuating temps and flooding sure don't make things easy your way. Thingd here in Niagara have been a little more consistent
  21. A coat of paint and a few cedar shakes and she'll be a thing of beauty
  22. Dyspepsia isn't too dramatic a problem. In fact, pretty common. A lot to do with diet and your metabolism. Start eating a lot more fruit. At least with every meal. Here is the tough one. Knock off the highly processed foods, deep frieds, baked. Alcohol, coffee and tea can also be a problem. I love pasta, KD, etc.. but hardly touch the stuff. One serving will have me bloated, distended, and uncomfortable for a couple of days.
  23. Nice to hear you were treated like a valued client. I get that level of attention from the guys at Grimsby Tackle every time I walk in the door.
  24. Always have a plan B and a plan C when going fishing.
  25. We often have big slices of banana bread smothered in butter as a fishing snack
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