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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. The "list" is another useless scam. Just government making a show of doing nothing. Every telemarketing company now routinely calls from rotating phone #s so you rarely get a call from the same # and they bypass the law. Bell Mumbai has been doing that for a few years now.
  2. The problem for us is all the medical phone calls. many from private numbers and offices. Far too many for me to recognize or memorize.
  3. Judy has had a couple of telemarketers try to bully, harass and threaten dire consequence. Then I get on the line, threaten to hunt the down to his home and spend a few days harassing his family. After all fair is fair." You harass my family, I'll harass yours." We don't get a lot of telemarketers calling any more
  4. Funny thing was the neighbor was upwind of us 90% of the time, unless the wind blew in off the lake. He also like to complain about the wood pile, and the compost, the berry stains on the front sidewalk, the smell of manure from the chicken barns, bird bangers, etc.... The bylaw officer would show up and we'd both have a few chuckles at his expense. The citiot move to Niagara for the rural small town quiet, without once considering what life in an agricultural town was about. He lasted 3 years.
  5. Yes, you have been blitzed by the Mumbai mafia. The New York area code is just them using a local number to forward their calls through so you don't suspect a foreign number. Bell Canada's telemarketers do the same thing routing their Mumbai call center through a 416 exchange
  6. I love Olympic hockey, no ifs about it. Player names don't matter much because these men and women are playing all out for their homelands. Also love watching speed skating, ski jumping, skeleton and bobsled. I have not had the pleasure to experience high end competitive sport like GBW. Some people I know have. One girlfriend was qualifying for Skate Canada back in the late 70's, a bad fall doing a jump ruined hip and knee. My dentist was a marathon runner, running Boston a few times. Knees shot before 50, now contents himself with walking a few k each day. I did clerical at the Ortho clinic at TGH when Podborski was receiving treatment for some of his skiing injuries. Would hate to think what condition some of his joints are in now, Some of what he had undergone was radically new and experimental back then.
  7. You should see the hydro bill holiday some businesses are getting. I know one shop owner. Runs a lot of 220 equipment. Over the past 2 years his hydro bill has shrunk to $30 a month. He called several times to inform them there is a problem. How hard is it to realize there is a problem when a business running at $3-400 monthly usage is now only burning $30 a month
  8. You can still reduce your reliance on the grid while still living in an urban environment. Of course, your neighbours may not like you much. I still remember the screams from down the street one morning in Beamsville. One of my buddies had got a deer in the evening and hung it from the birch in his yard overnight. His neighbours and children got the full view at breakfast. What a comedy that was. ROFL Then there's the looks of disgust from the yuppies as he rolled home on his 4 wheeler with another doe strapped on the front rack. I had one neighbor who was always calling the fire dept because of the smoke from my woodstove which wa our primary heat source.
  9. To date, I have yet to find a suit or shell that keeps me dry. Best suit I bought was a little over $200 at MEC some years back. Did a great job keeping out the rain. Just was not breathable enough. I always end up soaking wet no matter what I wear.
  10. Never wise to let some button pushing bureaucrat have more command and control over the details of your lives. Personally, I sleep quite comfortably at 60F. My wife wants 75F or warmer. Those with circulatory problems need warmer. Many cancer patients need warmer. What right does some snot nosed bureaucrat have to make the lives of the frail and sick more uncomfortable.
  11. How is this any different than the waterside bar at many marinas. Pull up in the powerboat for a burger and brews, unslip and cruise away.
  12. They don't deliver natural gas to rural locales beyond the pipelines, so it is not an option.
  13. I'd be hard pressed to decide who to take for such an adventure. My son or my mother. Mother loves to fish as much as I do. You'd also gain a few pounds if she starts cooking
  14. Simple argument. Do you want to stay warm next winter??
  15. Cliff, even if you are fortunate, and play the game just like you were told, you still get screwed. Banks and governments just change the rules. Remember when the government promoted GIC's by making them tax free ?? The tories changed that in a hurry, and it cost folks a lot of money when they went to cash in on retirement. Your pensions are now only as secure as the government allows. I'm not the only person to lose a pension because of a government loophole. The Black's reneged on 50% of their Dominion Store employees pension when they sold out to A&P a few decades back. Too bad we can't cut a politician's pension in half. Government loophole made it legal.
  16. Its not easy trying to fight back. For the older generation, I do not know what to suggest.West Niagara is blessed with two of the best support organizations/foodbanks in the country. They support over 1000 families in need. Folks are going to have to relearn old skills and learn to be adaptable and creative once again. I am fortunate in having been taught many old world skills. I will be relying on them a little more, and trying to impart that knowledge to my children, nieces, nephews, and the generation now being born. I've heard that 10% retirement saving goal before. It's not realistic living on minimum wage and spending upwards of 60% of income on rent. Not realistic for those on a fixed income. I followed that rule and had 2 different pension funds. Thanks to government created loopholes. One employer was allowed to borrow against the company pension. The company folded and so did the pension. With the stock collapse a few years back, my locked in RRSP, taken out from another past employer in trouble, lost 70% of its value overnight. First news of the mess was that all payments from the RRSP fund was being suspended until such time as the fund recovered sufficiently. Those already drawing on that pension were cut off for almost 5 years. They have only now started paying out again. I guess enough of the previous recipients had died off. Big government and big business does not give a hoot about what happens to the average citizen
  17. When I got married, the uncle ( once known as Oi Sydney!} took me aside to impart the following words of wisdom... There are three things to remember for a successful marriage: Yes Dear No Dear Anything you say Dear. Armed with these three phrases, and depending on how you use them, your wife can be putty in your hands, you will avoid stress, and I have found that 2 minutes of monotonous repetition of the magic phrases will drive her nuts and have me free and clear to go fishing for as long as I need.
  18. ChristopherK you inbox is full again

    1. Christopheraaron


      Cleared a couple spots, going to clear a lot tomorrow.

    2. Fisherpete


      Cool - cuz TEAM 5 entries are-a-comin!!!

  19. That dump is still around!!! I remember back when jerry K was the talent agent for them and 1/2 the peeler bars in the city.
  20. There also lots of smaller local shows that go on around the province. Not the big showy splash of the big Toronto shows, but affordable, with deals to be had, and supports your small local businesses.
  21. Also have to take into account that some wives are never totally happy. We are about to make our 4th move in 26 years. The bride has had pet peeves about every home {and every vehicle} we have had. Even when she has had the final say. I'm sure I will get the same routine 2 months from now LOL
  22. Are you using lighter or heavier rigs. I fish lighter setups, thinner lines, finesse hooks. Horsing don't work
  23. Don't know many wives who have been happy with "homes with potential"/ fixer uppers. If you do go that route you better have a solid game plan and timeline to follow. Two of my neighbours bought project houses. They wound up selling before completion as part of the divorce settlement.
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