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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. Would you appreciate paying $25 for the privilege of parking your car to fish the Niagara? Most public ramps, like those on the Niagara, down my way are free. Private ramps are private. I do know that the local clubs are happy to participate and fund stocking in our area. I know that NOTL instituted a permit system for resident only angling on public lands, and I am one of many who have since boycotted that town. Won't be caught spending a dime in the new basspro either, as I would then be supporting an NOTL business.
  2. Perhaps funding for stocking the lakes should only come from the local ratepayers. It seems every year some group of ratepayers, in one town or another, wants to restrict or limit access to their local waterways. Save what little provincial funds available for stocking for bodies of water equally to all. let Barrie and Innisfil pay to stock Simcoe, and pay for their own fisheries enforcement.
  3. I've seen a lot of beautiful lakes, and will discover more I'm sure. That said I will always have Six Mile dearest in my heart. All them memories of growing up, fishing and frolicking there as a boy and a wild young man.
  4. Don't often see that breed this side of the Atlantic. Cute.
  5. Warfarin uses a type of coumarin. Also effective are Bromine based rodenticides
  6. Just don't get caught. They'll bend you over double for smuggling an illegal substance. A farmer down here got caught a few years back bringing back an illegal pesticide. it was a painful experience.
  7. Quite right Dave524. I supported the license when it was first proposed The idea behind the license was to provide additional funds for conservation and fishery enhancement that were to be in addition to regular MNR funding. It was not intended to replace budgetary funding from the public coffers. The OFAH was supposed to be our public watchdog. That is the other part of the joke. Just another example of how big govt and bureaucracy will take what they want, use who they want, when they want. and it won't matter who you vote in. The story will remain the same, they just change the language.
  8. If there is a way to screw the general public, big corps will find it.
  9. Methinks it's time to invest in some stout rope and some cinder blocks. Let the politicians know what it's like to carry dead weight around their necks.
  10. You now need a special license to handle or use many types of rodenticide. New rule also applies to farms. Just another excuse to collect a fee and force folks to spend wads of cash on an unnecessary service.
  11. What a load of bumpf. IF you license seniors, based on your argument, you better have licenses for children of all ages (pro rated of course) and the handicapped as well. Do you even have a clue as to how pathetic CPP is as a pension fund? The special purpose fund has been nothing more than an excuse to cut budget funding for the sake of funding special projects like gas plant and rapid transit scams that only benefit one portion of the population.
  12. Loved his books. He told the story of different, not often seen sides of Canadian life. Never Cry Wolf, Grey Seas Under, People of the Deer.
  13. Just goes to show the amount of respect that some have for the LNSA's efforts. Our group donated through one of the lodges for years. Then the owners dropped out of the LNSA. They got tired of being treated like some evil monster despite their contributions. At night, they had marker buoys cut, power cut to their bait tanks and fridge, plugs pulled on their rental boats, disconnected our battery chargers the one night, etc..., Last I heard they were looking for a way out. Perhaps its time the LNSA cut its losses and give up on walleye stocking. Put the onus on the commercial fishery.
  14. They should join the turkeys at the bottom of the lake and put us out of our misery.
  15. We logged 5 hours on the water without a sniff. Nobody else at the ramp had any better luck.
  16. Is it too late to airlift a few nuisance bears into the golden horseshoe These city folk just don't know what they are missing.
  17. I've put up a few steel roofs on farm houses and barns some 20 odd years back. Many are still looking like new, and the one at my buddy's farm still don't leak. It's been a long time since I've seen a shingled roof last as long as a manufacturer claims.
  18. Kids love weird meals. The weirder they sound, and the stories that go with them make all the difference. I got real creative serving up camp meals like Green eggs and ham, train smash, etc..... Don't forget hotdog spiders, banana boats and smores
  19. I say help the bear population migrate south into old ranges, like York region and the Golden Horseshoe, where they were eradicated. Best way to keep the surplus population of citiots in check.
  20. No sink shot. Only kept just enough for brekkie. Released most everything else.
  21. Son gets home from work and says "Lets go. We got 3 hours daylight left". Time to hit another spot now that the water has warmed a touch. Also an opportunity to test a couple more colour patterns. Had us a nice evening with lots of crappie and bull gills to keep us entertained. Life is good.
  22. I figure one day they'll find me face down in the water clutching my fishing rod.
  23. I learnt a long time back that the length of our stay on this earth is no where near as important as the quality of the time spent. I am by no means old, yet, and hope to stay a while. All I know is that I have had a very eventful, fruitful, and busy life with little time to sit and be bored. I've loved a good challenge as much as a good meal or a good book. Done some things well into excess, including fishing .Been dead on the table once too. That was a real wakeup call. Life is for living. I'm not going to be one of those who whine at not having done more with their lives. Those who preoccupy themselves with death and the avoidance thereof are already half there.
  24. as a kid, rowing over to Gerry Bye's store, after selling my minnows to the tourists, to pick up my weekend 6 pack of pop. Had to stand on a step stool in order to reach down enough to grab the bottles out of the big cooler. Man was that water cold. A lot of the bottles had unique patterning back then so you knew which bottle you were grabbing. Wilson's, Teem, Niagara Dry. Lime Ricky, Canada Dry Ginger beer......
  25. That only works for planned trips. Unless you expect people to have the regs memorized line for line. Many times I've been on the road, for work, or visiting, and had spare time to drop a line in a new body of water Hard copy map and regs on hand removes all doubts.
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