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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. There is something to be gained by buying durable quality goods, tools and such. They last for what seems forever. When I was a boy, My Gram went on a trip home to Finland. The only visit home she would ever make. When she got back she had a special gift for me tucked in the suitcase. She had brought me a genuine original Rapala filleting knife ( they weren't so readily available back then). In 40 ars/years this knife has been everywhere. Lord knows how many thousands of fish and small game I've carved up with the blade. Easy to keen up the blade and the right amount of flexibility made it a joy to use. Regretably, it got old and the blade too thin. Dropped it on the floor while honing and cleaning this morning and 'snap' the tip broke off. Guess I'll finally have to break in a new blade. Thankfully I've 1 spare, and 1 I've never even used.
  2. Some nice pike there. IS that Jack of your a little fish thief as well? If you're still worried about the little fella jumping into the water from the boat, get him a small PFD. The one with the handle is great. When the dog gets hot, in the warmer weather, we just let her have a little swim beside the boat.
  3. Had all the chores done by 9. What else to do with myself but go fishing. Wound up being a beautiful day, except for the bluebird, wind less skies. Lots of dink perch around, but the main event today were cats. Nothing to compare with the monsters on the Grand, but a lot of fun on lighter line.
  4. WTG on a productive day. Thank goodness for Plan B
  5. Great report Simon. You just keep adding on the entries This is just killing the Dawg
  6. Give yourself an extra pat on the back Cliff. Days like that give you a good 'warm fuzzy' inside that's hard to beat. With the pretty face your daughter has, you'll soon need to invest in an old shotgun and some rusty nails
  7. Great report. What a beautiful looking area. Thank you so much for sharing
  8. And the stains to prove it, too, I'll bet
  9. Nothing beats walking out the door, coffee in hand, to do a little fishing to start the day. Boy do I miss them days now
  10. Stop by and hook up some time. Like the old timers used to say, 'fishing and friendship go hand in hand'.
  11. Feelin a bit better today are we?
  12. The pike bite seems to be off in some Niagara spots as well.
  13. Like I've always said Dawg. I'm big an ugli, but the fish don't seem to mind.
  14. Despite the heat and gusting winds, fishing was just fantastic. My chauffeur dropped me off at the pond by 7 and my good friend, Bill/Smerchly, joined me at 8. We had us another one of those 50+ fish days for each of us. White and yellow perch, drum, cats, crappie, pike, and some OOS stuff. The only thing not biting were the carp and sunfish. This was my wake up call. Didn't take too many pics. Too busy setting and resetting lines all day. The first sighting of the season. Despite the fact I look, and feel, like a cooked lobster now, it was an excellent day.
  15. It depends if you want the person responsible to die quick or painfully slow. Many times, over the years, the smiles on the children's faces in our family have been that much needed ray of sunshine on some very dark days. They give us reason, hope and promise. Any person who would harm them deserves to suffer in the cruelest and most brutal manner.
  16. Sick people who know that nothing really bad can happen to them if caught. The bloody courts have to protect them after conviction.
  17. A 10-12" bass goes great with a plate of bacon, eggs, and homefries for brekkie.
  18. 10 minutes locked up in a cell with the father.
  19. Here at home, 10 perch is dinner for 2, 20 dinner for 4. If we have a big family dinner, 50 8-10" perch are gone in no time. Mind we have 4 licensed anglers here. As for someone keeping 2 walleye a week/ 100 a year. Many of us were raised on fishing and hunting as a way of life. We eat fish 2-3 days a week. It has always been part of the diet. there is the sporting element to fishing, but I often take some home for table. It's meat. No different than harvesting a deer and a bear for the freezer when i still hunted.
  20. Congrats. You seemed to get into them pretty good there. Well done.
  21. Got to run out to the pond again today and the bite is still on. The inlet from the lake silted up over the weekend co the perch are stuck in the pond. Even the Heron has shifted from eating minnows to scarfing down small perch. Despite the wind , a beautiful day. Caught enough for tomorrow's dinner.
  22. Hello, and welcome, Hairwig.
  23. Despite the weather, looks like you had a pretty decent weekend.
  24. It's been fed to me smoked and in chowder as a kid. Never tried cooking it myself.
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