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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. You just keep on braggin, son. We'll just have to set up a squatters shanty on yer front yard over the winter, Dawg.
  2. Gotta agree. Was voluntold into being a Beaver leader. Wound up a Scouter for 10 years of fun and adventure, not just for my kids' sake but for mine as well. Sometimes it helps for a parent to just be a kid again every once in a while, too.
  3. Have to admit, I've been thinking about it a bit lately. The crunch of snow underfoot on a cold morning. Seeing that first fish come up through the hole. Watching my son go through the ice yet again
  4. Get him out fishing and hiking more often.Serious one on one time will make a big difference in his life as well as yours. Having your son in numerous activities is good to a point. Too much grooming, too many structured activities, and micro management might produce a 13 year old burnout.
  5. You did well. I'm sure your son had a blast.
  6. I grew up in that hunter gatherer heritage and am damn proud of it. I have old tackle that I still use, and some that has a special place on the wall. They always remind me of the happier and simpler days of my childhood. I like 'simple' fishing; of watching that float go down and the initial hookset, then trying to figure what you got on the end of the line. Truth is I still have more fun chasing pannies. You don't need grandkids per se. I get a kick out of taking area kids out for an expedition. Nothing beats the looks of excitement, astonishment and pride on their faces. There are too many kids out there who don't get that kind of opportunity.
  7. It has been very busy the past week with little time for fishing. Far too much time in the kitchen storing away fresh vegetables and producing this: Can hardly keep up with the demand. After a solid week of harvest chores, it was nice to sleep in and get out in the afternoon for some pannies with the son and his woman. Amy isn't much of a fisher and it gets funny to watch as she is so afraid the fish is going to touch her Any how, back to tending my cauldron
  8. That there may work just fine. One suggestion. You might get better action with the line tied to a ring on the front of the blade. Having the line tied to the nose of the lure, the retrieve might dig the nose into the water?
  9. Well done. 6 Mile can really produce at times if you can avoid the heavy boat traffic.
  10. The rails are a great idea. Mother had a summer place in Minden that was 75' above the lake on a steep slope. I remember only too well having to haul gear up and down that hill. I certainly miss the views we had of the lake framed in birch trees and blanketted with a morning fog.
  11. Who cares if the Mrs has a habit of whoopin yer sorry arse. Most fellas are droolin because they wish they had a wife half as good as yours. You get to fish all the time, Heck, Bly probably has to kick you out of bed to get moving on the next fishing adventure.
  12. You must be picking up Blackfly's at Tremblys. A good bait for the price. Some really great colour combos as well.
  13. Unless you have activities to keep you busy, retirement is no fun. I know many who went back to work 2 years into retirement out of boredom. Me, I'm forced into retirement due to my health. Thankfully I love to fish 3 days a week, but if I didn't have my tackle making or the farmer's market, I'd go nuts.
  14. They are out there. My Mrs lets me fish whenever as long as the essentials are looked after. She'll even come out on occasion. The daughter puts most boys to shame Just remember, outdoorsy girls tend to have very outdoorsy ( read redneck) fathers. You need to check out the dating application http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...1&hl=dating
  15. Congratulations on your good fortune. Now as a rep for the "Henpecked Husbands Union", Local 112, its time to impart the guys "secret" to a happy marriage. Three simple rules to remember: 1) Yes Dear 2) No Dear 3) Anytning you say Dear. Remember them, use them. When practiced effectively you can either butter her up or drive her to frustration in under 30 seconds It's all in how you say it
  16. Those just aren't worth the trouble or expense any more
  17. You'll eventually get it right. Just a process of trial and error.
  18. Great vid. Some right nice smallies too. Well done.
  19. Finally got my afternoon to relax and fish. With the cooler temps today, the larger pannies have started feeding. I was after perch.... ..., but I'll settle for a plate full of 8-9" pannies any day. Now that I'm sated, it's off to bed. 3am comes too soon.
  20. Fishin is fishin, Dawg. Those fellas will make a nice dinner.
  21. Usually I have at least 1 report this late in the week. Been so busy canning and running to market As stated on another thread, The puter is in the kitchen a mere 4 ft from the stove. So I gets to browse endlessly while my concoctions simmer and stew Every body wants salsa. It's a good problem to have. For those who remember ECO101, its ideal to have demand exceeding supply, but my little tin pot and I can only produce 2 gallons each session. OF course there are the bushels of tomatoes and peppers that have to be picked and processed first. Now , with the grape harvest beginning, I've been asked to make some sample recipes featuring domestic grapes. Here is the result of today's marathon. Medium hot salsa and thick grape butter. Hopefully I'll get a few hours tommorow to fish and relax. Saturday I'll be back in St Jacob's at five in the morning, and , yes, going to market is a whole lot of fun.
  22. Ugli yes , Crummy no! What was originally meant for personal consumption has taken on a life of it's own. We took a jar to St Jacobs to help promote the produce my buddy grows ( my source and supply for peppers and tomatoes). Neither of us dreamed I would have more orders than I could keep up with. This is seriously cutting into prime fishing time It's a nice problem to have seeing as nobody wants to hire a broken old derelict
  23. I spend waaay too much time here That's because the puter is right in the kitchen while I waste another 5 hours boiling down another batch of salsa. Beyond that: http://www.niagarafishing.net/forums/ It was the first fishing forum I hit, and there are still some good people there. The problem I find with a lot of these other boards that come and go - 5 threads is a busy day. There just isn't the activity or community.
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