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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. I don't really have an opinion on the whole evolution vs creationism. What does bother me is people using mainstream TV to push their own religious beliefs. Whether it be Lindner or Phil Robertson. Religion should never be used to promote hate. That is disgusting.
  2. Coming from the guy that imports boats from the US as a business.....lol. What happened to congratulations?
  3. What did they do for Ottawa back in 1998? Blatant attempt to buy votes. Get the reds out in the next election. Simple solution to stupidity.
  4. SM and LM spawn at different times and different locations. Those that are going to target a bedding LM are going to do it whether there are regs in place or not. It won't be policed or enforced at all or if it is it will be rare. MNR doesn't have the budget for enough Cos.
  5. Why the double standard in hunting and fishing? If that were a world record sized muskie dead, many would be up-in-arms, but since this is a moose, is it meant to be hunted and shot? I'm not agianst hunting by any stretch, but why discrepancy?
  6. Great fish.
  7. I used them pretty much exclusively in place of spinner baits for bass. I've had great luck with them on the way into the shallow spots I usually fish. I used them with a trailer - they are a must. Usually a Swammer or a Zoom Horny Toad (oopps did I say that out loud). Horny toads are a great trailer, just cut the body down to fit the hook better. I've had better luck with light colours than dark. Yes - I see them a lot in clearance bins myself. They have fallen out of favour, but are still really effective and a regular part of my bass arsenal.
  8. Wish I could've taken it home for dinner, but our club has a strict rule you can only have bass in the livewell - and all our tournaments use an in-water weigh-in system and are strictly catch and release. But you are probably right - that fish has probably eaten a lot of walleye fry in it's day. Pretty ambitious of it to hit a 6-inch senko. I should be hitting that lake next sping for sure.
  9. They are trying to re-establish a self-sustaining population so that one time in the future, they can maybe open up a season for them. Great endeavour if you ask me.
  10. I was fishing a Peterborough Bassmasters Club tournament on Lower Buckhorn and picked up this PB crappie on a 6 inch senko. It hit like a freight truck and I thought I had a nice keeper bass, but realized I was in for a surprise as the fish came closer to the boat. The fish was 14.5" long and as big around as a dinner plate. It was weighed on my fairly accurate scale at 1.56 pounds. This crappie had more weight behind it than some of the bass that were weighed in...lol. Pics aren't great, but they give you an idea. I've caught 14 inchers before, but this one was so thick and had a lot of weight behind it. As far as the club event goes - we ended up with 14.36 pounds and in 3rd place of 10 boats.
  11. Jer - give Hiawatha a shot. Free launch (donation if you like) and a good spot on the lake. Basically go to the end of Hiawatha line and take a left and you'd drive right off the launch. Another option is Campbelltown. Ramp is technically on the Otonabee, but it would be about a 10 minute ride up to the lake.
  12. Check out Selwyn Conservation Area near the North end of Chemong Lake. Has everything you are looking for including a nice beach, good launch and picnic area. It is also on a less busy part of the lake. Might be a bit of a drive, but it may be worth it.
  13. Hey Matty. Not that we are exclusive or anything....lol, but we are at our current constitutionally mandated 40 member cap. What I would reccommend if you are interested in joining is coming out to a meeting in the off-season. We meet at Champs the first Tuesday of every month starting in October. You can take a look at how we run and meet a number of the current members to see if it is something you might be interested in joining. Depending on current member turnover some spots may open up from there. There's also some info on our website: http://peterboroughbassmasters.webs.com/
  14. Hey there. Not a Bassmasters event, but I think a few of our members have fished it before. I'm not one of them. I think it is about $40/boat, but I have no idea who runs them. I sent you a PM with the name of a member that has fished them. He may have more info.
  15. It is unfortuante that those fish died whether it was the fault of the tournament(s) or not. The article was jaded against the tournament fisherman from the start. There were other comments in the article about trailers blocking driveways and littering the streets. Simple bias ad NIBMY comments from a person with an obvious bias towards bass fishing and tournaments being run on the tri-lakes. It is unfortunate that every dead bass that winds up on shore after a tournament is owned by the tournament.
  16. I haven't come across the 8-10 pound fish stories you are talking about, but there's many more incidents of 2.5 to 3 pound fish becoming 4's and 5's. Doesn't bother me and I actually think those people telling the stories really think they are that big, but people that catch a lot of bass know better. Many of the story tellers spend their lives catching 1.5 to 2 pound bass, so a 3 or 4 looks huge to them and they share their catches. It happens with all stripes of anglers. It is as common as all the stories at the weigh-in of tournaments of losing 4's and 5's that would have been the kicker in their 10 pound sack.
  17. That sounds like a decent price, Terry. My boat is older - a 2007, but a larger motor - 150HP, I pay about the same as you, also through NautiMax.
  18. The weakest part of the set-up for tying a leader to braid is the knot. We all know all hell breaks loose when you get the fish beside the boat - If your leaders are 12"-48" all that pressure is going to be directly on the knot that joins the lines. Guess what is going to happen? Well - my opinion is don't give it a chance to happen. Give yourself a leader length of 8 FEET or more. That way when you are fighting those fish close to the boat, the weakest part of the set-up is in your spool and has no pressure on it at all. Don't worry about the knot going though the eyes - it doesn't make much difference at all.
  19. Stoty hit the nail on the head. Fish the O for muskies, then make a run down to Rice for some eyes at the mouth of the river.
  20. I think a better question might be why do you need to add water so often? I've litterally had to add water to my batt's once and by that time they were 5 years old and were about to be replaced anyway. Are they old batteries ? Might just be time for new ones.
  21. Bass start spawning with water temp in the low to mid 60's. Ít has been that temp - at least in the Kawarthas for at least a month. I saw fish on beds the first week of May. A week added to the season isn't going to make the difference between catching fish full of eggs and those that aren't. I'm going to be out enjoying the extended season the MNR has afforded all anglers - more opportunity to fish is a good thing.
  22. Check this organization out: http://fishabilitysports.org/ They recently did a presentation at our Club meeting that was quite informative and interesting. They have a fully equipped pontoon that is made for this sort of thing. They actually have an event scheduled for this weekend at the Bewdley docks that a number of guys from the club are aiming to help out with.
  23. Layout issue - at the top of my screen there is something called the "Member Menu" it is located at the top left of the screen. Problem is it is only 2 inches wide by 3 inches tall but takes up the entire 2 inches of the lefthand side of the screen all the way down the left. Also, the area that has our avatar and the word "member" under it takes up 3 inches. All of the replies to threads don't use either part of the screen at all so the use of screen real estate is very bad. I'm looking at this now and literally my reply is only on half of the screen because the amount of room taken up by that menu and the part reserved for the avatar. The Mobile site needs a lot of work before it is even useable. I'm sure things will come around in due course.
  24. Pretty common to for things to be available only online these days. All those paper copies probably wound up in the garbage or recycling anyway. The paper is thin and doesn't stand up to water or the elements. They're available in PDF format on the Ministry website - easy to download and have avaialble on any phone, tablet or laptop out there. This is a good move.
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