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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Events like the ones you name bring in thousands, if not millions into the local economy. Government knows this and that's why the events are sanctioned. It may upset the locals to a degree, but the benefits to the local tourism trade and economy far outweight the concerns of the locals. Ever heard of the NIMBY concept - this is it. Not saying you are wrong, it is your opinion after all and you can't have an opinion that's incorrect.
  2. I think the laws need to change and make it mandatory. However, I think it would be just like poaching far too many people would skirt the law and do what they wanted anyway. It is unfortunate. As far as I am concerned - I wear mine under power of the big motor, when I am alone, when the water is chilly or when it is windy as they do a good job of keeping you warm. I also wear it on water in which I am not all that familiar with. This year, I probably have worn it 60%+ of the time. A good tip - attach your kill switch to your life jacket. Can't start the boat without the PFD on that way. I also think there needs to be some support from the manufacturers of the manual/auto inflate jackets to bring the prices down so that everyone can afford them. More people would wear PFD's if they aren't as heavy and cumbersome. Not everyone has $200-$300 to drop on a mustang vest.
  3. I am relieved to hear everthing looks positive.
  4. Welcome, you will find you learn a great deal here and meet some great friends along the way
  5. Common sense dictates action in the case of these ads. I noticed Kijiji has taken off the link one can click on to report fraud/scam. Every one of these ads is easily spotted and I used to report them all.
  6. Lots of fish on the Tri-Lakes, just small for the most part. Below average weights have been taking the tournaments this year. What is usually an average bag of 2 pounders is finishing in the top third. Bigger fish are harder to come by and they seem scattered, no real pattern showing through as to where they are holding.
  7. Dexter....great show!
  8. In Canada you are taxed on your World-wide income, unless you become non-resident. It is very hard to become non-resident, it is not a simple fact of changing your address. You basically have to cut most ties to the country, if not all. Bank accounts, drivers license, any property you may own yourself or jointly, spouses or common-law partners, dependants - the list goes on. Here is a link: http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/nnrsdnts/cmmn/rsdncy-eng.html As you can see, there are very many factors to consider. Honestly, it is very hard to prove you are non-resident. If you are resident, you are taxed on your world-wide income and must file a Canadian income tax return. They may not deduct income taxes at source, like they do in Canada, hence they advertise it as a "tax-free" salary, but that doesn't mean you will not have to pay taxes - you still have to file a Canadian income tax return if you are a resident.
  9. Sorry - I've confused things a bit - you are perfectly correct, the M. River does go through and join up with L. Buckhorn - I was thinking of another small river that was on buckhorn. Yes, you can lock through to Upper Buck, but it would be a very long run to get into Pigeon. There's lots of good water to fish on L. Buck, but if you want to fish U. Buck your best bet may be to trailer as you aren't that far away. The charts you would need are 2024 for U. Buck/Pigeon and 2023 for L.Buck.
  10. Some nice looking fish there. Thanks for taking the time to post the pics.
  11. You will have a lot (read massive) amounts of water to fish without locking. I would stick to Buckhorn and Pigeon - you'll never run out of water to fish.
  12. A bent prop shaft is a symptom of a larger problem. Thing is, Cliff is asking for advice, looking for the best tool to overcome a problem. A stainless prop IS the best single piece of equipment to overcome a poor holeshot. Cliff - what RPM's are you turning with your current prop at WOT? What is the engine rated for - it may be on the same sticker as your serial number. If you are hitting your max RPM's with your current prop, you are in the right range as far as pitch goes, if you aren't and are below your max. RPM's, you may need to turn a lower pitch prop, which will give you better hole shot. If there are vent plugs on your prop, they usually have rubber plugs in them, you can take one or more of those out to get better venting and that may improve your hole shot. This is almost a given, but make sure you are trimmed all the way down when you take off. I have an acquaintance that always tries to take off trimed up to the tilt piston of his motor, drives me nuts. Someone has to go up to the bow to get it to plane faster. I have learned a lot about this stuff just reading on the web, best thing you can do is to read and ask questions.
  13. I signed up. Thanks for the heads-up Darren
  14. I'm sure it will be good for 500K or more. damn ugly though. Remids me of the Honda box car/van a bit.
  15. Nice little Pelican boat on sale at Costco in Peterborough. They had 3 units left: http://www.pelicansport.com/index.php?lang...oat=predatordlx Looked like a nice set-up for $500, for ponds or small back lakes. Has an aerated livewell with pump, 12V plugs at the bow and stern and has a mounting bracket at the front for a TM. Also comes with rod holders and a nice sized livewell. Just thought I would let people know. Can even find these used on Kijiji for this price.
  16. PVC pipe is good if you are taking the reels off. I would use some BPS rod sleeves to avoid the line getting all tangled and some shock cord or rod wraps to keep 'em together. If you are taking the reels off, the pipe idea is a good one.
  17. I've never known it to be a great muskie lake, but it is good for small mouth and OK for walleye. I used to use live frogs and catch fish all day.
  18. I agree IF your boat is only rated for a 150, don't put on a 175. Who cares about insurance - think about the safety aspect. If you are looking for power - a carbed or DI 2 stroke is the way to go. If you want quiet then a 4 is right up your alley. It all depends on what you want to do with it. My E-Tec story for the day - Couple of guys fishing the CSFL Tourney on the Tri-Lakes yesterday. Going to a spot, get up on plane, boat drops down 15-20 mph and comes off plane. At least 2 fuel injectors are toast. Call up a highly regarded local Marina on Buckhorn - 3rd boat this WEEK with the same problem. This is a new 150 HP E-Tec, with maybe 20-25 hours on it. The other 3 are all fairly new E-Tec's as well. I had always heard and read these motors were great, but after this story, not so sure. These guys basically threw away $350 in entry fees and had 3 fish in the livewell when this happened at about 10:00. Edit - reading lots on other boards - some guys are happy with their black motors, but others hate them and have been in the shop with continual problems. Although I have read that the HPDI Yammies are a great motor, not as much bellyaching about them.
  19. This was shared with me recently. Increased my hook-up rate on top-water quite a bit: Keep your rod at the 11:00 position. When the fish strikes, you have to lower the rod tip to get leverage to set the hook. The time it takes to lower the tip and get it back up to set the hook is enough time for the fish to commit and get the bait in their yap.
  20. You should be able to pull a 16 footer with a 30-40 with that vehicle. Braking is probably more important than towing capacity. Make sure your brakes are in good shape and leave extra room to stop. Also make sure your hitch is at the correct height, ensure the trailer is level.
  21. LOL..... That fish is a max. of 5. This thread brings back memories of the 6 pound average thread.....ha ha.
  22. I think being a pro would actually be quite stressful (at times). Sponsorship funds are cut-throat to compete for. You basically become a salesman (or woman) of yourself. Pressure to perform/produce consistantly. Personal appearances/Little family time. People bashing out on public message boards for no apparent reason. I don't envy these guys for that aspect of things, but at the same time it would be quite amazing to fish as a living.
  23. Keep an eye on Kijiji. Boats in that price range come up all the time. Pick the City closest to you and search within the k.m. range you are comfortable driving to and search $1-$5000. That will bring up a lot of hits, but weed through them and I'm sure you will find something. Check Kijiji often - good deals are litterally gone in minutes. If you see a boat you like, act on it quickly, but don't lose your head. ALWAYS water test, ALWAYS do a compression test and ALWAYS check the lower unit for water. You can get the gear cheap at CTC to do the compression test, $50 of insurance and it is fairly easy to do.
  24. Those are some great shots, you must've had some really good tickets. KISS show live would be awesome.
  25. I used it in my outboard, just mixed in with the gas. Noticed improvement in delayed starting. A great way to use it is to mix a small separate can at least 1/2 and 1/2 with gas. Run the motor under load, not just at idle. Apparently it will clear out a whole bunch of carbon buildup, not to mention free up the carbs a bit as well. To get it in the cylinders, you can use a spray can and spray it right in through the plug holes. A good technique would be to spray some in your plug holes, leave overnight. Next day, take the mixed can and by-pass your main tank. Take it out on the lake and giver a good run uneil the can is gone. Switch back to your main tank to get back to the ramp.
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