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Everything posted by Paully

  1. I just seen Serloin on sale at Sobeys..
  2. Nice PB
  3. I seen about 6 wild turkeys in a feild in scarborough this morning...
  4. Way to go bud!
  5. Did you catch the same fish twice? The sunset in the pike pic is nice...
  6. Totally Cool!! Is there many sturgon in the niagara river?...
  7. Truly awsome!! I can only dream of fishing such places...
  8. They should throw them in a pond and start shootin'
  9. I belive they call that a snot rocket, Nice first
  10. That last pic makes it look like a monster! Nice fish Bud..
  11. Well the Urban dictionary states that : racoon eyes 1.) an ugly chick who makes hereself feel better by wearing excessive amounts of eyeliner thus looking like the markings of a racoon... So.. what it this post really about?
  12. taking up my space.....
  13. Great ... another person to share a river with... Welcome..
  14. Might be a bit early but you can always try the sauble river for salmon? Plugs work well.
  15. Show me the stuff and i'll show you the money...
  16. ... is it a brown or a atlantic....
  17. Looks like an Atlantic to me... notice the spots on its tail! Happy B-day.
  18. it was in the garbage for a reason...
  19. Me and a buddy once tipped in a canoe at night.. the OPP endend showing up after a fellow cottager heard people splashing around , but thats another story...
  20. Thats a real nice Salmon! whats the biggest in the derby so far?
  21. Looks like you got a good start!
  22. I've got a 12 footer as a back up too.... I would never sell it. Easy to carry and it fits in the back of my truck
  23. From all this rain we had it cant be good.
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