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Everything posted by ohhenrygsr

  1. How about a Toyota Tacoma?
  2. Sorry about your loss
  3. SHHH don't tell everyone about him he won't have time to answer my questions lol. KUDOS to TMD
  4. dunno if a wine cork will be big enough for the whole but it's worth a try and you can silicone the cork in place too
  5. What kinda boat is it again Misfish? I would look into a bank charger that way you can just plug it in and forget about it. Well until you leave for the main body of water lol
  7. looks like by the satellite images it's gonna get pretty bad tonight around my area the sky was green at one point
  8. Congrats to a great success on tournament day to all the junoirs. I wish i had the chance to get out on gerry's boat that morning to take pictures. Ahh always next time
  9. Congrats to a great success on tournament day to all the junoirs. I wish i had the chance to get out on gerry's boat that morning to take pictures. Ahh always next time
  10. I think it's this vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-g7Ie0nr2k
  11. Yea first sign of thunder i head to the nearest dock or shore line away from the wind blowin point. I always carry a brand new tarp that's visible with me so when i'm on shore i can throw it over us and everyone else.
  12. Since you backed the friction screw right out and still no difference then i would suggest greasing it. There should be grease nipples around the pivot points of the outboard.
  13. Ight guys and gals let's see them raccoon eyes
  14. Buh haha, i wish we had that stuff in Ontario
  15. you can ask the Lock attendants or a boater in the lock they would know best. I'll ask my GF they been through the locks a bunch of times
  16. i Found it at Mac's
  17. Thank god you guys are safe. Now let the memories begin lol
  18. Beautiful fishing day in Orillia
  19. yep one at the very top lol
  20. Well here we go
  21. Awesome lake Best part of the Video
  22. - Dirty Jobs - Deadliest Catch - mythbusters - Top Gear - Weeds - Trailer Park Boys - breaking Bad - World Series Of Poker - What's that all about
  23. if you trailer there's places around Orillia you can leave your boat and trailer at. Plus it's not a far drive to any lake you choose
  24. sorry but this thread is useless without a CenterFold please
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