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Everything posted by ohhenrygsr

  1. Rocky's Tackle Repair (CA) 3 Royce Ave. Unit 12 Orilla, ON L3V 5H8 Phone: (705) 325-3526
  2. Hey OFNer's just wondering if you can suggest me any good deals for land line companies. Currently i'm paying about 50 a month for a land line that's not including long distance i think with Bell.
  3. Garmin Etrex for sure
  4. That's exactly what i use. I love the Sufix Elite so smooth. for braid i use power pro to Seagar Abrazx
  5. Nice Choice but where's the Hitch?
  6. Then when your done that you can wash it down with a refreshing
  7. Well this year I went with the Berkley Vanish line for a leader material on all my rods. I love using fluorocarbon line as leader and braided as my main line. I have found Vanish has cost me a couple of tournaments and is very inconsistent line. I have tried a majority of popular knots and the darn line still breaks very randomly. I have come to conclude that this line is total garbage. I have test a section of line and it works fine then the next section it just breaks. So i finally know what The Word vanish means What a relief to see this, i had the biggest smile while it burned. From now on It's SEAGAR no questions asked
  8. does anyone like any other brands of ketchup?
  9. Awesome Job and you stink phee whew. a 4Lb Crappie come on really
  10. Can anyone name these
  11. Also take her Rod and tackle shopping. I think she will appreciate it more when she choose the tackle and catch fish on it. Plus you gotta do all the work lol for the first couple of fishing trips then you can start to show her how to do it. But your attention shouldn't be fishing yourself but to put her on fish
  12. Yea getting your significant other interested in fishing is LIKE fishing. Takes patience and time sooner our later you'll convince them to understand why you do what you do. Also helps to take them to spots that are kinda like your honey holes. That's when the memories will begin and the fun starts. But don't forget it goes both ways. You will have to do what they love doing too.
  13. I like using this bottle when i'm at home. But hate it when i'm at a restaurant. What about this it was weird but i liked it
  15. LOl he had to get the jack out.
  16. At least 2 on each point
  17. Yea it really sucks when that happens. Been there done that but i got CAA to come pull my rig out. My problem was the Ebrake stuck and front tires sunk into the gravel, it wasn't pretty. So once we got the van out of the lake i still had the trailer and boat. As i put the boat back on the trailer my winch decided to break on me and so did my rope to winch the boat on. But i was lucky to have enough teeth left on the winch to put the boat on the trailer so that the tow truck could haul out my trailer. Oh yea if you experience any of your gauges reading wrong you need to unplug it and blow out all the water really good and seal it with some di-electric grease or you will have problems down the road. GM + water = nono. It's a scaring experience as i thought this lil adventure would cost me a lot but it didn't at all. NOTE: ALWAYS USE A PAVED LAUNCH FROM NOW ON!!
  18. LOL totally forgot the beer. My Avatar is my fishing boat i use during week the Mid Might express. Get's my cargo from point A to Point B real Fast
  19. If your rod shopping don't forget to take your reel with you. That's the best way to test out a rod if it's up to your specs. I also like to spend the extra money on a lifetime warranty rod. Plus the quality excellent and light weight so you can throw them spinner's and spoons all day long
  20. Yea it is perfect. If you need a bow light and it's the night light your talking about you should be able to buy a socket and get a pole type light or one that folds out of the way http://www.attwoodmarine.com/store/categor...ting/navigation
  21. I do a lot of tourneys and i find with the smaller club tourneys i just ask for volunteers to bring fish back out to the deeper waters to evive and release them. Where's the tourney at?
  22. Male Single loves long walks on beach. Candle light dinner
  23. Hahaha every Bass Fisherman has a corner for there dead plastics. Nice catch Garry, you still have that unit for grabs
  24. Hahaha i see your problem. Would 10K down payment work? lol
  25. Here is the link to that Urban Fishing Opportunities it's in PDF format
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