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Everything posted by moparhawk

  1. it should be mandatory to post reports after going there. Thanks alot, enjoyed it.
  2. nice fishing but I actually would like to see a picture of your boat. Dont think I've ever seen a legend but it looks well built
  3. Survivor is awesome. Cant believe how Jimmy Johnson aged 20 yrs overnight!
  4. My Dart was made in Canada! As a matter of fact all 340 darts were Canadian made. You guys even got 50 more made for Canada only after Chrysler quit stuffing 340's in em
  5. The mark of a good fisherman is becoming good at multispecies. You my friend are a good fisherman.
  6. Awesome Simon. Hey sometimes Jack looks like Mom then sometimes like you, but the older he gets I think he favors ole dad. Ha ha your dad laid back in his coveralls. Sweeeet! We should all be so lucky. Thanks for sharing
  7. I dunno Solo. My son and I really enjoyed your last post. ( couldnt wait to share it with him) He kept pointing out all the battlescars on the boat. We see em as badges of honor.
  8. Can you post or pm that outpost? What an amazing week you men had and the thread you made was incrediable. Cant wait to share it with my son. Thank you
  9. Your post reads that you have already drained the grease from the lower unit and are waiting to fill (gasp) I would never leave a lower unit without grease, even milky fluid is better than none.
  10. Ha Ha awsome Limey! Yer needs a gurt net man. Gotta show this one to my son
  11. That is a beautiful boat! I own a smokercraft so maybe we're cousins? (lol)
  12. I'm not an expert but have remodeled homes as my profession for many years and whenever I've found them there was always water involved. Just like the shower in the above quote, or a poorly flashed window, etc. Stop the leaks and maybe no carpenter ants.
  13. Just trying to moniter Perrault and Cedar lake levels but can't find a link. Anyone have one? Thanks
  14. Dang Simon that makes me want to fish with you so we can jig with minnows, smoke cigaretts, drink gin martini's right in the boat, and soak it all in.
  15. Just a thought but the emissions warrenty is usually mandated by the goverment. (here in the states anyway, may be the same in god's country) Often up to 80000 mi. If it wont pass emissions call saturn.
  16. Nice limey. keep em coming
  17. You've captured the spirit Laszlo. The intensity of a one and done tourney, lower seeded teams winning two or three games, and "the clock". We pretty much breath Kansas Jayhawk basketball here. Our walleye start moving up to the face of our dam's shortly in preperation of the spawn but I won't miss a game I don't have to.
  18. Ha Ha my first ever poll if it comes out right. I'm courious if the average Canadian sports fan cares anything about the NCAA mens basketball tournament.
  19. Not to add fuel to the fire but my company does over a million in bath remodels every year and has for a long time so hopefully I have some credentials. Bath fitter has its place but I will say I can have my crews demo a shower/tub down to bare studs and subfloor and install a high quality shower from the Onyx Collection for an average of $800.00 less per bath. It takes two men two days. We elimate the mold we often find in the various substrates also replace damaged subfloors. I've always felt their cost of marketing and producing custom showers even when the majority are standard sizes adds greatly to their cost. When completed both are an upgrade from the origional thus meeting the ultimate goal.http://www.onyxcollection.com/
  20. You might try a can of MEK. It will cut about anything but wear gloves or it takes all the oil out of your hands. Not gurt.
  21. At the start of an all day fishing trip I like to say " I've got nothing to do and all day to do it"
  22. Heres one my son caught. The student (cough cough) has passed the master
  23. Simon you more than most should keep a written log. I know thats one more thing to do but with the different lakes and frequency that you fish it would be very valuable to you.
  24. Rinse, dry and lube each evening, you won't have a problem. Now the tackel in your box? Thats a different story. Always lose jigs and some treble hooks to corrision.
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