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Everything posted by moparhawk

  1. You could bacon wrap the cheeks on that cow! Very fine fish.
  2. Good to see you on hard water again. Dang my little garden pond hasn't even iced over yet. I must say I was excited to see this pike jump out of the water with a skunk in its jaws!!
  3. Your Dad looks so chill ha ha. Hey have your wife take some photo's of all three of you guys together.
  4. Simply Awesome.
  5. Nice Johnny. Say those Smokercraft's run great huh? Must be the reverse chine
  6. Awesome video Simon. How long a drive is it to Lac Suel from Dryden? Gotta take 2 hrs anyway right?
  7. Nice Simon. Well now I know when we finally get to fish together to leave the Gin and cigaretts at home. Gee ya think we could just have a blast catching fish? I need to quit the cigs also and am finding some motivation in your post. Good going on that and keep up the fight!
  8. What an amazing family. I think of you all often and am in awe of your leadership of your family. Your daughter has shown more courage than most of us ever will.
  9. I love my Smoker too. Bought a Promag 162 new in 99. My dealer was wacked and closed shortly after I purchased mine. Only problem is the factory is my best source for parts as the dealers 200 miles away don't want to mess with em and I don't blame them. Always have to beg and plead to get them to sell me parts.
  10. Heres one from Saturday from a local rock quarry pond
  11. I'll throw this out there. This has never been my experience.Our Lodge has two driveout lakes with his boats cached , and a daily flyout service thru an outfitter. You are not allowed to keep any fish, not even for shore lunch. The lakes are amazing. Big fish counts and sizes. Maybe how alot of lakes were many years ago. The fishing hasn't changed in many years. Driveouts are $50.00 a day and the flyout is $200.00 a day per man so you have to pay to play buy its very special. The lakes I've fished on Crown land do not allow any harvest.
  12. How do you get any tying done sitting in front of the big tv???? Just kiddin thats where I tie too
  13. Man Simon your just killin me with these videos. My son and I watched the Laker one while we ate lunch at my desk. How awesome
  14. Thanks Fisherman. Well I just talked to a guy that services Toro. I guess the one I bought is a cheap one ($400.00) and has a chinese motor. Said he cant get small parts, best to put a new carb ($100.00) Very dissapointing.
  15. Hey Smoke. That gets her fired but as soon as the fuels burnt she quits again. Tried it 4 times, fired ea time just wont run. Must be a fuel problem. Dang its only been used 5 times
  16. Fuel noodle? I dont think there is one and yea I made sure the key was shoved up its oh I mean yes its incerted correctly
  17. Sorry to hear that Rick. My Dad's been gone 10 yrs now and I carry his spirit everywhere. It comforts me and I hope it will you too
  18. AAAARRRRGGGGG!!! Bought a new toro powerclear 180 last season as it was badly needed. Lucky so far in that it hasn't snowed until now and we have a real pretty 7 inches on the drive. Well I never drained it or added stabilizer and it wont come close to starting. I did put it up with an empty tank and put fresh in but I got nothing after pumping the button a few times. Who better to ask whats next then you men. Any ideals what to do next? Greatly appreciate it.
  19. Usually in the gararge but not for pictures. Wouldn't come close to your top end but the 4:10 read end will give ya heck on the strip
  20. Take that bet Nomad. Even though the chiefs lost to Indy earlier if they meet in the playoffs it will be at Arrowhead Stadium where the Chiefs are 7-0
  21. just made it 500! good luck thats a heck of a fish
  22. If Limey approves I might be all in. Thanks for the tip
  23. Was it an Asian store? Theres one in my area and thats the only time I've seem live largemouth bass for sale.
  24. yeah great but I didn't get to see how the smallmouth reacted
  25. Congrats on the full time Limey and way to plant those seeds with that boy too. Just imagine how he'll be telling the fish stories in a few months.
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