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Everything posted by gdelongchamp

  1. Dam,, there appears to be a great buy for someone looking for a boat package and it's under 5000.00 a 2006 Lowe with motor and trailer. good luck!!! it's at the top of the listing for toronto area.
  2. I feel for all of you regarding your roof problems. I used to be a maintenance supervisor for a housing corporation that had approx. 80 homes throughout the city. Every roof was different, every attic was different, every shingle job was different and every remedy for leaking roofs was different. The main thing is to watch for ice jambs. If your roof design, lack of insulation or too much insulation causes ice jambs you will eventually have leaking roofs. The best deterrent for leaks is to use heat traces on the eaves of your roof in the areas where ice jambs occur. The heat traces can be turned on for 24 hours three or four times during the winter. That is all that is required to prevent water accumulating behing the ice jambs under the snow on your roof. Make sure the heat traces line the eavestroughs and travel down the downpipes to the ground. In worst case scenarios it is best to leave the existing roof intact and build a complete new roof overtop the old one with a large airspace with no insulation at all but with adequate venting on the ridges to allow warm air to release to the atmoshere which would prevent icebuild up near the eaves. As I said every roof is different every tile job is different and every solution is different. Using turbines etc are completely useless if your attics are full of insulation to the rafters and above. The most important thing is to have a good airflow of cold air under the roof. It that's not possible, go to heat traces. If that's not possible install a new roof over the old one. It can be done by your self or a very expensive contractor. I coud go on and on with this but you have to figure out the roof ot your problem and attack that. AND DONT INSTALL SATELITE DISHES ON THE ROOF.
  3. I use a Rav 4 AWD. Great on gas, great on ramps, lots of room and storage and never needs repairs. It's not as good gas mileage as my Corolla though. My Corolla only costs me 24.50 to fill my tank 30 litres max. 1.5 times a month. Big Oil don't scare me, in fact I scare them.
  4. Gee and I thought I was the only one having this double clicking thing. I will go through my settings and report back.
  5. With CAA
  6. Very cold died sprite for me and very very cold beer bact at the campsite. Any kind of cold, cold beer.
  7. You have water mixed in with your oil. You probably have a cracked block.
  8. uh! oh! a Lennox.
  9. My wife told me about it as it seemed to be a hot topic with the hospital staff and so I located two bottles. We tried it and it was quite nice. I returned to pick up 2 cases but they were sold out. It is quite a seller so they dont even bother placing it on the shelves as it goes out the door as fast as it comes in. That's the way it seems to be going at all LCBO outlets in Subury. The trick is to show up on Monday morning after the weekend delivery and score it then. But call first to make sure they have some. And they will not hold it, first come first serve. I picked up another 36 bottles to put in my wine cellar. I noticed they are coming out with the 2008 now although I have not tried it, but the 2007 is still available at some places in Ontario. And yes I do support our Ontario wineries and vinyards as we have about 80 bottles of Ontario made wines in our cellar. We expect to return in the fall during the wine festival to do some very enjoyable wine touring and tasting.
  10. I get both ood and Outdoor Canada. I enjoy both but not as much as reading Ont Fishing.net. sent to me by that fellah T.J. whoever he is.
  11. Born and raised in Sudbury. Lived on McKenzie Island, Red Lake for twenty years. (Land of the pickerel.) Back in Sudbury now.
  12. Thank you carp starter and all others who replied. I will follow up with your suggestions and recommendations.
  13. Does anyone wear self inflating life jackets that self inflate as soon as you hit water? No strings to pull etc. I am wondering if they are made and where I may get one. At this time of year I would be more comfortable fishing if I could get one. Any help would be appreciated.
  14. try several suggested methods with the kids and you can report the results and the kids can make a school project out of the test and results.
  15. I would recomend barbecue lighter fluid. Works well on tar etc on car seats.
  16. Interesting. I fished Michael's bay last weekend and had no success. Not a bite. While standing on the creek shore though I did see a few salmon swimming up. The creek had closed for fishing the day before and was posted as such so I did not dip a line in the creek. It was tempting though considering all the poor fishing I experienced this summer, mostly for pickerel. Ramsey Lake, 4x Georgian Bay, 3x High falls lake, 2x Michal's Bay, 2x Spanish River, 3x . Not all hot spots I realize but geee. Are there any fish left? I'm going to move back to McKenzie Island on Red Lake if this keeps up. See www.redlakefallclassic.com/ I purchased a new boat package in the spring as I have had to retire from work on doctor's orders. But in all of our outings (about a dozen now) the kids and I have caught only about four fish. Usually using worms and jigs, small spoons etc etc etc. Beautifull scenery and great days but poor fishing. My kids are refusing to go fish with me now. Too boring. No fish.
  17. WOW!!! That's some fish.
  18. Toilet paper stock. No matter what, people still have to go.
  19. walleye
  20. Gee, this is really deep. Pass the worms man.
  21. I am heading down for some wine tours this weekend to Niagara with my wifey. SHE DOES NOT FISH AND THINKS ITS VALUABLE TIME WASTED. However, I am sure if I could get her on a decent sized fish her attitude may change considerably. I guess the best thing to do would be to go on a charter? I will not be taking my boat along. I menitoned the g2g a couple days ago and she looked at me with discust saying, ""You would go somewhere and spend time with a bunch of people you met online??? "Good example for the kids."
  22. Drifting and jigging are the best way to catch walleye. Pick your shoreline, and when you get that jig down to the bottom and work it along the floor of the lake bouncing over rocks, etc. your mind then becomes at one with your rod, jig, and Larry somewhere down there sitting near bottom. And gullets sure work nice.
  23. Heh solopaddler, my wife was in Alaska in the spring and brought back a beautiful book entitled ALaska Fishing. It's 450 pages of facts and fish, maps of all the rivers, pictures, lodges etc. and what rivers are prime fishing for the various species of fish up there. Details on 300 best fihing locations. The best lures recommended by the guides etc. for the individual fish. It was written by Alaska's top guides. Check www.publishers design.com isbn #192917011-4 Good luck and bring some warm clothing. I envy you and I am sure a lot of others will as well.
  24. How much is half price? No flyer handy.
  25. I have used paypal through ebay for a couple years and I am pleased with them. They guarantee purchases and if for some reason the seller reneges or does not deliver the goods, paypal will re-imbourse the full amount to your account. Note that I haven't used paypal for about 18 months therefore read the fine print anyway in case policy changes have been enacted.
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