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Everything posted by gdelongchamp

  1. This is a picture of it.
  2. "Power Sports & Marine", in North Bay and they have a website. Google it.
  3. I purchased a 30 hp merc long shaft with electric start last summer. I got mine at a marina in North Bay for $2700.00. Still in the crate. They pulled it out, assembled it, greased it, ran it for a half hour and I drove away with it. It included a gas tank and hose of course. They had about fifteen of them. A camp operator could get them for $2300. They were about $2000 less than a 4 stroke. It was a no brainer. The motor of course runs well. It comes with all the paperwork. I'll track down the name of the marina and post it shortly.
  4. When guiding years ago I use to cut the gullets out of shore lunch walleyes and put them on jigs for the tourists. They are a tough piece of cartilage that I cut out, only takes a couple seconds,) and place it on a hook. It's v shaped and about 1" long. They will stay on your jig almost all morning and the walleyes and northerns love them. I have never tried them on any other type of fish.
  5. I was just wondering if anyone ever used gullets when fishing.
  6. In 1978 I bought an ugly stick and a Mitchell reel for about a $100.00 while working in Uranium City. I used ttat same rod and reel for one year on Lake Atabasca where I caught a gazillion big "big northerns" and fifteen years on McKenzie Island of Red Lake in Nortwest Ontario including two years guiding at a fly in outpost where i caugth a gazillion pickerel. I broke my only rod in 1998 after I moved to Sudbury in 96. I have purchased and broken four rods since and reels in the last ten years. I used only jigs and spoons and for years made my own jigs. Needless to say I spend very little on gear and tackle. Last year I bought a boat. motor and trailer package for $8000. I have spent $100 on tackle in the last year to outfit my four kids. Yeah I'm cheap and the kids are complaining they are not catching any fish so I guess it will be back to the tackle store this spring.
  7. Just out of curiosity, how do you know they are not suckers spawning? Otr have they already spawned in your area?
  8. Laminate flooring is actually wood and paper composite materials held together by a lot of glue. This mixture of materials plays havoc on skill saw blades and wears them out "dulls them" very quickly particularly when the blades get hot. You dont have this problem when you use hardwood materials for flooring. I would never recomend composit flooring materials for flooring. It is thin, swells with moisture, chips and can not be properly repaired because it is a laminate. I use ceramic tiles for basement flooring and if it's cold put an area rug on or wear slippers, or install a sub floor.
  9. I have spent many years travelling on the water at night as I lived on and island and traveled to work every day by boat early in the morning and late at night and never felt the need for a "headlight". Once your eyes adapt to the existing light you can see further then what you will see reflected back at you in a headlight. Furhtermore, due to your eyes adapting to a strong light on the water you would not see a boat with proper lights travelling towards you at a high rate of speed. And likely the other boat would mistake you for someone standing on shore with a powerful flashlight and not a moving object coming at them. Being safe on the lake while boating also means not being a hazard to other boaters. Regular running lights are more than adequate when boating at night. I recall one night as I was returning home by boat, I was approaching a channel which had a white blinking marker light on the right shoreline at the entrance. I kept that blinking light approximately six inches to the right of my bow light at night so that I would not run up on shore. I was still approx. one mile from the entrance, and low and behold that same blinking light passed me on my port side travelling in the opposite direction at approximately 40 mph. What I was assuming was the shore line marker was actually a jet boat with no bow lights and a blinking stern light that blinked on and off because of the wave action and loose wires? That was one of several scares I had due to boates traveling with improper lights.
  10. Tiller in the left and and right hand on the pull cord. If you are left handed you will get used to it as well.
  11. If you injure yourself at work and your employer pays WSIB then you are covered by Workmen's compensation. If you injure yourself at home or for some medical reason are unable to work, if you have private insurance coverage through work and if your policy so states then you are covered by private insurance up to a pre-determined maximum. The government then will top up the rate to the amount required to continue to provide for yourself and your family.
  12. On a light boat (16' alum) if the boat bunny hops across the water the problem is often solved by putting extra weight in the front of the boat such as a spare tire. Perhaps shifting your passengers around and putting a heavier person in the bow could alleviate the problem. More experimenting may be required before you make adjustments on the transom end of the boat.
  13. You can get them at pharmacies or sports shops. There would probably be a better selection at those stores that supply all types of mecical equipment such as wheel chairs, crutches, etc. etc. Note also they work because they apply pressure around your wrist. Tensor bandages will work just as well but they take a while to apply. Wrist braces take only a couple seconds to apply.
  14. As an out of towner, this is good news. My wife and children are mildly interested in this and would rather do other stuff. We were in Toronto on the weekend and the famiyl took in Medieval Times. They found it quite exciting. I however did the show and had a nice time. Would like to go again next summer and stay downtown. Less driving. But you know what, we used a GPS for the first time and I was quite impressed. Much less stress while driving the freeways and getting to the venues. Dont have to worry about the signs etc.
  15. I have carpal tunnel syndrom and have had it for about twenty five years. I got it when I was mining in the gold mines in Red Lake. (Drilling with jack legs underground.) The best remedy I have found for this is the wrist brace. Put one on at night and they will work like magic. I do not use creams, liniments or anything like that. The wrist braces work the best. I did not have re-ocurrences of this for some fifteen years until I started using a keyboard at work. Once again I used the wrist braces every night for about a week and the pain went away. I recently had a reoccurence this winter (snow shoveling) and switched to my wrist brace again and it worked wonderfully. Good luck with yours. People who get carpel tunnel are usually drillers, butchers (working with cold meat) and as of late people using keyboards. Excessive snow shoveling will also bring it on so its best to wear heavy mitts and keep your hands warm and dry.
  16. Excellent song and a great idea. World music on the internet. Whoever thought this up is on to something.
  17. I clean them on a paddle in the boat or on shore before the flies get bad and toss the guts into the lake. If transporting them home I leave the skins on.
  18. never mind the seats. Show us the other boat.
  19. McKenzie Island and Red Lake. Great people, great fishing, great bars, great hunting, Lived on the island for twenty years, and was minutes away away from my favourite fishing hole. From the house by my island truck to the dock and out to my fishing hole in five minutes or less, with my fifty hp. To-day it's a hot mining community (Goldcorp and Cambpell Red Lake Mines) and unfortunately the Gold Eagle Hotel on McKenzie Island is long shut down.
  20. Heh sinker, I lived on an island for twenty years and duh!!! no the ice isin't thicker in the middle then near shore.
  21. You know, there was a time when I was not working, (laid off) living alone and in a very small house on an Island, heated by wood and for two weeks in the fall had to hunt to put food on my table. The bush was at the end of my yard. In two weeks of hunting six hours a day on old logging trails I saw and shot only one partridge. Never saw a rabbit, deer, moose. or any other varmint. This was in Northwestern Ontario. At any other time I would see all kinds of animals. In fact one year shot a moose 8:00 am on opening day. For those who think they can turn into bushmen overnight, it's harder then it can seem. Luckily my 10 cords of wood was cut and split and in my basement. At least I could stay warm.
  22. I'll let my 16 yr old son tackle this. He's the comp geek in this house now.
  23. I enjoyed this very much. Thank You,.
  24. Underground supervisor "shiftboss" for 15 years at a gold mine in Red Lake. Two years managing a tourist resort. Eleven years as a maintenance supervisor for a housing corporation in Sudbury. Am now on disability, doctor's orders. Dreaming up excuses to go fishing or head to the coffee shop when Im suppose to be at the gym or doing chores.
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