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Everything posted by gdelongchamp

  1. What bigugly said, do it legal with a paper trail. Fewer chances of problems in the future. They need to put this all behind them and move forward. Don't step in to help until this is done.
  2. What can you tell me about Ramsay Lake in downtown Sudbury? If seems most of the folks head for the west end of the lake. How about McFarlane Lake also downtown here in Sudbury? I havent got to these lakes yet as I have been trying the smaller lakes outside of town. I have had good luck in Kelly Lake though. We don't eat those fish though.
  3. Interesting comments specially about Science North here in Sudbury. I have often wondered what the perception was from the tourists that come to visit. Further, I think the Science Centres do get stale if you have had family memberships like we have had and enjoyed for many years. Note that the keyword here is "enjoyed". These science centres are geared for the kids and they do enjoy them tremendously. The cost to visit these is fractional if you pick up a membership and remember they are good at any Science Centre. Fot the grumps on the board, maybe you should click on "Our Anthem" and it will refresh you with a new and eager perspective of this board and if that doesn't work, "apparently" and I say again "apparently" there are other fishing boards besides this one. PS I wish I could have been at the Lakair G2G, maybe next year.
  4. Hello ch312 Dear fellow fisherman. If my post offended you then I must apologize. Sometimes I assume that people on this site are all very experienced fishermen as well as boaters. This may not always be the case. In reviewing your post there were some replies from other posters that disturbed me regarding the location of the battery and the gas tank. Keep in mind that these items should and must be kept well apart. Batteries are best kept in a container with a cover and all wiring securely fixed to the terminals. Batteries should never be stored adjacent to a gas tank. Gas tanks are often filled while in the boat and spillage always occurs. They should be filled on shore and then wiped clean before placing in the boat. The use of battery clips for an electric motor is fine but near a gas tank is not a good idea. Keep your battery at the rear of the boat in one location and away from your drain plug and keep your gas tank in front of you where you can see it and several feet away from the battery. Shift your tank from port side to starboard side depending on your sitting location in the boat. I would even recomend tying two gas hoses in tandem and locating the gas tank in the bow of the boat. This is often done if your boat is a bunny boat. ( One that hops across the water when planed out) I could go on and on but I am sure you will figure it out.
  5. Personally, I think that if someone has to ask a question like that, they shoudn't be boating by themselves. And for that matter, if they boat with a friend they should make sure their friend knows more about boating then they do.
  6. General fishing regulations page 7. It is illegal to catch fish using nets or traps. It is illegal to sell the catch unless you have a fish bait license. Note that I may be reading this wrong. But do check it out. WHere I use to live in Red Lake the local bait suppliers had groups of lakes and swamps assigned to them where they could set traps and would get very irate when they came across other traps and would stalk you in the bush and confront you with the traps. Serious business up there.
  7. Regarding minnow traps, I believe you require a dip net license of some sort and traps can not be set just anywhere. Commercial fisheremen who have minnow harvesting lincenses and trap lines for a group of small lakes and swamps do exist. I think anyone who is thinking about setting a dip net should inquire about this at their local MNR.
  8. 3/8 ounce black jig 1/2 ounce in fast water 3/8 ounce yellow jig 1/2 ounce in fast water williams warbler pickerel rig with minnow or worm floating rappala and bouncing weight to float it 2' off bottom
  9. Dont be too hasty to buy that boat. It's one of the oldest scams around. The car companines use it all the time. They advertise a particular model all over the newspaper and when you show up at the dealership it's gone but hey!!! come lood at this one it cost a little more but Hey!! it's got a bigger motor. You never hear "Hey come look at this one it's the same but a little smaller motor so it will cost you a bit less."
  10. Nice fish Jamie. Why is it looking up at you in that pose? Did you try tying a harness to it and let it pull you around in that water. Trolling.
  11. I don't think you want to learn that hold on a northern.
  12. I will finally be able to attend an outing with all of you and I look forward to it. I will look forward to sharing fishing knowledge with some of the best outdoorsmen/women in Ontario. I will be coming from Sudbury and have booked a tent site for Thursday to Monday of the weekend. My brother and my son will also attend.
  13. Two of my kids partake in a geocache on the ski hills here in Sudbury every year. It's sponsored by Ramako and a local Subway. Great prizes and a lot of fun. However it is very tough competition as these kids can really move through the bush and up and down hills and valleys tracking the caches down. It use to be a nice family outing but the little tykes along with the adults kind of get left in the dust now that the older teens are ripping up and down the hills and trails.
  14. IS there any allowance regarding the overall width of the cabinet? Will it fit into the slot as is, and you have a space left either side? If not, use wood veneer to finish the front of the cabinet doors and use offset hinges to hang the doors. Do the same for the drawers area but finish the drawers european style. IF you have some room to play with, finish the carcass with approximately 3/4" stiles using stock pine. Then build the drawers with standard drawer fronts and you can mount the doors either european style or use the offset hinges. If you add stiles then it would be best to cut the stiles to the width of the drawer sides and narrower between the drawers. This is rather difficult to explain using words and no diagrams... Good luck with whatever you do.
  15. Tell them you brought it from your brother for 1000.00 and get your brother to make up a handwritten receipt.
  16. I am bringing my rod, will try a couple rivers on the return trip this evening.
  17. Driving Sudbury to Toronto and return to-day. Anything going on in Toronto or Barrie that is fishing related and that I could take in this afternoon?
  18. PRincess Auto has nice outfits for less than twenty dollars.
  19. Grumman use to make a very nice 14' square stern canoe that was extra wide. Great for carrying a moose quarter. I would suggest checking a couple sites for one of these. A camp operator use to keep a couple on Upper Medicine Stone lake (NW Ont) and we would borrow it for a day when we hunted the lake. They were great. I onwned a couple aluminum canoes back then but the Grumman was the best handling in frigid waters. You don't want to upset at this time of year.
  20. Boy, sure hope walleye season opens soon.
  21. I have rebuilt a couple transoms on my skiffs over the years. I always use marine grade plywood with lots of varnish. If the material (wood) is too hard your motor clamps may unknowingly vibrate loose enough that when accelerating quickly from a standing position into a very tight turn a larger outboard (25hp or 30hp) upon very fast accelaration will make your motor pop off the transom and you'll be hanging onto it by the tiller with the throttle on full. Your cable or chain may be properly secured but your motor will take a swim anyway. Believe me, this adds a bit of excitement to your fishing day. I know most of you think something like this never happens but it does. Using the regular plywood the clamps, over time, will settle into the depressions in the wood and prevent this from happening. Checking onccasionaly to insure the motor clamps are tight is advisable. And always have a chain to anchor your motor to the boat as an added precaution. The newer motors have improved clamps and can also be bolted to the transom therefore not requiring the chain.
  22. I agree. I did scuba diving on Beaverlodge Lake in northern Sask. ( Uranium City) and swam in the cleanest, clearest waters with the lake trout. Awesome dives.
  23. When we go camping at a lodge or provincial park, I plan out the menu for the entire eight or nine days time we are there. Then we list out every single item we will require to finish every single meal to everyone's satisfaction. That includes the ingredeints for proper preparation of the appetizer of olive oil and balsamic vinegar for the trempettes with toasted bread over the fire on evening #4 and the vanilla extract for the strawberries and fresh whipped cream for a breakfeast of waffles for breakfeast #6. This also means that we can't toss in the red pepper in a salad on day 3 if we require that red pepper as an ingredient for the chicken fajitas on day eight. We purchase and pack everything locally before we leave and this usually requires two to three extra coolers full of pre-rozen, pre mixed orange juice, fruit juice, and milk cartons for breakfeasts and snacks around the campfire. After a couple days I shift the frozen drink containers as required to other coolers to keep the temperatures in those coolers down. It reduces our packing of ice considerably. And it keeps the beer cold, the meats cool and the fresh fruits cold the way the youg ones like them. We have to make sure the coolers all have proper locking lids to keep the raccoons out. As for bears, we don't worry about them much as the campgrounds are well populated. We plan our meat meals later during our stay as some meats require more time to defrost than others. We monitor this carefully and may shift one planned meal to meal #4 instead of meal #9 to accomodate this. Of course we will keep our coolers full of meat in the vehicles as we do have respect for bears. In the daytime when we are out of camp for most of the day we stack 2 or 3 coolers and cover them with sleeping bags and keep them in the shade. We learned to camp this way from experience. I am sure other people have lots of good ideas and I would like to hear about them. Perhaps in a different thread.
  24. Not intending to steal the thread but Carlos Santana has been famous for years. He wowed everyone at Woodstock and I was listening to him for years before that. I was featuring his second album Abraxas in my grade 8 class. Are you really related to him? Susan Boyle is now world famous. Hope to hear a lot more of her and she's now on the biggesgt roller coaster of her life and I hope she enjoys every minute of it. And somehow I don't think she'll be taken for a ride or taken advantage of. I think she has savvy.
  25. Google Susan Boyle and prepare to be astonished along with everyone else. Over 16 million hits in the last 24 hours.
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