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Everything posted by Kerry

  1. I just have to bring up the obvious.Pike season is open right now.You can walk on frozen water and get yourself to some pretty darn good pike spots all over southern ontario.It's not spring/summer/fall fishing but when a 10lber decides he ain't coming up your hole you ARE NOT going to be worrying about the time of year. At the very least you may find some good spots around lake areas you cast around that hold pike.If they are there in the winter they are certainly going to be around the rest of the year.Get out there and help that addiction! Kerry
  2. The cross country suspension is good but be prepared to rebuild shocks.It will happen sometime.Judging by the wide skis and riser I'm gonna assume he liked to ditch bang.I'd at least check the frame welds under the hood around the suspension joints.Check the tunnel for obvious warping or loose rivets.Being a 500 I'd say you're good.600's are known for stator problems. Kerry
  3. Usually I just kinda grunt UH there's one! But if the fishing is hot I'll kindly stoop to the immortal words spoken by Roland Martin..."OHHH SONNNN!".Just seems appropriate when fishing for bass. Kerry
  4. If I'm browsing while on IE I'm lurking less I log in.If I'm browsing on Firefox I'm always logged in. Kerry
  5. I met my goal of getting a musky on Balsam,ended up getting two and had two legitimate follows that i saw. Plus, I got on to a pretty good spot for eating size walleye that panned out three different times we camped there.All in all a good year.Next year my goal is size,legal size. Kerry
  6. I'm 5' 11" and I checked out both at trombly's before buying.They usually have several models sitting outside to compare.Take the pro model.For what you'd save in weight you gain in added room when it's flipped over.Plus if you a have kid you could get the jump seat and there's enough room for it too. Kerry
  7. Thanks, and a good thread for this time of year.Makes good christmas gifts for friends! Kerry
  8. Nice set of spinners there 'doc.I have a question about #'s 6&7.What type of barrels are they?Just craft beads.Also does the bead atop of the spinner affect it's rotation.I've done quite a few over the last couple of years using RealPro's components.Very good stuff.However I've found that if I use big blades sizes 5 and up and not enough weight in the body it won't drop enough to keep the spinner rolling or the blade ends up being the weight on the cast which can mean anything when it hits the water.Sometimes ok, a lot of times a wasted cast in a productive spot.Most of what I make I'm using the basic chart Realpro has for spinner weight ratio's and it seems pretty good.I do like to add things like the wedding bands and cut glass beads you find in craft shops.It adds a personal touch to your own creation.Also painting your blades to reflect what you might think will work. Here's couple of mine: Finished this spinnerbait the day before: I like the silver #7 spinner with white/red hair trailer for fast retrieves.Heavy enough to punch out there and with a 7to1 reel I can keep it right up top even with a thin dressing.Those spinnerbaits are 2 to 2 1/2 oz.That bass was caught off a shoal 15 ft down slow rolling.I'm leaning more to 1 to 1 1/2 oz with the spinnerbaits just for ease of retrieve. Kerry
  9. Did my wife's renewal online two weeks ago........................................Still waiting. Kerry
  10. I've been using the driftwood theme when I'm logged on since the board was redone this way and I'm not sure what the skin is when you're not logged on but I had to double click back on both themes up until yesterday.Somebody's done somethin' cause it's all good at my end now. Kerry
  11. Hey, I just noticed you don't have to double click to go back a page on IE.Musta just happened cause I jumped over to firefox yesterday when it did it to me.Good Job guys! Kerry
  12. If they're doing the seals properly the bottom end has to come off and the shifter seal should be done as well as the 'O' ring on the top of the drive shaft.While it's apart might as well do the water pump too then everything is done at once.
  13. 1/4 oz walleye hawger spoon in chartreuse tape with a northland stinger.I tip the spoon with a larger minnow and the stinger with a small one.Surprising how often they'll take the small one circling round.2nd choice is a swedish pimple/red flicker blade rigged much the same.Just remember no more than four hook points. Kerry
  14. I have the LG 8700 which is 2.1 megs I believe but does not have a flash so lighting is important. Kerry
  15. Joey, Here's a little exercise which will help with the forearm stress and may relieve your tennis elbow.I'm quite familiar with the pain of tennis elbow due to my job. Hold your arm straight out from the shoulder palm up,now take your opposite hand and pull back on your four fingers just to put a stretch which you will feel in the lower forearm.Hold for 15 secs. Shake it out gently and do the same position with the arm palm down.Now take your other hand and roll your fingers down and in towards the wrist just to put a stretch which you will feel in the upper wrist,hold for 15 seconds.Shake it out gently.You can do this periodically throughout the day as it helps relax the forearm muscles which also takes pressure off the elbow.A gentle stretch and hold is sufficient no need to overextend anything. Kerry
  16. I'm sure he will but I want his MOMMA! That's only a matter of time.I'll check my pm's. Thanks Kerry
  17. Nice to meet you out there smalliefisher.I'll probably bump into you out at St John sometime once ice fishing takes hold. As for today I didn't have any luck.I did have a mid 20's INCH fish fly out at boatside and completely miss my lure.I guess Balsam is done till next season.Had to try one more time. Kerry
  18. I'm not sure if this will help as it's been many years since we fished there and usually in March.But if conditions were good enough to get out from Frenchmen's bay(ice free at the mouth) we would launch and drive the 400 or so yards to the closest outflow and anchor just off the edge of the flow.Boat sitting in 35 degree water and we're casting into 70 degree water not 20 ft away.We would drift shiners using from 2 to 4 splitshot depending on the strength of the flow.One thing with browns and using shiners there.DON"T set the hook on the first hit as they are notorious for streaking in and swiping or bumping their prey to stun it and then come right back in and engulf it.It took me a lotta tries before I hooked up with my first.Also 6lb test is pretty much essential and make sure you got more or an extra rod cause you can get spooled by huge carp,maybe a salmon and also some big sheepshead,they all use the outflow to their advantage.The other outflow on the opposite side is good for walleyes but you have to be very careful of prevailing winds and it's been too many years and I'm not sure which ones to be wary of.Anyway good luck in your hunt! BTW back in those days there was a chain barrier and I believe it was posted about 75ft out or so,something like that;back in the early 90's.Likely not allowed to be in that close now since 9 11. Kerry
  19. Limey, That's exactly right.It's great on gas but that's all cuz if you get stuck you'll be lookin for a tow truck.I would want a lot more info on it as there are a lot of options out there and much better prospects.I love my cats but a 48 hp four stroke ain't one of them.If it was the turbo model@100hp it might be worth six grand or so. Really if you want a four stroke two up touring you're better off with the Yamaha Venture.May be a bit more expensive but Yami has done a great job with four stroke sleds.Lots of time to look for the right machine.My 2cents. Kerry
  20. I've never used a berkley rod I didn't like.Matter of fact I still use my old 1 piece 6 1/2' Berkley Power pole for crankin and I have a 7' Series One spinning which is now 6' 8" and even more sensitive than before.I highly recommend closing a door on the tip of one of these .I also have a 10 1/2' Shakesspeare Agility light action which I use for steel and also for panfish with a slipfloat.It's very sensitve on the river hits and has a great curve with a fish on but is not whippy. Kerry
  21. If you go trolling with a couple of pails, rather than use them off the back, tie them off from your front cleats on short ropes.That'll keep your lines and buckets clear of the prop if you get turned and also keeps the lower rear end or side clear to bring in a fish.I bucket knocks a 1/2 mph on a troll on my 16' boat.If I'm drifting I turn the motor all the way to the windy side and run a bucket off the front cleat to keep a straight drift.If the wind is a bit much and the front still wants to push ahead or straighten out I'll use the trolling motor to position it back. Kerry
  22. If you or your buddies have a portable GPS,you can at least know your speed and use waypoints for trolling structure.You don't need a map just mark spots that look real good to troll over or by as you're moving around and come back on them. Kerry
  23. Wish I could but Walmart stopped carrying Muskyhunter here in Orillia for some reason. Kerry
  24. You might want to try Walmart right now as they are clearing out a lot of summer stock.I just noticed last night they had 50 lb Power Pro for 14 bucks here in Orillia and a large assortment of brand name lures and lots of Gulp stuff.I got the 3" shiner minnow bucket for 15 bucks. Kerry
  25. Well the black spots are a parasite which pike oftentimes look the same,usually concentrated in the skin.And you described perfectly the yellow worms that are usually seen around the lower jaws, gills and sometimes at the base of the tail.If you see too many just throw em' back and try for cleaner ones. Kerry
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