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Everything posted by Kerry

  1. I've been using sunoco which can be mixed up to 10% with ethanol for at least three years in both my boat and sled,both are two strokes,and haven't had any problems.I usually use gas line antifreeze(isopropol alcohol) as a matter of course for an additive to combat water.I would suggest you stick with a good brand of oil for best lubrication and you shouldn't have any problems.Some oils are for air cooled and others are for liquid cooled and that's where you can have a problem as they do have different properties. Kerry
  2. There's got to be more to this mystery than what your store clerk is saying.My kodak 4.1 uses two NiMH AA batteries as well.I took over 10mins of video on our sled in early march while riding in -5 degree weather + took 12 stills.As well the camera was basically exposed to the cold for 5hours as it sat in it's holder outside of my suit thru the ride in between shooting.I probably took another 20 shots or more till I even thought about switching my batteries later on.The batteries I use are Dorcy 2100 NiMH and they are only 5.99 pr at giant tiger.I use the ENERGIZER slow charger and haven't had issues with any other batteries 'cept for the originals that never seemed to perform that well.The charger does both NiMH & NiCD but you have to switch it manually.Check to make sure you're charging yours on the right setting if it does both. Kerry
  3. They'll have the manufacturer reps there too which I've noted in the past are pretty good at fielding questions about their products. Kerry
  4. Yeah they do put some notable ones up and it's usually season based......well usually.LOL Kerry
  5. Pamela, The BOX in question is called a charge controller.The smallest CTC sells is around $30 rated for 7amps.Some of the smaller boards don't require one as they don't put out enough amps.Some are in miliamps in output and are really only good for rechargeable batteries and such. Sonny, Walmart was selling a small two stroke 1200 watt generator for $149 just a little while ago.Same thing packaged with the tank and carrying handle.About a foot and a half square or less in size.Perfect for charging batteries away from home.Pricewise a heck of a deal compared to my coleman 1850@ $600 which is really only good for the same thing anyway.(still trying to figure how you get 1850 watts out of a 12 amp fuse). Kerry
  6. Not too many though Terry if the temps over 25C. Kerry
  7. I remember years ago my buddy took me fishing at the humber by the old mill and he recounted a story of a guy that had walked right into a hole among the rocks lost his balance and was trapped in an eddy and couldn't move as the water had filled his waders and the pressure was too much for him to get out. Fortunately there were several other people around and they got him out.The moral of that story was keep the belt tight and take extreme care moving around in the water.As a rule he would use a 4ft long stick to probe his way around.Seemed like a good idea. Kerry
  8. I'm just gonna drill holes in the bottom of mine so the water'll pass right on thru . Sorry couldn't find a redneck smilie! Kerry
  9. You da man Greg!Great finish for your season. Kerry
  10. JEEPERS!! The dang wheels came off my chair as I backpeddled to the other side of the room LOL. Kerry
  11. Right on Tony!That's a great show and I try to catch it every weekend.They do show some great tips on their show.It'll be interesting to see what you're doing there. Kerry
  12. Hey all, The best part was cleaning them and only finding one worm in that big boy.Last year we fished the north end of the lake and found much less worms in the perch.These guys were caught in the usual spot everyone knows so it was a nice surprise and a couple of great meals for us.St John really is an old friend that does usually produce but I can't say it's been too great fishing for me as I never had much luck the other times out and think the late ice had a lot to do with it.Scored well this time out though.Got my walleye fix for a bit.Good thing is SPRINGS HERE and pretty soon it'll be soft water time again. Misfish,sleddin may be overrated but it sure is fun when you can get the wife to drive while you take pics.We had a lot of fun in a short season and a newer machine with suspension sure makes a difference for both of us.Really can't wait until next winter be it fishin' or sleddin'. Kerry
  13. Haven't been out ice fishing but a couple of times this year.Just too much fun sleddin'.So now that THAT season has come to an end I thought I might give St John a shot. The Hat Trick Good Eaters! Enough to make my day It's been a while,glad the ol' friend still comes thru. Kerry
  14. I truly feel for you Maureen.I had to put my cat of 17 years down a few years ago of lung cancer of which I was the culprit.It was Calico's way of saying to quit smoking as I realized the last two weeks of her life were not good at all and it was heartwrenching to let her go.I quit shortly thereafter.My wife had been pining for a dog for a while and we finally decided to get one.We named our Shi Tzu Skooby Do and he is now 8 years old.We have no kids so he is our child;I can't imagine not coming home and seeing him waiting for me in the window.He is so much a part of our life day in day out. Time will heal the pain but the tears are flowing just going back remembering and memories keep them close to our hearts. Take care Maureen. Kerry and Cheryl
  15. It sucks!!But thanks for askin anyway.The snow came in one day after it got really cold and in about 4 days here in Orillia got a 100 cm of snow.That put a real damper on any thought of going out anywhere around here.Even the die-hard locals that put huts out on cooch behind the Birchmere were 3-4 weeks in to Jan. before I saw any out and that's when I figure it's OK to try.However with all that snow piling up day after day after day.........I didn't have the heart to bother even on St John where you only have to slog out a couple hundred feet to fish.I do hope to get out a bit in march and hope the fish will cooperate. On a good note though,the local club got the lake staked and with all the snow in our area I've been snowmobiling instead rackin up the K'z so I'm not having too serious a withdrawal right now. Cheers Kerry
  16. HaHa, Great story Clampet!With all your trials and tribulations with your creation it may well be called 'TARPUS PERFECTUS' by the end of the season. Meanwhile the new 'CLAM' just sits there taunting me and I've only been out once.Getting sick of workin in minus teens plus so I'm just going to enjoy your guys stories( keep 'em comin..I'm still cold!) and hope we see some warmer temps shortly. Kerry
  17. Hey Clampet,if you put that center pole on the inside of the tarp and set it up a bit like a Vee it probably wouldn't catch as much wind.Heck of a lot cheaper than my trap pro that I've only gotten out once in so far. Kerry
  18. fisher,if you decide to take the cottage and have a boat just take a ride down the canal into Balsam lake.It's only about ten minutes and you don't go thru any locks.Lots of fishing right around the entrance area-bass,walleye possible musky and lots of panfish.Work the weed edges.Might have to go out early/late in the day anyway on either lake depending on the boat traffic to have any success.Good Luck on your choice. Kerry
  19. I clean windows for a living.It's not nearly as cold as it used to be.Why I remember when and the snow !! And I'm still chompin' to get out there for some ice fishin' and snowmobilin'. Come on winter,get it in gear! P.S. I just checked the weather for tomorrow,it says -19 for the morning...I think I'll get up late. Kerry
  20. Went for my walk down there and except for the gulls it's dead.Nothing in the swim that I could see. Kerry
  21. Same to you,yours and all OFNCer's Lew.All the best in the New Year. Kerry
  22. Well I thought I might check out the docks here in Orillia considering the action there has been at the Barrie docks recently.I might just take a drive down and see if there's any life and if I see any then maybe Boxing Day will be casting for fish instead of shopping in crowds!Thanks for the replies guys-it would be nice if there was a paragraph written in the regs stating the Dec 24 exception for clarity though. Kerry
  23. So essentially I can't go for perch today.Oh well I guess I'll tinker with the sled.Thanks tjsa. Kerry
  24. This is something that I've never quite understood.In the regs under the species listing for each division there is a gold box that says * except Dec 24. There is no reference anywhere that I can see other than species that are highlighted in gold writing. Is Dec 24 an all Ontario sanctuary for all species or am I missing something in the regs? Kerry
  25. Me too fang but I don't bother wrapping I just say I can't use it until after Christmas and get to stare at it for a couple of weeks.Tonight's gift was the Cobra's on sale at CTC,they let me have em tonight instead of waiting in a line tomorrow. Kerry
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