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Everything posted by Bondar

  1. one eyed rainbow , it did have an eye at one time but was damaged somehow was a fat healthy fish well minus an eye of course
  2. Sheraton fallview , merriot , sheraton brock , ramda, hilton , the casino, Casino, SHeraton fallsveiw and the oak Inns have the best view shoot me a PM i live 2 min from the falls if your looking for some senic things to do or places to go if you have Family with you go to Great wolf lodge over looks the Niagara gorge and minutes from a great hike
  3. lol i was wondering how you get a sturgeon trolling for muskie now it makes sense Cool fish either way , There are some big ones around
  4. http://www.minnkotamotors.com/products/acc...nnect_plug.aspx http://www.minnkotamotors.com/products/acc...receptacle.aspx http://www.minnkotamotors.com/products/acc...wer_center.aspx hard wire one end to the battery and leave it attached all the time , than attach the other end to what ever it is your running in your boat , put battery in boat plug in TAAADAAAAA
  5. I use my electric and cut right through the rib cage on most fish than after i cut the slabs off i run the electric under the rib cage and than also use it to get the skin off , wouldnt use anything else in the kitchen perch take seconds to clean a regular knife is great when sharp, but like said for one or 2 fish where there is no power unless of course you get the battery operated electric one So electric is my vote
  6. Thank you Bly , Here goes nothing lets see how long i'm on hold
  7. no luck Joe , I cant get on there with either of the computers in my house , they are both running on the same router i'm regisister to NFN on this computer and the other isnt but neither can get on there ! its ben 3 days now and i cant egt on still
  8. i tired a system restore on my comp and still nothing hasnt worked for me in 2 days
  9. I'm having trouble getting on the Niagara fishing site , is anyone else ??? My girlfriend can get on the site from her house but i cannot can get on any other site i try just not that one ! I dunno whats up can someone help All it says is internet explorer cannot display this page Thanks Jeff
  10. i've had the same problem with mine , a 20 series PTi tour i took it apart and cleaned the inside seems fine now I was told by the quantum reps to send it to quantum and they will repair or replace thats why you pay the extra money for them apprently very good warranty , never had to use it though I have both quantum PTi and Stradics , me i chose Stradic
  11. yea heli coil, or go to a size bigger plug and re drill and re tap same idea but a heli coil will probably be better in the long run
  12. Love fishing with poppers !!!! they work all day as long as its calm out Crappie smash em, small and large mouth , Pike one of my favourite ways to fish when just out playing around in the boat or off a dock early morning or before dark my new favourite ones are the XPS poppers from Bass pro they go down to a nice panfish size and bigger
  13. there are some on Cabelas website as well but the reviews dont look to hot
  14. on my spinning outfits i reel with my left hand and hold with my right, same as my casting reels (left handed version)
  15. http://www.savvyboater.com/p-74-helmsmate-...on-handles.aspx
  16. Maybe a Revo S ... i like mine and they can be bought on E-bay for like 80 US, i have a few of them now revo S and SX
  17. i'd say Cv joint just from experience i'm no mechanic
  18. yea thats the one i think !!!! thanks
  19. the lake is east of Lake sKootamata..... anyone......
  20. My 14' is very stable , and never feel unsafe in it although common sense is Key ! stay off big water in high wind !! i have a pedestal seat up front and a 55lb bow mount and it hasnt thrown me in yet , Its a 14' Discovery wide and deep V hull , with flat carpeted aluminum floor and when i have another person in the boat i stand on the bench at the back by the motor as a casting deck as well , I fish out of that boat all winter in minus 20 degrees in the Niagara river And i feel plenty safe
  21. http://continuouswave.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/014043.html heres a link i found if you feel like doing some reading
  22. HorseShoe Lake near Cloyne or arden ?? I got an invite from a friend to go fishing at his cottage on this lake hes not much of a fisherman , i'm having a heck of a time finding any information on it like what kinds of fish are in there , and if its a rocky or weedy lake i'm mainly interested in pickeral fishing its in 2 weeks so no bass fishing Thanks in advance for any info!! we will be boat fishing so maybe a place to try in a joining lake Thanks alot this is new area for me and i'm only there for one full day
  23. i do the soap thing as well , learned it well washing the ATV on the lawn
  24. i'll make the Mold at work and we split the profit on your 150lbs of lead LOL jokes they are really easy to make though surprised they are so much to buy
  25. I'LL be at Toronto Motorsports Park getting sideways and watching race cars unless it rains than just #1
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