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Everything posted by Bondar

  1. I love the amount of space on the casting deck but i dont see the pedestal seat now what pound thrust electric ???
  2. Got mine last year in june
  3. http://www.wonderhowto.com/how-to/video/ho...g-reels-258663/
  4. I've been invited to a cottage on the BOQ two weekends from now , and i'm curious as to some things to try while i'm there for walleyes , Will be fishing out a frankfert i believe , at least thats what i was told , having never fished the lBay before I was just hoping on someone that could point me in the right direct on baits or what approach to take thanks for any help in advance
  5. Exactly what i was thinking Bring on the ice the boat is just coming out of storage LOL
  6. lots of Bass being caught at Queenston with the odd Eye in the mix , salmon will be in the pool shortly but its hit and miss you wont see many rainbows down there right now maybe the odd resident one , theres smallmouth in there Muskie, sheephead, carp maybe some lakers and some of the best scenery around
  7. not once have a seen a decent post from you Great fishing , nice catch Congrats
  8. nice fish !!!
  9. i got mine in unit 50 as well as my Dad
  10. Niagara Square has it all there , Rods reels tackle , leaders
  11. what kind of camera are you using?
  12. got her in the mail yesterday Quantum PT 20 Tour Edition picked it up on ebay for $104.25 WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better looking reel than last years blue tour editions IMO Oh and i've also had the problem with the pin in the reel handle of my tierra 2500 coming loose and near falling out so i peened the end with a punch and hammer
  13. i've never had a problem with any fees on items under $100 and i order quite a bit of gear from the US , you should be fine with what you bought
  14. Im in!!
  15. http://www.luremaking.com/catalogue/catalo...aints-index.htm
  16. the always seem to hover just below 5 , this year my best is a 4-14 good luck in your hunt , it'll come those are some quality fish no doubt
  17. http://www.lebaron.ca/english/thestores.htm
  18. you'll be ok with a 115 , it may be a little intimidating going up there your first time , Pretty much you'll be bass fishing in the lower this time of year , and in august your too early for the salmon and trout , there are some walleye that are in the river this time of year , there are resident trout in the river all the time but its nothing like november to june
  19. I happy with Paypal and ebay its so simple, over 100 transactions and no problems yet and I just picked up a new reel on there ,Brand new 2009 Pti tour and saved myself over 100 bucks , right place right time now i wait for the brown truck to show up
  20. had my stradic 3000Fi now for almost 2 years now and i'm happy with it , i use it in some freezing winter days in the boat for Rainbows and it has never seized up on me , the drag is nice and smooth , the only thing that has ever happened to it was the little clicker on the inside of the spool broke and it wouldnt click anymore so i brought it to the store and they gave me a new spool from the counter , i got the 3000 cause of the higher line cap but its the same size reel body as the 2500 All in all im glad i bought it, its been a good reel
  21. swamp chicken
  22. .1692
  23. i just bought a Quantum TE20PTI-B spinning reel 2009 for 104.25 on ebay not from that seller but there are still some deals to be had on ebay if you look WOOOOOO
  24. Sorry for the overload of pics thats Wiser(yellow) and Toby their best buds sorry i take loads of pictures of my dog Wiser is 4 1/2 and Toby is my Girlfriends dog and is 5 1/2
  25. i fish that river all the time in my 14' with a 15 hp , but Like said dont head up river unless you have some HP you can fish the drift right infront of the boat launch right to the point where the river turns its a back drift where the current goes back up river great spot i got a 5lber there , the middle of the river at that point has some fast water and whirlpools that can open up out of no where depth in the middle is around 150ft or better , so stick to the closer to shore you'll see when you get there what i mean, its pretty cool but respect it , it can send you spinning like in a toilet bowl , now down river just about every point will hold fish i use the electric to slow the drift and bonce bait off bottom , there are a few calm corners you can fish as well and it does hold some decent size small mouth for sure and muskie Also parking and launching shouldnt be a problem this time of year it seems funny but its busier in the winter time , I park at the bottom of the hill where it says no parking due to there has been some break Ins when you park in the top lot , in my eyes i'd rather pay the ticket, which i have never seen anyone get for parking down there but dont take my word on that its just a heads up http://www.outdoorsniagara.com/Maps.htm
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