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Everything posted by camillj

  1. I am considering heading eastward on Thursday ... just wondering if the conditions are right ... dont get me wrong ... I'm going out anyhows ... just looking for a reason not to sleep well tomorrow night Besides its been too long since my last glimpse of chrome ... but then ... there's also those big fat girls puttin on the feedbag up on the bay ... and team four still needs some Musky-inches decisions decisions !
  2. Wow ... thats great carma Cliff ... I always said... he cant be all bad if he's a fisherman
  3. If you are in the Toronto area I can recommend the master of tendonitis curers ... he uses acupuncture (with electrodes) ... one treatment for me and I was cured ... the guy is simply amazing ... its not free ... but worth EVERY penny !
  4. You are absolutely right ... not sure what happened ... thanks Doug !
  5. http://www.aventure-chasse-peche-video.com...9a6a17bef029331
  6. Scary ... as it is ... I May ... and I mean just MAY ... have been seen in similar shorts in the late 70's early eighties... but that could just be the scotch talking
  7. I got my 1-piece 7 foot Pete Maina from ... lets call him the musky king (LEW).... a few years back .. and although I paid a little extra for the totally AWESOME Calcutta CT 400B reel ... I must say it has been a fabulous rig ... even if we are still waiting for our first 50 +
  8. Wow .. has it been a year already !!!!!!!!!!! I am still waiting for my chance to see the new ride Wayne - I presume all the kiddy-barf and cigarette-butts are gone by now from last year's show BTW I have a three pound - 21" musky bait - which absolutlry requires a DOUBLE salty to hold her while trolling ... just waiting to be dragged around penetang bay
  9. Good for you bud !!!! I did it that way too ... am now at 606 days (and counting) ... I think the first trip into the wilds was the scariest .. I knew I was at least an hours drive from a smoke ... but it was the thing that actually made me KNOW I could do it ... enjoy your camp ... and the fresh air ... you should soon be smellng things like you havent in years ... I can now smell a smoke in the car ahead of me (even if their windows are closed) ...
  10. Well .. I thought about this thread today as I drove down the 401 and called in (not really sure if I was breaking a law yet) to the OPP to report a 6 foot length of 4" x 4" between the two outside lanes .. just waiting to cause a death .... I say use yer noggin ... and rememebr its better to be tried by twelve than to be carried by six.
  11. Well .. I can honestly say... as a fella who grew up in Agincourt (in the early 70's) ... many a Pheasant and grouse was fluhed out of the hydro fields between Kennedy and Warden (near Tam O Shanter golf course) .. not sure if they still exist though
  12. I always get the sportsmans licence ... not only is it worth the few bucks extra .... I happen to think musky... especially those 50+ girls ... tastes almost as good as sturgeon (flame away ladies ) Seriously though ... what is the difference between this and fishing on the upper credit where it is 100% catch and release ONLY ... what no speck pics allowed .. yea right !!!
  13. Great report guys ... what a chromefest ... and I was up north elbow deep in eavestrough-doo-doo .... oh well ... my time will come ... probably later this week ..... but just when I think I recognize it I see a stretch of creek that looks too sweet to be one of the ones I normaly play around in ....
  14. Thanks Solo ... that was supreme ... wow .... and as if the pictures werent enough a little (alot) poetic imagery to add to the appeal. Now I am in trouble for sure between the 'Bunk Tree river char last week and the Magnum trout this week I may never be able to focus on work again
  15. Really nice folks (I was there a couple years ago - to rent a boat) ... I love that part of GBAY for MONSTER musky ... be really careful though lots of shoals and strong current right off their docks - head out into the bay for Pike, Musky, Pickeral, Bass, Salmon, Channel Cats, Ling, Gar, Carp, oh .. and did I mention MUSKY ???
  16. Well ...if you actually do the speed limit on the off ramp from the 407 onto 404 northbound you're likely to get CREAMED from behind ... it goes from 100 (which is really more like 110+ for most) down to 30KM ... and the ramp is almost a half a mile long .... and I have seen ...more than a few times ...a friendly cruiser waiting just behind the first bend .... even when you 'crawl along' at your peril, you can easily be doing 25 - 30 over and have an 18 wheeler smoking up your rear .... in that case I would say theres probably more than a few who get the 'racing' charge where really they just didnt slow down fast enough.... 407 onto 427 south is the same deal ...slow down from 120 to 70 on a mile long straghtaway ....but then the old rule applies .. I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried away by 6
  17. Ah my favourite spot for late fall 'hos ... thanks for not photoshopping ... I would have thought it is still a bit early ... but ... obviously I was wrong .... nice job for sure and good to se they are still coming 'home' even though (I believe) the stocking of them has pretty much all but stopped in that trib.
  18. Pretty fish .. thanks for sharing ... and yes I can honestly say they are the best tasting fish (followed closely by Pickeral and rainbows) ... but I agree the populations in the smaller streams are really not able to sustain the fishing pressure unless the ministry really ups the ante on stocking .... on the other hand some of those real deep woods back lakes are special
  19. Graduated from Ugoo in 1982 ... prbably not much help now
  20. Wow, all I can do right now is book mark it ... and send the link to everyone I know ! Great story and awesome pic's !
  21. I just got a new courier .. real happy with it .... quiet and efficient,.. but the old 'cracked' thing is a gotcha that apparantly is an industry wide sales tool .... in any case if you gotta replace it ... (and better safe than sorry) might as well go with a well known brand ...
  22. Well gold was up almost 10% today ...markets rebounded almost 5% .... but truth is .. there is no safe haven ...CDN$ vs US $... even GIC's could be completely toasted if the bank goes down and you are over your CDIC limit ... but it in the bigger scheme of things it really depends on your goal .... excitement or safety ... right now to be frank the matress is looking pretty good to a lot of folks... me .... I still like tulip bulbs
  23. Been eating L.O. salmon and trout since I was a kid (and thats a long time ago)... I have found them both tasty and healthy ...in fact I would say ... the salmonids are a good barometer of healthy waters ... if they look or act sick dont eat them ... but if they look and act healthy ... well you're probably good to go ... but then .... I was a smoker for 25 years so... your results may vary
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