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Everything posted by ciceri

  1. haha, I can't wait for ice.. But, I guess you got some musky fishing to do still eh? We brought our marine railway and dock in the other weekend
  2. Nicely done Mike, thats what you were looking for.
  3. he had one.
  4. You can do it Mike!
  5. Nice fish man.. Me and a couple buddies went out lastnight to try for some too, didn't land any though, had few on, one destroyed my lure. Saw one guy get one up stream and it came running down infront of us, and jumped like 6 times 4 feet in the air, it was great.
  6. I saw them in the Midland Wal-Mart a couple weeks ago.
  7. Tried there last night, looking for Walleye with minnows, not a single one, friend did manage the biggest rockbass I've ever seen in person, 1 pound!
  8. Catch them then keep them, then kill them and fillet them, then fry them up and eat them, or give away to family/friends/neighbors.
  9. your telling me, seeing the fish thrash while the hook was in him made me cringe and grind my teeth.
  10. I had that happen with a largemouth bass.. This video was posted in my thread when I got my hook in the thumb. I tried pulling mine out myself, there was no way, it bloody well hurt man.
  11. Nervous? There's alot of college girls around town now, should give you something to do this weekend haha. I'm not around on weekends, but the best fishing is in the evenings though. We were out there tonight, 5-9, i landed 2 dink smallies and my bud got a sized rockbass, lol. Lot's of fish missed as usual. Hopefully the musky will start hitting soon.
  12. I use it and like it, pretty strong stuff. But out on Georgian Bay with all the rocks, it frays alot. If power pro had a white version, I'd use that.
  13. Thick.. I caught my biggest, 47", from a canoe as well, fun stuff.
  14. Wow, thats a large fish..... The first place winner has a long wait to drive that new Toyota truck he won, haha.
  15. Friend got a musky on a senko a few weeks ago.... We've gotten alot of musky strikes reeling our lures in across top of the water too.
  16. That's exciting, congrats Mike.
  17. Worms work good for us.
  18. Looks like a nice average 2-3 pound walleye... good job.
  19. We use the pink, and swirl, both worked great, time to stock up though.
  20. I got it as well
  21. she's a cutie
  22. Nice fish... His mouth/face kinda looks different to me.
  23. I use a 6'6" medium action rod with 10 lb fireline crystal for every fish I catch. Biggest I caught on it was a 47" musky.
  24. I don't fish for them much, but this was my biggest up on Georgian Bay, 38 inches.... And my crazy boat hair.
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