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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Right on Mike!!! Kudos to Dave Leechman
  2. COOL cake!!! Happy belated Dylon Leechman
  3. Awesome Terry Love the tune also Keep up the good work!!! Leechman
  4. Right on gino Beauties Thanks for sharing! Leechman
  5. Beauty report jasonl Real nice eye for sure Congrats Leechman
  6. Awesome Curt!!! That is some great news!!! Thanks for the update
  7. Thanks for posting your pics Ryan Those are huge kings for sure Congratulations Leechman
  8. Great report and pics evster Looks like you two had a blast.... got into some good quality bassin Congrats to your wife on landing that brute Thanks for sharing Leechman
  9. Looks real good Burt What time did you say I should get to your place again?? Leechman
  10. Awesome Grandpa Brian Congrats to your family Jacques
  11. Glad you guys are OK Cliff.... Up here we got some heavy winds and rain but nothing like the weather channel forecasted. Leechman
  12. It's always rewarding going out fishing with family and getting into some beauties!!! Glad your daughter was able to join you today.... must of did her good to get out with her dad Thanks for posting and sharing this great report with us Bruce Keep up the good work!!! Jacques
  13. WTG Jedi!!! Great job Some real nice ski's for sure Congratulations and thanks for sharing Leechman
  14. I use a pencil like you do but I make sure that the line comes off the top of the spool when I reel it onto. I brace the pencil between my legs behind my knees and keep pressure on the line. Never had any issues with line twisting. Or another tip is to spool it on the way you do and then once you are on the water... start your motor and engage it forward and let all the line out without any lures or swivels attached, then while you are moving forward, reel it all back in. Another would be to drop the new spool into water, start reeling and let it unwind freely all the while keeping pressure on the line. I would use a good quality swivel for your Red Devils. Leechman
  15. Dan, your host is definitely up.... just copied and pasted the url http://autoforums.carjunky.com from one of your pics properties and works just fine. Is this a site where you can upload pics to? maybe you've reached your limit and they decided to shut you down or may be you need to enable share options from where you uploaded them? Leechman
  16. Attaboy TJ You've just proven that a $3 rod and reel combo can catch some decent fish!!! Well done you guys Looks like a fun time was had in shooting the vids Thanks for sharing and again great job you 2!!! Leechman
  17. Great report and pics Dan Looks like you guys spent quality time on the water and got into some nice fish!!! Doesn't get any better than that!!! Thanks for taking the time to share your adventure Leechman
  18. No no Fish_finder.... look again, second pic is a smallie Leechman
  19. Sounds like you learned a lot on this trip Brian Thanks for sharing your adventure with us!!! Congrats to Gavin for landing that big brute Leechman
  20. Beauty report evster Nice looking bass!!! Congrats Thanks for sharing Leechman
  21. That is awesome Rich Good on you for taking them out Some real beauties in there!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  22. Cool Steve Another beauty!!! Congratulations Thanks for sharing Jacques
  23. Great choice Chris!!! I'll second that Leechman
  24. Busy couple of weekends tnt Some real beauties in there for sure!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  25. Beauty Johnny 5 minutes into it.... got to love that Thanks for sharing Leechman
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