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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Congratulations to both of you Governator Memories of a life time for sure! Leechman
  2. Hey Brian.... the rig looks mighty fine How about " THE MISS FISH " for a new name??
  3. Yeah.... was a painful puffer :lol:
  4. Looked like it was a wet one..... a lot of smoke after the flame :lol:
  5. Paul I know exactly how you felt.... that was the ultimate excitement in bass fishing Thanks again for a great day!!! Kev, we all should hit that lake this coming weekend.... I'm sure there's bigger ones swimming around Thanks Jay!!! Yes it will be hard to beat... your PB smallie you caught last night on Simcoe will also be a tough one to beat
  6. Beauty!!!
  7. Great report, fish and pics Chris Man those are some big football size smallies Congrats to Jaydub on his PB NICE!!! Thanks for sharing Jacques
  8. Thanks Brian!!! It was an awesome day
  9. Right on Steve and Kelly Congratulations on your win even with the added stress Leechman
  10. or one of those Sorry to hear about this.... that really sucks
  11. Up here it's nice and sunny and dry @25C..... just an ambient condition from the 35C + humidity we've had the last few days
  12. Yeah Kev I can't believe it either..... I love this shot also and you know what.... it's still swimming in there to be caught another day..... come fall this brute will put on a few more ounces and probably reach the 6Lbs+
  13. Right on TC1OZ Good looking snake!!! Congrats on your first Leechman
  14. Thanks Grant!!! The look.... may be because it's a different hat Thanks Ryan!!! won't be my last.... you can count on that Thanks LBH!!!
  15. Great report and awesome pics Fidel That was a long read and truly enjoyed it..... felt like I was tagging along!!! Good on ya for poping the big question and congratulations to both of you Thanks for sharing your trip with us Jacques
  16. At that size.... it's CPR for me Leechman
  17. Thanks BB!!! Thanks Glen!!! My medium action rod, spinning reel combo and 10Lbs mono got a real test from that brute
  18. Thanks nomad!!! Good luck on your hunt for them beast in Sep/Oct Thanks Rich!!! The big ones were in the shallows last Sunday and was surprised to see them there... Good luck to you
  19. Jim for your multi quote question.... here is the answer: When viewing a post, at the bottom right of every reply box there is a MultiQ+ button that is located next to the Quote" one.... click on it and it will change to MultiQ- Keep scrolling through the post and for every reply box that you want to select click that button..... then when finished your selection, go to the end of the thread and click reply.... the next screen will have all of the selected quotes that you have selected just like the ones in post Now for your second question..... I have no idea LOL Hope this helps! Jacques
  20. Thanks msp!!! Kidnapping won't work LOL But like Paul said... shoot us a pm next time your in our neck of the woods and we can arrange something!!! Thanks Tony!!! One word.... EPIC!!! Thanks fishman2202!!! 4-5 fow is where the big ones were!!!
  21. Beauty report and pics Sinker Congrats Leechman
  22. Congratulations Ryan and all involved Leechman
  23. Great report Bruce Sounds like you and your buddy had fun on this one!!! Beauty bass!!! Thanks for sharing Jacques
  24. Great report, pics and videos Jet Looks like you guys had a blast out there!!! Congratulations to all of you and kudos to Lloyd for putting you guys on an abundance of fishes!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  25. Sweet bunch of eyes Dr. S. That's going to taste great in the frying pan!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
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