******* UPDATE AT THE BOTTOM *******
Friday night is the time to unwind for most of us, but for me, just couldn't stand not doing anything.... so I went down to the basement and got my band saw and decided that I would make a Zara Spook out of wood.... my version of it.
After bringing it on the deck, started right away cutting a piece of pine to square it to 6"
Another shot
Once I had cut the piece.... I adjusted the the table top to 40 degrees so that I could remove as much as material around the piece for the next step
Here is the results
View from the top
and another shot on the table
Then I got busy sanding the piece with my sander to accelerate the pace and at the end had to use sand paper by hand to mold it to my likings.... here's a few pics
and the piece sitting up right
Here's a view of one end of the spook
and both ends completed
Finally finished
Got it painted and varnished
Tested it and she floats like a real trooper!!!
Hope you enjoy as much as I had fun making it!!!
********** UDATE **********
Today got busy again and wanted to make a popper.... needed some thinking about cutting the piece and counter sinking the mouth at the front. Don't have any pics of when I started but here is the results
Side view
Front view
Now all I need is to buy a skirt for it and she's good to go