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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Thanks ctdd!!! Yes his jigs are a thing of beauty and art. I'm also the proud owner of his awesome work. That is why I shipped him one of my spooks as a thank you gift. Jacques
  2. Bill, how long are the JR's?? in the pics there's 4's and 5's I can make 3" ones no problems if that's what you are looking for Jacques
  3. Here's an update on the color patterns other side Leechman
  4. Thanks Carl!!! Too bad that your father couldn't get a shot on that 10 pointer... would of been nice for the freezer. My brother and I were in new territory this year, had 23 acres of private land to hunt. A lot of pine and spruce trees that the deer can hide in. Had a bear that ate the apples that we had setup in specific areas for the deer.... never seen him during the day and never seen any deers either Ah well, there's always next year.... looking forward to it already Jacques
  5. Great report, fish and pics Mike Even with the lockjaw status of them eyes.... you guys still got into some beauties!!! Congratulations Sounds like a good time and thanks for taking the time to post your trip and sharing it with us Jacques
  6. Congrats on the ace richyb Nothing like seeing your shot go right in!!! I've accomplished that too.... a 156yards shot that landed on the front of green and roll across right in The funny thing was that a storm was coming our way and could hear thunder in the distance.... just before the swing.... saw lightning The clubs were retired after that accomplishment. Again great job richyb and good luck on the bow hunt!!! Leechman
  7. Great job Jet Nice steel!!! Leechman
  8. Right on Dutchy Congrats on that 4lber Beauty!!! Leechman
  9. Your season was better than mine.... at least you got to tag one Didn't even see any this year Great job on the buck and thanks for sharing Leechman
  10. Absolutely incredible Luc Success all around.... got to love that!!! Congrats on your harvests Thanks for sharing Leechman
  11. Ohhh my my my..... you were so close I'm sure it's just a matter of time before you get into your first Simon You'll get him next time.... keep up the good work!!! Thanks for sharing Jacques
  12. Awesome trip report Wayne Congrats to all involved on those beauties Leechman
  13. One word Drew.... *** PRICELESS *** Jacques
  14. Great report and pics Richard Sounds like fun and your dad's smile says it all Thanks for sharing Leechman
  15. Nice feed of panies Rob D Did Bruce tag along with you guys?? Your fathers welcome gift was put in the mail this AM. You can expect it end of next week Thanks for sharing Jacques
  16. Great report and pics Dr. S Got to love it when you can spend a whole day out there!!! Nice steel for sure Thanks for sharing Leechman
  17. Nice haul Bob Looks like you have your work cutout for ya!!! Enjoy your sweet meal Leechman
  18. Great looking buck Dale Nice symmetrical wide rack!!! What was the spread on that one?? Great job and thanks for sharing Leechman
  19. Beauty ski Pete Great way to end your season!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  20. Great report and pics spinnerbaitking Some real fat beauties in them pics Sounds like a nice peaceful day on the water with some great action!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  21. Very informative report and great pics fil Your quote: They certainly don't look that small to me Great job you guys and thanks for sharing Leechman
  22. Incredible Rick and on her first cast Congratulations Jewel What a hawg Leechman
  23. Chunky bronzebacks in there Chris Congrats on your winning and enjoy the wings Also congratulations to Jon on landing his PB That's a real fat one too!!! Thanks for sharing Jacques
  24. Beauty steelie hunter Great job!!! Leechman
  25. Glen your welcome my friend and I'm glad you finally got it.... I couldn't find any containers to ship it in so I had to create one out of pine..... and by the looks of it, kept it in one piece.... it's in the same position it was when I packaged it up Hope you catch a biggun with it!!! Jacques
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