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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Last year while fishing for whities on hard water, near the end of the day, moved to a spot and started jigging. Here's a excerpt of the post I made: "We headed for our final destination, the spot, the first time we set foot on this lake last weekend. Did not produce anything except for me getting almost a heart attack when jigging and feeling resistance on my line, only to see that I had snagged a long skinny tree branch that I was able to land on ice LOL My PB LOL" Leechman
  2. I hear ya skeeter.... ran out of poll options
  3. Thanks Dara!!! It sure does.... it sure does Almost 4 days and not quite finish yet
  4. This past few days, been busy making a cribbage board, another passion of mine and one of it's kind. Thought I'd use one of the plaque I made last fall. Had an idea and proceeded to it. Got the first coat of white on and a second Since I made this plaque last year after deer hunting, thought I'd stay with the same theme. Only thing I could think of was "SCOPE" and "TARGET". After numerous attempt at creating one, finally came up with this one It seemed to be quite fitting for what I was feeling and wanted to do. After a dry fitting for the look and feel, got to the painting stage Once this done, had to begin touch ups so that it looks clean. Here a shot after Then added the year to it at the bottom Now that was the easy part a couple of days later Next step would be figuring out the layout of the game. Had numerous attempts but after a whole day of trying, this is what I came up with..... this is the template I had finally done for it Secured it to the piece and started punching the holes with a nail and hammer..... this is another step that is quite time consuming Once this done, proceeded to drill the holes with the press-drill for a couple of hours Here's the results Now for the pegs used aluminum rivets, dipped them into tremclad in different colors in pairs. Don't have a pic of them but you can see them it the next pic Now all that remains is the final painting and 3 coats of varnish, then it's good to go Hope you enjoy Leechman
  5. I've never seen so many pics of big walleyes in one report Congratulations to the both of you on a great day Awesome job superdad Thanks for sharing!!! Leechman
  6. Great multi species report and pics gone_fishin Man that's a lot of nice fishes!!! Congratulations on a phenominal season and thanks for taking the time to post this report and sharing it with us! Leechman
  7. The trinkets are very well made, I just can't wait to try it One question: do you make those with 2 blades??
  8. Thanks Roy!!! You've raised a good point about the sturgeon.... I was checking the OMNR regs and those zones that are open it's S-0 and C-0 I think CPR is the only reason I can come up with... No problems Gov.... bass is open til March 31st 2010 in Québec
  9. Good luck to you Mike with them eyes!!! Got to remember, eyes are little finicky at times.... they go for the smallest minnows you can present to them and you can find them on weedy flats early morning and on drop offs Have fun this upcoming season!!! Jacques
  10. So in other words a short lip that resembled a crank bait??? If so, do like slope said You can't go wrong!!! Leechman
  11. Nice.... Thanks for the pic.... looks like a trolling lure to me with the long bill don't you think??? Leechman
  12. You all know Bruce aka bigugli... to make a long story short..... after exchanging a few PM's with Robert aka Rob D his son about the spooks I had made and the return of Bruce from the hospital, shipped him a couple of them for his dad's welcome home gift. Robert told me he would ship me some jigs in return and that was all good to me. Well today was the day.... my wife handed me the parcel when she got home and looked at it and saw "Beamsville ON"...... I knew right then and there it was from Bruce, got excited and was like a kid at Christmas time. When I opened the box I was in AWE..... here they are: A real work of art don't you think??? Thanks ever so much Bruce and Robert.... those will get put to good use, I promise Especially the harness I can envision a monster speck going for this one come next spring Leechman
  13. Sorry scuro never heard of them lures.... What are they?? Leechman
  14. I would of tossed it out too Dara Like Spiel said.... now I'm truly impressed also!!! Jacques
  15. I kind of figured that it took that long of a time, so much details in the piece..... INCREDIBLY BEAUTIFUL Again great work and hoping to see more cause that's the kind of work I like to see..... may be a little video on how to.... from start to finish in the future would be awesome!!! Thanks again Dara and keep up the great work Jacques
  16. Absolutely incredible Dara :worthy: Awesome work!!! I want to see more How long did that take you to make from start to finish?? I can see in the background that you have a good supply of wood Leechman
  17. Another tally cause I'm way off again After 71 votes on multiple choices Walleyes are the preferred species followed by Perch, Lakers and whitties Keep voting folks!!! Leechman
  18. Awesome PB kevin Congrats And welcome to OFC Leechman
  19. Love it Dara.... Awesome job man!!! Beautiful craftsmanship Take a bow sir..... you deserve it Like Tom said, please post your previous projects.... would like to see them!!! Thanks for sharing Leechman
  20. Cool video TJ Thanks for sharing your feelings with us Leechman
  21. WHAT You're spoiled J/K Awesome job msp on those big gators :clapping: Can't wait to see your bass report Thanks for sharing Leechman
  22. Thanks for sharing TJ.... good one
  23. Yeah tell me about it..... they sucked big time tonight
  24. Nice clean looking ski's Awesome work troutologist and congrats Thanks for sharing Leechman
  25. Great report Garry Loved the scenery shots Looks like a lovely place to be out on the water Leechman
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