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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Good luck Chris!!! Today was a real hard day on the waters edge for them square tails
  2. I love your little piece of heaven (The Pond) Bruce Always a great time spending it along it's edges Love the shot of the fry Tomorrow going out to a local lake for some square tails Only a few hours to wait Good job and thanks for sharing Jacques
  3. Awesome work young_one Good luck on your trout hunt Leechman
  4. Awesome aniceguy Very nice of them to send you pics to see the progress Looking real good!!! Leechman
  5. Well for me, going on my second year in July It's safe to say that I'm still a newbie around here considering others that posted. Leechman
  6. Love the first pic of the sunrise Simon Very nice and cool to be able to hook into a musky at this time of year and I think that was the best way to release that beast from them trebles.... in the water Little Jack certainly is growing fast and looks like he's enjoying his meal As always, great report, pics and videos!!! and keep them coming Jacques
  7. You had a great day to be out on the shorelines Bruce Great report and pics Thanks for sharing Jacques
  8. Awesome Fisherpete Congrats Leechman
  9. Thanks Ryan!!! No hooks on this one.... going to be a cribbage board Thanks Dutchy!!! Yes fishing is coming soon.... real soon LOL Thanks Bruce!!!
  10. How did this one slip down so quickly???? Man that's some big lings you guys got into Congrats Kev and co Did you keep any for the pan?? Some say it's very good eats Jacques
  11. I said it before and say it again.... you've got it pretty darn good up there Simon..... I envy you for being able to just setup in your back yard and catch some nice eyes like that Great job mon ami and keep them reports coming!!! Jacques
  12. LOL Thanks HTHM!!! Thanks Simon!!! Yes fishing is coming real soon... another 6 dodo's and will be teasing speckies
  13. Ah... you bored too Geoff Good on you for getting the kids room painted Leechman
  14. I don't know Simon but if the ice just gone.... I would use a slow presentation for them.... jigs rigged with live minnows might be your best bet Haven't fished for them this early cause it's trout opener soon and usually don't target bass cause opener is in June but I think jigs should get you onto some Hopes this helps and good luck to you Jacques
  15. Yeah I know he's a Sens fan
  16. Been raining pretty well since Friday night up here and has not let up one bit Was looking forward to the weekend to finally finish my deer blind but this frigging rain kept me from my goal Instead, worked on another project indoors.... and what else but create another unique crib board After sipping on a Coors light and looking at the label..... got inspired and started working on the templates. Heres what I ended up with Another shot of the three of them closely bunch The three of them overlayed Quite an undertaking in the making..... about 6 - 7 hours but was finally able to use them and make the cutouts with the jig saw, painting.... Haven't drilled the holes yet but will certainly work on that if this rain persist Anyhow here's what I've been able to achieve so far Still some work to be done and kind of like this one will keep you posted on the development. Leechman
  17. I don't know about you guys but them refs missed some pretty obvious penalties and did not call them Going to MTL a 1-1 tie... It's a good thing!!! Leechman
  18. Awesome waterwolf Nothing like a good feed of perch!!! Leechman
  19. Great report and pics Marko Got to feel real good about hooking into your first mirror.... Congrats 4 for 5 not bad at all for the opening Great job dude and thanks for sharing!!! Leechman
  20. I would boil it for a couple of hours just to make sure that there's no living organism inside the bone structure, then dip it into peroxide for an hour to blanche the bones. Peroxide won't harm it and will come out real white This is what I do with my deer antlers except that I boil for a whole afternoon. You can apply waterbased varnish if you like.... will definitely give it a shinny look but for me no need for it cause I re-construct the skull with paper mulch type substance so that I can hang it on a wooden plaque. Hope this helps and good luck with your project!!! Leechman
  21. Absolute beauty Terry Awesome way to start the season Congrats and thanks for sharing Jacques
  22. Thanks Dan!!! wrong wordrain is coming down now Had planned to seal the windows with cocking after supper..... Sure hope it clears up by tomorrow Stay tuned for some more
  23. I'm pretty far from you guys up here so for me it's the diversity of reports being posted that keeps me coming back day in day out Greatest site on planet with great knowledgeable people Leechman
  24. Beauty report and pics Simon I'm as surprise as any to see the ice up there vanish so early But you got to love being able to fish from your boat at this time of year For us over here, ice been out for some time now.... waiting for trout opener anxiously (April 23rd) but until then, working on my deer blind Melissa and I will be heading out on Friday April 23rd for some speckies Should be fun!!! Great job on the wallies Simon and keep them reports coming dude Jacques
  25. ************************************************************************ UPDATE ************************************************************************ Another update for you folks.... been busy framing the door and adding plexiglas on the front window. What a difference in temps compared to last week.... was real nippy today with that northern wind Instead of a sun burn.... got wind burn today on the deck Enjoy the video Cheers Leechman <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid732.photobucket.com/albums/ww321/leechman1/2010/Deer%20Blind%20Project/DeerBlindProjectUpdate5.flv">
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