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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Single tail, chartreuse, black, yellow and white for this padré
  2. Paint over the eyes and you won't have to decide which end to put the hooks
  3. Yet again another Leafs bonus
  4. Finally a penalty against the Leafs about time
  5. Second goal by the Leafs with the help of the refs pathetic
  6. What about the first goal by the Habs???? And don't tell me it's because of the penalty called... that was lame Referees are against them It's a one way game right now... in favor of the Leafs Let's see what happens in the 2nd & 3rd. I'll be back... second period just began
  7. No pokadot hunting this morning :( Snow storm put a damper on it :(

    1. Marko


      what a piss off. Spinning around on 417 couple of times was a red flag lol

    2. Rod Caster
    3. Leecher


      I had the car all packed and ready to go... but snow kept on falling... maybe tomorrow, what you think Marko?

  8. Pokadot hunting tomorrow :) Can't wait :)

    1. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      Hope you have a good spot...get it? ...spot? :D

    2. Leecher


      LOL Chad LOL I sure hope their hungry :)


    3. Leecher


      Got a new batch of salties done... should be spot on :)

  9. I like to use Power Pro Ice as my main line tied to a barrel swivel, tied to Trilene Cold Weather mono leader.... this for my jigging rods... for my dead sticks, dacron seemed to be the best durable wise IMO As for freezing / ice up, not much you can do about it... no matter type of line used, when it's cold, it will ice up or freeze. TJunkie
  10. Marc, salties I refer to are frozen minnows in salt... I use those on my dead sticks and more often then not, specks just like that presentation over jigging spoons or jigs. I've even got some on my jigging rods while they were in the rod holder.... go figure
  11. Yes it's beautiful up there for sure.... love it It's a great stress reliever for me when going up fishing. Thanks for the info on ice! Haven't been out yet this season and did not know the ice condition up there... now I have a general idea of thickness Thanks for the invite Marc! Would be an honor to meet / join you guys! Question: Have you ever tried salties for specks? The reason I ask is some times when their finicky, switching to salties triggers them to react and bite. Other times worms works great or Gulp products such as paste in pink, fish fry or 1" minnows. Tight lines Jacques
  12. Nothing beats a master teaching it's student got to love it Awesome job so far Chris & Chris Looking forward seeing to the end results!
  13. Awesome Marc I love catching specks thru ice Ice looks sketchy Good on you for making the best of it even in poor condition Can't wait to target them It should harden up the top in the coming days I'll make sure I'm ready for it
  14. The new skin looks mint Great job Roy This calls for a martini on the rocks even though I don't drink liquor... still warrants a glass in your honor
  15. Yeah and you should re-spool that reel before your next time out after this abuse
  16. Yeah, I know B... but I ain't uploading any videos to youtube just because of the new O/S upgrade on this site. I'll wait and see if PB get's with the program and produce new code for todays HTML language
  17. Looks like mono to me
  18. The fishing Queen strikes again :-O Congrats Julie!!! :)

  19. Looks like I'm out of luck after sifting through the Google kingdom no answer to this Ah well there goes the ping pong videos
  20. and if they still flip flop around when I get home... it's shotgun time... KABOOM!!! Uh!!! Ooops!!! I mean KA-KNIFE
  21. Yeah it does but still opens up a new window... not how it use to be where you clicked the play button and watch the video on the same page.
  22. Terry, Thanks for trying! I got the same results as yours using the direct link code. On the previous O/S we were able to embed videos as long as you had toggle the post option on "HTML Auto" before submitting your post. Now, it only seem to accept direct link causing to open a new browser window Hoping someone can find the answer to this. Jacques
  23. Hey all, First and foremost, great job to the mods & admins on the site upgrade It's going to take some time to get use to the new look and features that are available now Going through my past posts, noticed that the videos don't work anymore From the example below, you can see that the embedding code from Photobucket just isn't working: <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid732.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fww321%2Fleechman1%2FSoftwater%2520Season%25202012%2FTroutJunkies2011-2012Season.mp4"> Does this mean that I will not be able to post videos from PhB anymore? or will I have to find another hosting site for my pics and videos? Is there something that can be done to the new site to rectify this or am I sol? TJunkie
  24. Some solid fishing for you this past season msp even on limited time you did great Thanks for sharing TJunkie
  25. Nice going Chad & Co. Some good eats in them splakes You certainly having a great season thus far Thanks for sharing and keep them reports coming! Jacques
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