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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Nice shooting Doug I couldn't figure out either why the arrow was so long Twenty dollar shot
  2. Been kind of busy with this project the last couple of weeks and yesterday was a perfect day to continue working at it The racks / posts around my garden needed to be taken down and new stuff put in..... the idea was to install the same material all around...... amazing what one can do with a miter saw and strapping (1" x 2"s of spruce) Got 50% done for now and running kind of late in the season, so the other 50% will have to wait til next spring. Started with the tomatoes, I still have to staple plastic mesh around it..... got a small door installed to give me access when it's time to plant or harvest..... notice the hinges and wing nuts.... it opens from the the top Next, tackled the garlic box..... now this, had to put some thinking into it..... the height of the fence is 36" and somehow need access for planting and harvest so I decided to build small doors that can be removed from the top by sliding them.... suffice to say that I'm real proud of the outcome Here it is when all doors are down I still got this one to do and this one But like I said previously, running out of time..... will have to wait until next spring.... The rasberry plants has been cut down to normal heights and a couple of pine trees has been trimmed to my likings and so are the flower beds Now what would Thanks Giving be without one of these Hope you enjoy! Happy Thanks Giving Everyone Tight Lines Leechman *********** UPDATE *********** Since it was such a nice day today got a coat of stain applied Still got the doors to do Leechman
  3. Apple pie hands down
  4. Nice bow zeeter A nice surprise indeed Thanks for sharing Leechman
  5. Yeah was quite chilly overnight..... had to turn on the furnace for the first time this morning Can't complain about that..... got myself a nice bird too the frozen type that is Good luck tomorrow and be safe Jacques
  6. Thanks for the vid TJ Really enjoyed that Leechman
  7. Thanks for the tour Wayne That was absolutely awesome Looking forward to the others Again thanks for taking the time and sharing Leechman
  8. Not sure if this was posted before but thought I'd share.... This is a thing of beauty I want one Enjoy
  9. Father son duo fishing is the best times Sounds like you guys had fun along the shoreline Thanks for sharing Leechman
  10. Nice chrome SRT8 Leechman
  11. Awesome report and pics FisherMike Congrats on those beauties Thanks for sharing Leechman
  12. Yeah sounds like they had a solid game
  13. Yeah that's pretty much it Brian LOL and I hope you get to set your sights on a creature in the dead zone this season
  14. Well.... let me see..... your going to have to choose one or flip a coin
  15. I can fully understand your dilemma Brian, no fun at all but no worries.... I foresee 2 legged & 4 legged creatures walking along your stands this season Good luck shoot straight and be safe my friend!!! Jacques
  16. Nice going B Hope that they get it now that the signs are up.... if not I When is bow hunt starting? or as it already started Nice tree stands by the way J
  17. Excellent pic Wayne Sounds like a riot on the back lakes Looking forward to the full report of your summer Thanks for the sneak peek!!! Leechman
  18. Awesome Randy What time is supper again Thanks for sharing Leechman
  19. Here's the link you were looking for Matty Solopaddler PM Solo for details
  20. Hey Dr. Sal not sure if you made up your mind yet but here's a little video I made today to show you how easy is to disassemble and assemble a single barrel shotgun <embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullscreen="true" allowNetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid732.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fww321%2Fleechman1%2F2010%2F12GaugeSingleBarrell.mp4"> Hope this will make your decision a little easier Leechman
  21. Dr. I have a Baikal single barrell 12g that I use for grouse and I love it. I use #5 shot and very rarely miss a bird with it even in the thickess of brush. My very first gun was .410 single shot that my dad bought me when I pass the gun security course at the age of 12 I use that for the longuest time until I tried the 12g. The Baikals are very light and easy to clean and maintain. Great gun for starters I also like the added security with the cocking mechanism. Here's a link to the one I have Single Barrell Shotgun IMHO If you are only going to hunt for grouse, get a single barrel shotgun. Leechman
  22. Awesome details on that pic Skud Hope you have a doe tag this year Cause that's a nice one Leechman
  23. Great mix bag o'fish timmeh Thanks for sharing Leechman
  24. Nice looking walleye Steve and congrats on your second place finish Leechman
  25. Great report and pics TC1OZ I bet you can't wait to go back out Congrats Thanks for sharing Leechman
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