Been kind of busy with this project the last couple of weeks and yesterday was a perfect day to continue working at it The racks / posts around my garden needed to be taken down and new stuff put in..... the idea was to install the same material all around...... amazing what one can do with a miter saw and strapping (1" x 2"s of spruce)
Got 50% done for now and running kind of late in the season, so the other 50% will have to wait til next spring. Started with the tomatoes, I still have to staple plastic mesh around it..... got a small door installed to give me access when it's time to plant or harvest..... notice the hinges and wing nuts.... it opens from the the top
Next, tackled the garlic box..... now this, had to put some thinking into it..... the height of the fence is 36" and somehow need access for planting and harvest so I decided to build small doors that can be removed from the top by sliding them.... suffice to say that I'm real proud of the outcome
Here it is when all doors are down
I still got this one to do
and this one
But like I said previously, running out of time..... will have to wait until next spring....
The rasberry plants has been cut down to normal heights
and a couple of pine trees has been trimmed to my likings
and so are the flower beds
Now what would Thanks Giving be without one of these
Hope you enjoy!
Happy Thanks Giving Everyone
Tight Lines
*********** UPDATE ***********
Since it was such a nice day today got a coat of stain applied
Still got the doors to do