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Everything posted by Leecher

  1. Beans it really sucks when this happens hope it's not too serious and that you were able to rectify the leak
  2. That was a great show and I truly enjoyed watching It's my kind of fishing Way to go Jamie on your opening show..... loved it
  3. PM sent dude!!!!
  4. Merci Fidel!!! Ont était situés près du lac Pépin just en dehors du Zec St-Patrice au Nord de Fort Coulonge..... une cristi belle place pour placer notre camp Le pite de sable nous protègait complètement du vent C'était surper!!! La pancarte a été dessiné par mon beau-père free hand.... beaucoup de bon souvenirs de ce camp là
  5. Congrats to the dynamic duo Leechman
  6. OK Dan I'll send you a PM
  7. Great looking rig Stoty Congrats Now get her slimmed with BOQ eyes Leechman
  8. Thanks Simon!!! They sure have Thanks TC10Z!!! It sure was
  9. Just thought I'd post to remind you of the premier of Jamie's Big City Fishing show Looking forward to sitting down and watching it Congrats Jamie
  10. LOL Thanks Mike!!! That was the last thing on my mind but I could of
  11. Thanks Mike!!! Thanks Corvy!!!
  12. Back in May, had some water leaking in the basement due to a clog rain gutter..... got that unclogged but at the same time found out that the roof had a an indent at one end Posted a report about it on here.... here's the link Surprise and got some good advice about fixing it and doing it right by Gerrit A couple of weeks ago undertook the task of repairing the kitchen roof because it had rotten wood underneath and the shingles were at their last breath..... suffice to say that once all the shingles was stripped off, we could actually see the damage that the rain gutter down spout did. Did not take any pics of it but a friend of my brother came to inspect and gave me a quote on the repair cost and material needed. The quote was $150.00 for labor and roughly $160.00 for material. Well he was bang on!!! and now it's a done deal Took a few pics after it was all done Applying cocking on the nails and along the gutter's edge and today got the finishing touch done Rotten wood ain't happening no more at that end Thanks ever so much again Gerrit for the great advice Leechman Oppps.... I forgot to add this pic of my next project.... re-doing all of my garden fence posts.... started with the tomatoes...
  13. Thanks splashhopper!!! We sold the camp a few years back and it's still being used for moose hunting
  14. Nice eye for sure Congrats to your buddy Thanks for sharing Leechman
  15. Great report, pics and videos Simon Got a good chuckle out of the vid where you were checking in the minnows Sounds like you gona have to keep them indoors Love the vid of the partridge too..... that male was busy trying to get a female's attention.... he wasn't one bit interested in you If only you had your hunting license.... you'd of limit out on them Again great job on the bronze and gold Thanks for sharing Jacques
  16. Thanks Rod Caster!!! Best memories ever
  17. WOW Very impressive moemoe Real beauties Congrats Leechman
  18. Cool Roy.... Spending time with friends.... priceless Sounds like Michel is one hell of a carver
  19. Great report and pics Rich Sounds like you guys had fun even in the worst of conditions and made some good friends to boot Glad to hear of your dad's recovery and that he's doing fine now!!! Thanks for sharing your trip with us!!! Leechman
  20. COOL Here's to looking forward to another go at the unknown..... You know where it lives
  21. Thanks Jo-Anne!!! Congrats again to the both of you on your wedding
  22. Thanks Dusky!!! Thanks Rob!!! Glad you liked them Thanks WeedLine!!! They sure are
  23. I think your right Paul They've been flying over my house all summer...... first going to the Ottawa river in the morning and then over to the farmer's field in the evening.... sometimes vice versa I don't think I would risk a 12 gauge shot from my deck Leechman
  24. Congrats to the dynamic duo Leechman
  25. No kidding Paul.... them geese are active on a daily basis up here Will try to get some footage for ya soon Leechman
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