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Everything posted by Skud

  1. Well done!
  2. Beautiful pics. I got some nice pics from my moose hunt I have yet to post.
  3. Nice catch, and you learned a new pattern for catching them too. Who would have thought a Mepps laying on the bottom of the river would bring in the big one.
  4. I call it good times spent with the squirrels. Have fun. Looking forward to the report.
  5. Skud

    PB ski

    Sweet beast! Congrats
  6. Great line up of trophys. Well done!
  7. Cool! What gun did you buy?
  8. Love the pics of those gators Mike. Gives me the itch!
  9. Unreal!! Congrats!
  10. Thanks for the comments guys. A shout out to my son who snapped all those great pics of me with my trophies
  11. Love that first pic. Great colour.
  12. Sounds like a pretty sweet "drive to" lake. Those gators are pretty thick for spring. I would love to see a fall fish. Any reason why you don't hit that lake in Sept? The numbers may drop but the biggin's would still be there.
  13. Pretty cool! Sweet post
  14. Beauty fish. Nice pics. Thanks for posting
  15. Here is another pic of my buddy. His biggest pike before this trip was 32". He landed this beauty 42". He had a larger pike on a few days later but it snapped his rod and then his line. He will be back up there for another shot at a monster.
  16. I will just add some more of my pics to Adam's thread here. I was up at Eddie's with my son again. He was up with me two years ago and bested everyone with a 43" pike. He did well again but I got back the trophy with a 45"er and a couple of 28" walleye. Enjoy A flurry of pike. And some decent 'eyes The rare white sucker that was snagged in the back by a spoon. Last but not least my two pike that keep me going back. A heavy 42'er And my new PB 45" which Adam already posted. Being fully satisfied with my success I walked out on the river and hailed a plane which promply flew me back home. I will be going back up in a few weeks to chase down a Bull moose and catch more trophy pike and walleye.
  17. Great pics and report as always. Thanks for taking the time
  18. Massive fish with a massive head. Nice!
  19. When are you going to catch a walleye up there?
  20. Has this one been passed around? Was caught in.............lets say Simcoe.
  21. Good stuff. I will be up there in 3 weeks. Nice Chive gear!
  22. Sweet set up Terry. Jealous!
  23. Not 40lbs but still a nice, well fed fatty.
  24. Insane!!
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