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Everything posted by BeRad3000

  1. got some Lake St. Clair football photos to come!

  2. Is night fishing for lake trout good? IV never tried. I'm waiting for that opener.
  3. Can't wait! Cheers
  4. We would have to launch your boat by the culvert. You wouldn't want to drive in even if we could. Getting trapped there would suck.
  5. Check out this MONSTER!
  6. Well put DR. Everyone should put this much energy into long lining and the shark finning industry.
  7. Let's see some pictures...
  8. Anyone pull any Atlantics out of a lake O trib?
  9. You'll pull through, and there will be many more fish to catch.
  10. Can't say enough good things about that tune. Wait to go!
  11. Even i remember that
  12. AWESOME! I would also say it was a pretty good season. WOW!
  13. This has got a little out of hand don't you think guys. Were all on the same team. Team OFC. Good luck out there! It sounds like an awesome spot, i'll have to make it up there sometime this winter.
  14. WOW!
  15. Sweet post. Those fillets look tasty
  16. Welcome aboard. What kind of game fish do you have over there in Germany?
  17. He's hooked! Save the mini for the ice, thats funny that he pulled in his pb pike on it...lol
  18. Nice collection of fish, way to go!
  19. Its official your "The football King"
  20. Welcome, this is a great forum!
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