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Everything posted by BeRad3000

  1. i dont know the river, but sticking to the deep pools is always a sure score. And thanks for the reply on my sunset pike
  2. lol. Brings a new meaning to house boat
  3. I say if ain't torn to shreds, it's good to go.
  4. Those are some beautiful bass...and GF (wink..wink)
  5. Ya i know all about the red ants in the east end.
  6. Welcome Shore lunch. Sounds like some salmon fishing in the near future. I thought id send you your pic.
  7. Yeah i know the pb thing is getting old. But im kinda new to the sport. I fished when i was younger almost exclusively on my cottage lake which only houses smallies and lake trout. So to some it up i also caught my pb rainbow 5.6, largmouth 2.2, carp over 20, and even a not so smallie aprox 4+ on my lake(thats her in my profile photo) The pics and post for those are coming soon i have to gather the pics from my buddies camera. Its been a good first year back at the sport!
  8. Oh yeah she weighed in at 7pounds 11ounces.
  9. Im going to make this a quick one. Me and some buddies headed out to see if the we could find some pike, and we did! All and all the four of us all caught something. Three pike and one rod and reel combo, the problem with the rod and reel catch is that it was mine, and in the process it snapped. It was leaning against a bush and my buddy caught it on his deadly back swing. Luckily it was a Bass Pro rod and they have no problem replacing it within a year with the receipt. Its not like i'll be lying to them, it did snap on the back swing...lol Sorry about the pic quality, not sure if its my 2.0megapix camera or the resizing software. Oh the adventures of fishing!
  10. Nice report, sweet fish, i need to find me some of those back lakes!
  11. Awesome, thanks Greencoachdog.
  12. I agree with Canuck2fan, the president phfluger is great i picked up that reel in a combo at bass pro for taxes in 130 on sale the rod is a bass pro extreme 6'6" . Great combo!
  13. Thats awesome! Enjoy the toys
  14. Hi everybody this is my first post so bear with me, i think iv got this all figured out. I was having troubles with the picture part. Me and a few buddies went down to the pier for the first time this season to try our luck on some pike. The first one is me, only my second pike EVER! Not very big but still my pb (i plan on changing that very soon) All and all we got five that day, i want to share the rest of the pics but it looks like that first pic took up all the room, i guess i still need some help. Once i get this down pat you will be seeing alot more of me. IM HOOKED!
  15. Nice smallies!
  16. Sweet What a Monster!
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