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Everything posted by BeRad3000

  1. Nightime with glow spoons is the way to go. Cleo's are my weapon of choice.
  2. What derby was that?
  3. Sweet fish! I gotta get out there!
  4. Thats amazing! Your one lucky dude
  5. I stumbled on it searching "Ontario fishing" I later found out my buddy had been lurking for years. We both joined about two months ago. I'm lovin it. Thanks!
  6. Good advice, thanks.
  7. I wouldn't doubt it. I hate when they get hooked bad like that, but i guess it happens from time to time.
  8. I unhooked the snap off the spoon, had the camera pre ready snapped two quick picks and got to work. We had a spreader and long nose pliers. He had the spoon right in the what i call the tongue, he was already bleeding a little bit but i got the hook out quickly. Should i be cutting the hook in this instance? He did swim away, which makes me happy.
  9. Try wacky rigging them with little elastics, you can find them at Bass pro shops or on their website, you could prob find an o-ring of the same size. You just slide the elastic over the senko to the half way point and then slip your hook between the senko and the elastic/o-ring. I hope that helps, oh ya and i use braid for senkos and didn't notice a difference.
  10. Jitterbug for night fishing(black)
  11. Hey guys. Im heading up to the cottage for a week Im going to try to catch me my first laker, i was wandering if anyone had any advice. I believe it can get as deep as 90 feet in parts. Jigging spoons or trolling em?, live bait? trolling depths? structure? Anything would help, and hopefully i'll have some pics to share! Thanks in advance.
  12. Nice laker, i will be targeting those for the first time this week.
  13. Man you guys know where to find biggie smallies. A tagged fish thats pretty cool, why do they do that?
  14. I think its because you can steer the fish better with its head and pull him through the water as apposed to dragging him through the water sideways.
  15. Never fished there, but iv done well with all the colors mentioned. White 5" i find to be the best.
  16. Oh ya. Can't wait to get my first. The time has come
  17. Congrats, nice ski! Those look like some cool baits, i'll have to check em out.
  18. ENJOY !
  19. Really cool store, but after a 3 hour drive it probally won't stand up to it's reputation. Id wait till i was in the area. Really cool store though.
  20. Some beauty bass. I'll will be hunting the bronzebacks all week at the cottage, hopefully i bag some like yours. To bad you didn't catch the tail wrangler. Next time right...
  21. Post #10 Axe-slinger supreme! Group Icon Group: Members Posts: 111 Joined: 14-October 07 From: Downtown Toronto Member No.: 2,464 I picked up a Pflueger President in and around the $70.00 range and it is super smooth and light weight and I haven't had any problems with it as of yet. http://www.pfluegerfishing.com/products/products.php?p=12 I agree with Billy. Iv got the same reel combo'd with a BPS rod, im very impressed. So smooth! Got the combo on sale $99 excellent value.
  22. Great post! Really nice pics and fish,. It looks like the little guy is hooked already
  23. Me and the boys are heading to the kawarthas. Going to try some new waters on a familiar lake. We got some new softbaits and are ready to go. Hopefully the post will be plentiful with pics. Goodluck to everyone this weekend, it looks like its going to be a good one !
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