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Everything posted by Clampet

  1. Thanks fer the insightful report. I got a feeling the colder temps might push the fish deeper.
  2. You must be tough yong feller, I see you have no hood on that coat. How long were you out on the ice for?
  3. Well decided to give the new equipment a try (**New** Normark Finbore Micro 6" Hand Auger, and 39" ice sled). I reckoned that because of the low temperatures, the fish prolly wouldn't cooperate, but I wanted to test my new purchases and introduce the wife to the pleasures of ice fishing. (and yes, I will make an appointment to have my head examined). Well, I was correct about the fish, not biting, and was pleased to hear that the better half was impressed with the newly acquired cold weather accessories (boots, mits, etc) allowing her to take on one of our coldest days without feeling any cold whatsoever. She claims that she will come out again. I tell ya, when we got out of the car to don our heavy clothing (no we were not naked) it was quite sobering. The shear velocity of the North wind sweeping across the lake, went right through us, as we struggled to put on all the trappings to keep us warm. I mean, if you were out there in regular jacket and pants 30 seconds in the wind, you were completely chilled, no exageration, 30 seconds Anyway, once we got dressed and got the equipment into the sleigh, off we headed face into the wind. But now, oh joy, oh bliss, the cold no longer had any effect. I must have asked Catherine a dozen times if she was ok, if she was cold, and she answered no everytime, that she was quite warm, can you beleive it, warm! So we walked halfway across Cooks Bay ( 15 minutes or so) and took shelter behind an unoccupied ice shanty to get out of the merciless gusting wind. Like I said, no fish. I beleive the same result was had by several other hopefull brave souls, as they picked up and left shortly after we arrived. Here are a few pics of the event, and accompanying video link to the New auger in action. Our shiners kept well and free of ice in an insulated cooler: Couple pics of me, testament to the wind.. Here is the Fin Bore cutting thru 9" of ice demo Notice the Windlass Tip-Up? Note: It's my 1st time with this model.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cE6mwWivYq4
  4. I have used the Windlass, by HT Enterprises. I modified it by making nickel sized washers out of discarded plastic pop bottles, and putting two of them on the shaft of the line spool to act as a drag. Otherwise, it is difficult to set the drag, it is too loose or too tight.
  5. One of our board members, Pamela D. has such an incline as well. Painting actually, owls an such.
  6. No worries there. Friend can take the pictures, if I'm lucky. Hope I don't freeze to death. I don't think the fish will bite, because of the cold, but I just gots to try that new auger.
  7. Thanks, tguys for the quick response. That's what I thought, but ya never know.
  8. That's him! Boy did Chris talk the big talk, didn't he? He was in fer a surprise too....didn't know what hit him!
  9. Can a person accompany a licensed angler on a fishing trip without a license if he does'nt fish, just take the odd picture.
  10. I was in a similar situation on Jan 19 when I went to Lake Nipissing. By the the time I got to the proverbial snowbelt (Barrie) it was a white out off and on for about 2 hrs. White knuckle driving, and more stressfull and tiresome, but I made it. The wife read her book, and was very nervous... she didn't want to look at the near invisible piece of road. I find that my polarized sunglasses help immensely, and without them I would not be able to see a thing.
  11. Anderson Silva is amazing. I like the way he shut that reheaded punks' mouth, I can't remember his name.
  12. Welcome Blineboy. Nipissing used to be my home waters.
  13. You poor man. That must be frustratin'. If it makes you feel any better, I bet the fish were off the bite due to the extreme temps. Take your time, next time. Make a list (and sharpen those hooks).
  14. Welcome to the board, take yer shoes off an stay awhile.
  15. The sad part is, if your into ice fishing, the darn fish turn off when the temperature dips. The fish can sense the cold even under the ice. They go to the bottom where the warmer water is. If you are looking to fish relatively shallow (less than 20 feet), you will probably not get a bite as the fish move to deeper water.
  16. Lebarons, $84.94. 6".
  17. This auger telescopes to regular lenght. No need to get on my knees (at least not for fishing)
  18. Picked up a new Normark Finbore Micro-Drill. It collapses to just 19.5 inches, which makes it a dream to pack.
  19. Rich, I unnerstan some of dem modls come wid da Peanut Filter
  20. Thanks fer the heads up Motivator. Just wonderin'... Do you commute between Penetang and the GTA every weekday?
  21. I just came in from outside, and Cliff you are correct. The wind she be blowin, bye, and the temps are a droppin'....brrrr!
  22. Urbanangler, Just wondering.. was that open water or on ice?
  23. Lorissa, Can't wait to see them beuties. If I go back to Simcoe, I will concentrate on the deeper waters.
  24. North to Alaska I'm headin' North The rush is on. Good luck, and remember the survival skills we discussed with the board members. Keep in touch.
  25. Keep on posting reports, or replying to other members' posts, until you reach 500, or invest in a 22 to 30 something foot boat, get to know a Lake and where there are fish to be caught on a consistent, I mean consistent basis, have an advertising budget, and....voila, you too can be a guide. See, it isn't that big of a deal. (at least the first part).
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